Interesting Article
Wow. You ARE still alive.
I can't read the article as I'm surf blocked but last night I heard on my nightly news they might have found a pill to cure alcoholism so being the good alcoholic that I am I stayed up to listen to the report...
They reported that Topomax, a migraine medication has been found to help cure alcoholism and my son Tyler asked if that could be true? I told him it's misleading that it could possibly curb the cravings, maybe even stop cravings but there is no cure for alcoholism because it's more than just not drinking....
A wonder pill cannot change my attitude, it cannot fill the hole that used to be in my gut, it cannot stop the racy thoughts, it cannot fix the ISM in the alcoholism....
I understand maybe it can help heavy drinkers and that's great but if you're an alcoholic, a true alcoholic like me, the only thing that keeps me clean & sober is working a recovery program and working on myself....Alcohol was just a symptom of my disease.....
But like everything else in society right now, the quick fix is what people are all looking for...Today I am grateful that I can understand that my disease is not only physical but an emotional and spiritual malady that the 12steps can help me recover....
Thanks for letting me share....
They reported that Topomax, a migraine medication has been found to help cure alcoholism and my son Tyler asked if that could be true? I told him it's misleading that it could possibly curb the cravings, maybe even stop cravings but there is no cure for alcoholism because it's more than just not drinking....
A wonder pill cannot change my attitude, it cannot fill the hole that used to be in my gut, it cannot stop the racy thoughts, it cannot fix the ISM in the alcoholism....
I understand maybe it can help heavy drinkers and that's great but if you're an alcoholic, a true alcoholic like me, the only thing that keeps me clean & sober is working a recovery program and working on myself....Alcohol was just a symptom of my disease.....
But like everything else in society right now, the quick fix is what people are all looking for...Today I am grateful that I can understand that my disease is not only physical but an emotional and spiritual malady that the 12steps can help me recover....
Thanks for letting me share....
Alcohol was just a symptom of my disease..... |
You know when I first started working my program I honestly did not understand what alot of the big book or phrases like the one above meant. I thought it is b/c I'm not intelligent enough to understand it. I would read something over and over and still not really get it. But every once in a while I read something like the above statement and a light bulb just comes on and I get it! I think when it's time for me to understand something my HP reveals it to me!
Thanks for sharing that Stacy!
Thank you, Rhonda for sharing that...I needed a smile this morning....
And that is the beauty of the program and I love learning and growing on a daily basis...My HP, God speaks to me through others so I love going to meetings and hearing what I need to hear....
And as far as reading the Big Book, I read it over and over and each time I do, there's something I've missed or something that stands out that I didn't get before...I use my trusty highlighter and can see how I've changed since the first reading....
You are a beautiful spirit, Rhonda and I've watched you grow so much over the last couple of months so thank you for sharing your journey with me....
I think when it's time for me to understand something my HP reveals it to me! |
And that is the beauty of the program and I love learning and growing on a daily basis...My HP, God speaks to me through others so I love going to meetings and hearing what I need to hear....
And as far as reading the Big Book, I read it over and over and each time I do, there's something I've missed or something that stands out that I didn't get before...I use my trusty highlighter and can see how I've changed since the first reading....
You are a beautiful spirit, Rhonda and I've watched you grow so much over the last couple of months so thank you for sharing your journey with me....
Thank you so much for saying that. My morning just got better! I've learned alot here from people like you. I love my meetings too. I love the sharing and fellowship and learning and growing and..........I could keep going on and on! I am just so thankful that today I am clean and sober!
Hey everyone:
Boy - this made me remember someting - when I was big into Lortabs and I was out - so getting ready for the horrible W/D's - I thought about alcohol - I made myself a Vodka and OJ in the early afternoon - took 2 sips and made me sick. I'm glad it didn't stick - Knowing me and my addictive personality, I would be walking to the Liquor store if I had to and don't know if I could stop it - I don't do anything halfway - took tons of pills - would probably smoke 4 packs of cigarettes a day and drink gallons of booze if I became an alcoholic.
At a meeting there was a man who was probably in his 60's - he had been clean for more than 20 yrs - lost his wife, children and home - he was qreat b/c he could relate - he had been where most of us were - he said he went to 9 meetings a week b/c he didn't know which one was keeping him sober.
