To Justonemore:

Your post to me sounded angry. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset, I thought the other poster was young but you are not, well happy #50! I really think quite highly of you from your posts. Maybe you just don't want to believe my posts on treatment could be that great or really true?? Why, have you researched? You said you'd talk to substance hosp., if you research it takes 'several' articles to arrive at a semi-clear picture and even then some info. is not in articles. That's why I contacted those working on GVG. I have followed this treatment for about 7 years. Legal in Mexico, England, Canada, etc., but not U.S., though clinical trials approved by FDA in Jan. A 20 year journey and counting. Does it not make sense that a biochemical disease would have a biochemical treatment??!

I wouldn't have understood articles if I had not researched different addictions 'cause' and effects for the last 10+ years. You thanked me but then said to stop promoting the product, and that you question my motives. You said many question my motives here. Who else? I'm sorry to hear that. I'm not a salesperson at all, I've worked in medicine, mostly nursing. I do understand meth addiction well, not only studying it, I have lived with several close relatives that were/are meth addicts. First cocaine, then meth. Extreme addictions. I've lived this hell for many years, 'every' day. They live a worse hell than me in many ways, I see it and feel it. They look very unlike themselves, and act very unlike themselves. It was my pain that led me to seek out what the scientists have learned about various addictions, all the dangers were depressing and hopeless, then I read they were working on 'treatments'. They haven't panned out till now with gvg.

I'm sorry I sounded preachy or like this treatment is a fix all for everyone. It is called an excellent or good treatment, and doctor told me 'it really is a miracle'. This gives me much hope for people. The words that I used in my posts were the exact words used by the scientists in articles I've read on gvg or vigabatrin, and maybe that's why it sounded like a sales pitch., but I live these words of hope everyday. I have boxes full of addiction articles I printed by gov. science labs. I would not use my opinions, just the scientists words, I'm considered an honest person, traditional values, and still get compliments. If this treatment doesn't break addiction for everyone, then there will be other better treatments from what I've read about it.
I don't think I'd be alive now if I didn't have this hope. It's a most serious situation possible where I am, and I rely on God and this treatment, which I truly believe He sent to help people. I'm a bit older than you and not well. As I said in post, telling people about this treatment is my life's work. We all want to have a special purpose in life. I thought I would be helping people here, not upseting them by relaying treatment information from scientists.

The National Health Institute's NIDA director, Frank Vocci said "Developing a medication to treat cocaine addiction has long been a research priority. The available treatment offerings for these individuals as well as people addicted to meth. and other stimulant drugs are exclusively behavioral, as no treatment medications have yet proven effective." The NIDA head director, Nora Volkow, who used to work at Brookhaven on GVG, mentioned it and other possible medications in her last report to congress. There are people from clinical trials out there right now living normal lives, finally. Take care, you are a special person.
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