Told Her.

She said she had her suspicions, and was only upset that I did not let her help me in my withdrawal. She reminded me back when I met her in college, the things she did, and she said she had no right to be mad at me, it made her sad though that I was going through this.

She actually warned me about the 12 step meetings(based on my personality), and felt I was on a right path. I told her I wanted to continue going to meetings, which she does not have a problem with either. She was more surprised to find out how i got to stop hanging out with my best friend, but agreed with me 100% on my handling of it.

It is such a relief to get this out in the open with her. She does not wish to go to meetings with me (at least at this time) and I will not force her to.

The wedding date is still set for next may, but with 100% open honesty. I really never expected to tell her this soon but last night's meeting and dinner really inspired me to.

Thank you for those who have supported and encouraged me to make this final decision. - Chris
A steak and fries would inspire my husband to. Shantel

That's awesome. I'm glad you walked through your fear of telling her and I am glad that she is a supportive partner.

Chris, if it is all in the open then why don't you invite her here to read all about your personal struggle with those that you don't agree with here. Might open up some dialogue. Just a suggestion of course.

My guess is that you don't do that for a reason. My husband reads this board all the time. I am sure she would find some insight especially on the families and friends board.
Kee Kee, I typed in chris36 and let her have at it, she found most of the responses to be disgusting, and she doesnt think I should come here anymore. I promised her if I focused on the negative aspects of this board I'd leave it, which I fear is a point I will ultimately come to. Everything, including this board is known to her. - Chris
Actually Shantell it was an english burger and fries. :)

Not a good game today, we got 119 or so left to play, Dont count us out yet. - Chris
OMG...are you for real. The constant victim you are hey Chris. If this place is so disturbing to you and your recovery. Why oh why do you keep coming and spewing the same old crap daily.

Every post that has your name on it is either locked and/or deleted. Is this a conspiracy Chris? Come on...when will YOU be responsible for your own actions and reactions.

I personally am not sure of you at all in any sense. I am perhaps starting to think that you are making all of this up and playing games. This is of course my own opinion and I am entitled to it just like you are entitled to yours.

I have been here a while and I have never seen anything like this....are you having fun yet?
In the approximate 1 1/2 hours you have been back, you have been able to post 5 or 6 messages, including one long one, and have her read 230 of your post and we (for simplicity sake) will assume only one response, a total of 460 messages. Now, lets say your long post that got deleted took, oh..15 minutes to write, so thats a total of 75 minutes to read 460 post, or 9.7 seconds per post (and there were some LONG ones there too).

Kind of liked Data from Startrek..he could read the whole Starfleet operations manual in like an hour..but then, he was a robot.

And still have time for whoopie in between. Chris you are the man. Shantel
Kee Kee, I in no way view myself as a victim. :)

Danny...RFLMAO....kind of exactly what I was thinking. Hmmmmmmm...strange isn't it?
Who said we had whoopie Shantell? :) The night's still young though. - Chris