Too Strange........

Frank it is 9:06pm

6 :06 here so there is 4 hour difference.

Frank do you mean a 3 hour difference..LOL

Just wanted to see if you were paying attention. Ya 3 hours is right. Hows your husband feeling. Did i get that 3rd letter right ?

Frank LMAO>>>> yeah right, men they can never admit when they are wrong LOL>>>> My husband is fine, he is still in some pain but all in all he is doing good.. Yes you got the third letter right... LOL...

I'll let you know how it went when I get home. I have no idea how long it lasts but you said you're useally up .I would guess i'll get home about 9:00 or 1:00 your time.

Frank,, Good I will be anxious to see how it goes for you, If I am not on then just e-mail me and let me know.


Gonna have din din now. Hope to talk later. If not, good luck at the meeting. And If nobody is there, I would lie and say there was if I were you.

Frank have a nice dinner with Mom... LOL>>> I will remember that.. but lets just hope that will not happen..LOL