One guy said that he didn't think he had a problem, he just drank e'day when he got home and only took a nerver pill when he was upset. Tom, the speaker said that he remembered those days of coming home to a little V&V
(vicodan and vodka)
Did anyone else try alcohol thinking it would take the place of the opiates?
Oh, I do know a guy who took the pill e'day and it kept him from drinking - he said that if you drank, you got so sick - it would be 2-3 days in the hospital. Sad, his wife took the children and left him and he called his pharmacist and ask him how many days he needed to wait to drink after stopping the pill - pharmacist told him the truth - 5 days - and then he went on a binge - ended up in his driveway with a bad shoulder.
He is taking the pill again.
Love, Becky
Boy - this made me remember someting - when I was big into Lortabs and I was out - so getting ready for the horrible W/D's - I thought about alcohol - I made myself a Vodka and OJ in the early afternoon - took 2 sips and made me sick. I'm glad it didn't stick - Knowing me and my addictive personality, I would be walking to the Liquor store if I had to and don't know if I could stop it - I don't do anything halfway - took tons of pills - would probably smoke 4 packs of cigarettes a day and drink gallons of booze if I became an alcoholic.
At a meeting there was a man who was probably in his 60's - he had been clean for more than 20 yrs - lost his wife, children and home - he was qreat b/c he could relate - he had been where most of us were - he said he went to 9 meetings a week b/c he didn't know which one was keeping him sober.
One guy said that he didn't think he had a problem, he just drank e'day when he got home and only took a nerver pill when he was upset. Tom, the speaker said that he remembered those days of coming home to a little V&V
(vicodan and vodka)
Did anyone else try alcohol thinking it would take the place of the opiates?
Oh, I do know a guy who took the pill e'day and it kept him from drinking - he said that if you drank, you got so sick - it would be 2-3 days in the hospital. Sad, his wife took the children and left him and he called his pharmacist and ask him how many days he needed to wait to drink after stopping the pill - pharmacist told him the truth - 5 days - and then he went on a binge - ended up in his driveway with a bad shoulder.
He is taking the pill again.
Love, Becky
Interesting story Jean. I like you, tried the alcohol when I ran out of pills and yep, made me sick too. Just made the withdrawal symptons worse. I did drink when I was younger, but when I discovered pills it was easy to quit drinking. I don't doubt for one minute though that I would be an alcoholic if I hadn't found pills. Anything that took me out of my head, was a good thing for me.
There is no cure for addiction in my opinion. You can stop and you can live a happy life, but you are just one drink, one pill, one smoke, one gamble (etc) away from losing the battle. Just as there is no cure or miracle pill for cancer. Yet.
There is no cure for addiction in my opinion. You can stop and you can live a happy life, but you are just one drink, one pill, one smoke, one gamble (etc) away from losing the battle. Just as there is no cure or miracle pill for cancer. Yet.
I felt like a dummy after it made me sick - I had told my s-in-law about me and the pills she innocently mentioned that she knew a girl who started drinking to stop the pills - well, that was all I needed to hear - and off to the races!
Thank God we didn't get hooked on the alcohol - I do wonder if it's the hardest thing to kick - since it is so easy to get - all you need is an ID or a fake ID -
little money and that's it - don't even have to go through the acting of trying to convince a DR that you need it.
I felt like a dummy after it made me sick - I had told my s-in-law about me and the pills she innocently mentioned that she knew a girl who started drinking to stop the pills - well, that was all I needed to hear - and off to the races!
Thank God we didn't get hooked on the alcohol - I do wonder if it's the hardest thing to kick - since it is so easy to get - all you need is an ID or a fake ID -
little money and that's it - don't even have to go through the acting of trying to convince a DR that you need it.
That's why I'm so grateful that I'm not an's so damn easy and socialbly acceptable to get. I feel for those that have to battle that everyday that they drive by a liquor or grocery store. Although, I have to admit, I made it my business to make getting pills just as easy. We become so good at drs never knew what hit them.
With the great strides the Medical Community has made regarding addiction, and the rampant amounts of younger people becoming addicted, if a new medicine will help someone stay clean, off the streets, and be productive tax paying citizens, I am all for it.
Whether or not they decide to seek face to face support to assist them along with the medication, then all the better.
I have more respect for recovering alcoholics than anyone, it is all around us.
Pills are a bit harder to come by.
Whether or not they decide to seek face to face support to assist them along with the medication, then all the better.
I have more respect for recovering alcoholics than anyone, it is all around us.
Pills are a bit harder to come by.