
Where are you my friend? I started a thread for you to vent and haven't seen you since? Everything ok?
Hi Lisa,I'll go check it out.I've been up to my ears in it.Thanks
I just read what you wrote on the PO thread...I agree with Hilary..repeat after us..NO NO NO. And stop hating yourself, you're worth this, you know that. Maybe stop going to to yoga and just buy a tape?
I'd suggest some Alanon meetings but I don't want you guys to throw my a*ss off this site....LOL

Do something different. Check your motives and find a new instructor or here's a thought, become an instructor yourself.

Glad you said it Stacey because I would never....but, it sounds like a good idea and not just for Timmy boy.

I like the suggestion of becoming an instructor too...you would be so good at that Tim. They way you are with people...isn't yoga all about love and kindness and all that mushy, spiritual s***?
isn't yoga all about love and kindness and all that mushy, spiritual s***?


Some of the most dysfunctional people I've met have been yoga teachers.Women and men.
Here is my little analogy of a typical yoga instructor[no judgement,just observation]
Middle aged,past affiliations with anti-war subversive tactics,experimented heavily in the late 60's and 70's with psychedelic drugs but were strict vegetarians.Lots of sexual experimentaion with both sexes,multiple marriages and partners,highly educated but brain too scrambled to focus.Lots of abortions or children from several marriages.Children's names like Star or Moon or Dirt or some s*** like that.After years at conventional jobs and corporations, becoming a yoga instructor is a good way to become self employeed surrounded by like minded people.

Not there is anything wrong with this.........

and I would make a lousy yoga teacher.It would be like Judge Judy teaching yoga."So you can't get in that pose? Well,you're an idiot."
I would be that Judge Judy instructor...

I had one yoga session in the early 90's. I had won a trip through Lean Cuisen (I'm not kidding) and was able to bring a friend with me to Carmel, CA. We stayed at the Ritz and it was all about mind, body and soul crap..the session was taught by some famous guru who started the whole yoga craze in CA, Lee something, or something Lee. Anyway, he PICKED on me throughout the entire thing! Guess my chakra was off or some such BS.