Hi to everyone - I have been an off and on poster but definitely a reader. Today is day 60 for me off vicodin. I used this drug for a total of 10 years and was using 4-5 pills a day for the last two years probably. I weaned down to 1 pill a day, then went cold turkey, then went through w/d for a week or so. It's been rough and I am in an intensive outpatient recovery program that meets 3 nights a week for 3 hours a night for six weeks, then tapers down to two nights and then one night a week. It has been extremely helpful. I am also attending AA and NA meetings when I can. This has been a great place for support and meetings others. I wish I could say I feel great, but I don't. I continue to feel kind of fuzzy headed, tired and definitely emotional, but I am riding this out and just living day to day or "now" to "now" in some instances. I guess I can't expect to feel all better after so many years of abusing myself. I also realized that as far back as college I have always been addicted to something or another. Used pot, coke, a little meth, occasional alcohol and then the pain pills. So, I really have more than 10 years worth of addiction to get over. It's tough learning to live sober but I now have 60 days.
Maggie, congratulations on 60 days, hang in there, the fuzzy head slowly goes away in time. Try to exercise and eat well and things will get better.
Hey Maggie! Congratulations on 60 days! That's great after 10 years! I want to think that the reason we are both still fuzzy headed is because we used for so long. My run lasted 8 years, and at 120+ days clean, all days are not a walk in the park. I feel good mentally 85% of the time, but still do not have much motivation. I force myself to do things my heart really isn't in to. I am hoping that changes soon. LOL
But it is great being clean, isn't it? I applaud the new you! It does get a little better each day, so do not ever give up! Take care!
Way to go!! I know it is painful, but well worth it. And, oh how I remember the fog..I thought that would never pass, and thought that I had damaged my brain beyond repair. But, luckily, you will clear up. Exersize always helped me with that. Keep on going, you are on the right path Maggie...
That is great news Maggie!!! It sounds like you are well on your way recovery from years of addiction. I know what you mean about being fuzzy...I know that I need to confront inner feelings and issues that for years I stuffed with pills, and befor that booze. So to expect clarity of mind in two months is not totally realistic for many of us. I'm at about 10 weeks clean and I just finished an IOP program, I regularly go to aa/na meetings and I see a counselor weekly. Today I have hope in my life. It's not perfect, but it's so much better than it was just a few months ago. For me it's all about getting totally honest with myself and for the 1st time in ages expressing feelings that I've suppressed for years. It kind of sucks at times, but for the most part it is personal growth that is necessary for me to not slide back into old patterns and behaviors.
Thanks for sharing and please keep us informed of how you're doing. It really helps us all.
Thanks for sharing and please keep us informed of how you're doing. It really helps us all.
60 days is a BIG BIG milestone, you should be proud, I understand the fuzzy thinking, it seems to be less and less as time goes by. Although I still have my moments. You are doing great, especially considering your length of addiction. Way to go!!!
Best Regards,
60 days is a BIG BIG milestone, you should be proud, I understand the fuzzy thinking, it seems to be less and less as time goes by. Although I still have my moments. You are doing great, especially considering your length of addiction. Way to go!!!
Best Regards,
Thanks to everyone who posted - I appreciate the feedback. Last night I presented my first step at IOP -- that was difficult but a relief. It's good to hear from others who have gone before and can share their experiences.
Congratulations Maggie. Thank you for sharing your success with us. 60 days is great!