Tim - " Cause You Had A Bad Day...."

" you're taking one down,
you sing a sad song...." ( Daniel Powter )

I am so sorry about your dental problems, caps, shattered teeth, a bleeding mouth and it all costs so d***n much money. And, I know this has been going on for weeks. It just Sucks!!! I hate it that you are going through it.
And cars ( trucks ), they're great....when they're running. But, gawd, I hate to spend money on tires or any car repairs!!!

So, let's rewind ------

" I know this will probably piss you off, but..."
" I am trying to help by calling your bullsh*t..."
" Don't project " [ horrible things, that will make it worse. ] and " it won't serve you" and " take one thing at a time, one day at a time" and " all that mental masturbation simply creates stress..." ( Not sure what that means, but, it creates an interesting visual ) [ and all of this ] "bullsh*t doesn't mean jack if your insides are crumbling..."

These words of wisdom that have helped many, many just in the last week or so. That is ONE of the reasons that everyone is rallying around you. But, sometimes lifting people up so often can take its toll. And sometimes cr**py things just happen.

Now, let's go forward.------

From your posts, I am led to believe that you surrender to something bigger than you ( or, collectively all of us ). I think that, also, means Trust and that means opening your heart and believing in yourself and knowing that God ( or the Universe, or Spirit, or Source ) is loving, friendly, and is supporting you.
I think it,also, means Faith, the belief that God is on your side.

Ride it out, allow all this stuff to work to your benefit.
( I know, easy for me to say and I may be whinning in a day or two, I hope someone reminds me of this). You are a recovering addict. To go through that and come out the other side shows the courage, strength, and spirit that make you the remarkable person you are. This is a bump in the road.

Your meeting will help - " Make it happen " [ Tim ] ! Sincerely, Gracie

P.S. It is Day 14 for me, thank you for being one of those who have helped me get this far.
Gracie-That was one of the biggest gifts I've ever awaken to.Thank you so much.
It is better today.........well, at least it's different.LOL
Congratulations on day 14.That's a miracle.
You're welcome!
Gracie...you rock.

I am waiting for the hindsight posts you make about this dental experience. I know you are learning tons right now...you just haven't read that chapter yet!

I am just so damned awed by your strength and courage. Gracie is right, it is going to get better!

About the Friends house, it is every Friday night, and it is free. Go, sit and look up...you will be amazed at what that window into heaven does optically to your eye and spiritually to your head/heart.

During Quaker "meetings", people just sit and meditate or contemplate, whatever in silence...of course you are free to speak, if so moved. It is very informal. (ummmm, I am thinking I should have written this yesterday maybe???) lol, anyway, you will enjoy the way that space feels inside the building. As a landscape designer, you will love the integration between the inside and outside...it is very beautiful, and I don't think I have ever seen wood (as in the furniture) honored in such a way.

Hiram Butler is the person who is in charge of the space. He also owns a gallery in the area where the Menil is located. You should check out his gallery, really beautiful things there. Houston has so much!

Have a wonderful Saturday, the weather in north Louisiana is divine! I have been painting outside for 3 days now, it is awesome! (not the paintings, the experience)!

Peace to you.

Hiram Butler is the person who is in charge

Wow Sarah....I know that guy.How wierd?? Yes,I will check it out.Thank You.

Sharon,It's so good to see you back to your old self.I really followed that ordeal a couple of weeks back and it was just friggin strange.It's like you know when something ain't working in your soul but you keep listening to all this interference.
You are the only who knows what's in your heart.Always listen to that.

I'm off to make a buck.....and that's exactly what I will be making.LOL
Well there you go! The world just really isn't that big, is it??? *smile*

Have a great day today!
