Trying To Plan An Intervention

I am trying to plan an intervention for my brother. I've been worried for months, but finally the signs are too strong to just sit and wait. I know he is using coke, shrooms, X, pot and acid. A friend just confirmed that my brother's roommates are heavy users, and we both suspect that he is also selling. My goals are to at least get him professionally evaluated (and hopefully in a residential program) and in a new, clean living space.
I'm getting some really great support, and then I also get - "Well, I talked to him today, and he sounds fine."
Has anyone out there done an intervention? Has anyone had an intervention done for them? I really want to make sure I get this right, so I'm looking for as much info as I can get.
Please, please respond. I'm feeling very overwhelmed by this experience.

Thanks in advance.
I'll certainly be tracking this topic. I have the same questions and need the same sort of help. Thank you for your post! Best wishes. Please e-mail me if you would like to-
What KIND of intervention are you talking about specifically?
I'd like to know more about this, please. :o)
I don't really know. My brother has admitted using. He has been addicted to SOMETHING (alcohol, Xanax/Valium, crack/coke) for ~13 years. He's 30 yo now. He "knows" what he should do; that is, he says he should go to AA. I "know" that he's the MVP in this horrible game and that other loved ones and I are part of the the support team, but he's calling the plays and holding the ball. I really don't know what I mean by intervention, other than getting together with him, our mother, and a counsellor/pastor to encourage him to seek help . . . He's absolutely miserable.
I have the same sort of situation with a dear friend. She is addicted to crack. There is a number you can call to help you with an intervention, it is 1-800-422-3213. Good luck.
I also have a crack addict brother who only admitted his addiction after what is called an intervention. He had relapsed strongly, lost himself for three days and ended in the hospiatl, as times before. So my other brother and our sister in law (her wife) picked him at the hospital and took him directly to the specialized in addictions Psyquiatrist who new exactly how to direct the interview in order that my brother broke his pride and accepted he needed help.

I really recomend a specialist in addictions whom you can talk to, beforehand. He will know by all means how to help you, your family and specially your brother.

For you I highly recomend the Al Anon meetings. This program will help you separate healthily from the problem. It sure did wonders for our family. We also took a family therapy with an addiction specialist (very, very important) wich helped us during the very terrible moments of relapse, and rehab.

Lots of luck on this long but hopefull trip

Dear worried sister,

The following sites are all the official sites. Most are 12 Step Groups. They all have meetings listed on their sites. You want intervention you will find it here. Just remember one thing you are not responsible for your brother's choices.

for the addict:-

For the family and friends of addicts:-

I wish you and yours the best on your road to recovery.
Its a bit of a relief to know there are others out there experiencing this.. My boyfriend has a coke/alcohol addiction.. Its ruining all of the relationships in his life (including ours, obviously) except with those who use with him.. I dont know what to do, he doesnt even seem to care anymore at all about anything.. He's also selling. I talked to him about it and he did his best to convince me that there is no problem, when he hasnt slept in 3 days and cant even look me in the eye... I cant stand watching him disintegrate before my eyes. I know everyone says to leave him, but how can I leave the one I love in his darkest hour... I at least want solace knowing that he will be ok.. what do I do?