Today's thought from Hazelden is:
Simplicity and greatness go together.
-- Monty Cralley
We have probably heard the phrase Keep It Simple thousands of times. It's possible we are mystified by it, even yet. So many things in life have seemed complicated: getting an education, starting a new job, advising children and friends. Not many things can be pursued without careful consideration. When we have approached situations carelessly, we have often blundered badly.
Keeping it simple means doing only the next right thing, not a sequence of fourteen things all at once. To keep something simple means to focus on only a tiny bit of the problem at a time. If we employ a little hindsight, we'll quickly recall how many situations began to improve as we attended to just a portion of them.
God never gives us more than we can handle. How many times have we heard that? It means we'll always be shown the way to handle something little by little, very simply, in exactly the order we need the information. Don't we see this is how it has always been? Why would it change now?
Today I need to listen. I don't need to figure out all my problems at once.
I love's not up to me to put all the pieces of the puzzle together. I can give it to God. The part about Him not giving us any more than we can handle? Not too sure about that one...I've reach critical mass. If I get one more thing, I'm over the edge. Seriously.
The part about Him not giving us any more than we can handle? Not too sure about that one. |
That phrase never used to bother me. I've probably uttered it myself a few times. But in the last year my feelings about it have changed. I can't tell you how many times I've been told that, along with all of the other usual platitudes, and every time I hear them I just want to punch something.