This Just In...

TOKYO - A 95-year-old Japanese man who took up track only three decades ago has run the 100 meters in 22.04-seconds, a record for his age bracket, according to media reports.

Well, I figure 8 days into sobriety I could beat that. Unfortunately, I had to sit down and rest twice while I was trying to step off 100 meters.
Heck I have trouble walking to my mail box sometimes,LOL
So how are you doing today? Congrats on Day # 8... That's great! What symptoms are you having other than lack of energy? That always takes a little longer to return.....Did I read somewhere you had trouble sleeping last night? How long have you had the restless legs now?
Restless legs haven't been a problem, it's cramping feet. Other problems too numerous to mention. Actually, just the usual. Cravings, irritable, no appetite, cravings, grumpy, cravings, general poor attitude... oh, and did I mention cravings?

I'd have to die to feel better.
Gee, are you having cravings? lololol

Hang in there. You're doing really well, though you mightn't feel so. Don't give in. The cravings won't kill you, but the drugs will.

Take care,
Aww sorry to hear your feeling so bad on Day 8... Have you tired pottassium pills,banana's,vitamins or a bar of soap at the foot of your bed? There is also something out calling leg cramps. It may work for feet cramps to.. All you can do is get by another day. Watch some tv, try and eat, take a hot bath , read a book, some go to meetings and just occupy your time...To much thinking makes it worse. This too shall pass.... It really does get easier. I promise:-) Rae

Ps. Are you done with the Klonopin? Or do I have you confused with somebody else?
Hey Patriarch, I just had to post real quick to tell you that I find your sense of humor while going thru this hell just amazes me! I like the way you just accept what you are going thru and try to make the best of it. Congrats on day 8!!!! That is awesome!!! Tomorrow can only get better -- right?

Patriarch......I just did the 100 meters in 15 seconds flat

The bad news is I did it without getting off the couch !!!!


You are doing awesome, hang on to the sense of humor, your gonna need

Around day 8 or so for me, I was laying on the couch (my trusted steed), and hubby asked if he could get me anything. The conversation went sorta like this.

Hub: Can get you anything?

Me: Ya, about 3 vikes.

Hub: Now, you know that won't help.

Me: Well DAMN you then, just get me a gun.

Hub: So your gonna shoot yourself over a stupid pill.


We both cracked up laughing a few minutes later. God bless him.

Hang in there... Good times are coming!

patriach, i just wanted to stop in and say congradulations on day 8 great job!!!!