well this week has been not, so good, on monday, my brotherinlaw diead, from ahartattack, just went to sleep and never woke up, on thusday, we went to the shouing, it was vary hard becuse my hubby and i are seperated, but he came, ,well that nite i came home and did not see my dog, someone let her out, when, we left, i thot she was in my bad, a lady comes to my home and asked if i have a dog, well i looked all over for her, she was on the front lawn, and, no one say here she was all most daid, i pick her up, and the lady that came to tell me, workd at a vet, sara my baby, was in my armes, almost gone but she staed alive for me to say my good,byes, im, going away after cristmas, for 3months, to get off the meth, and get better, i have a vary big famile and thay don,t no all thas, happen, this past year, im trying to stay strong for my sister writ now, ive gain so mush waight, from the meth i hate it, time to make some good changes, keep me and my famile in your prayers, thanks karen.
I am so sorry about your bil and your dog, such sadness.
But in all of what you wrote I am so happy that you are giving yourself your time and planning on going away. This might be the biggest and best of all gift you can give to yourself
I will keep you all in my prayers and I hope that your son is well
Take good care of you.
I am so sorry about your bil and your dog, such sadness.
But in all of what you wrote I am so happy that you are giving yourself your time and planning on going away. This might be the biggest and best of all gift you can give to yourself
I will keep you all in my prayers and I hope that your son is well
Take good care of you.
Hi Karen - I am so sorry for all of the sad things that have happened to you this week. That is really sad. I am very glad to hear that you are getting help for your addiction. You are getting a great gift to turn your life around. Things will definitely get better once you get off of the meth. That is a terrible drug. I know it will not be easy but it sounds like you really want to get off of it. That is what is most important. If you want to do it, you can do it! Believe it! It's not easy but it is simple. For me my problem was pain pills. Someone told me to stop taking pills you have to stop taking pills. Simple but not easy. I guess its the same for meth. I followed instructions one day at a time and today I have 63 days off of the pills. Every day I feel better and better. My head is clearer and I can finally get on with my life. It's horrible having a secret from your loved ones. I know about that. Once your family knows you will feel like a weight is lifted off of your shoulders. Are you seeing a doctor who is sending you away for the three months? Maybe you can talk to him between now and Christmas. Maybe go to a 12 step meeting in your area. Or maybe talk to a minister or priest. Also it is nice that your husband paid his respects to your sister and to you. That means alot. Again I am sorry about your brother in law and your dog. Come back anytime you want to talk. Good luck! Alice
thankyou, for your careing thots, i talked to my sister last nite shes doing ok, shes a tough cooke, maybe to tougf, im doing ok today, thanks again.
Hang in there. Are you still going away for rehab after the holiday?