I am babysitting two new kids and they are driving me crazy........ God give me the strength to get through today. The boy talks constantly I mean he has been here two hours and hasnt come up for air yet. They make my own three kids look like saints. LOL!
I feel for ya. My three kids are enough, I couldn't even imagine dealing with someone elses right now.
I used to watch a set of twins for a neighbor after school about a year ago, that was the last time I offered up any neighborly good will. Those boys drove me crazy, and would not listen to one thing I said. pure evil spawn.
I feel for ya. My three kids are enough, I couldn't even imagine dealing with someone elses right now.
I used to watch a set of twins for a neighbor after school about a year ago, that was the last time I offered up any neighborly good will. Those boys drove me crazy, and would not listen to one thing I said. pure evil spawn.
I always said I should of raised cats lol
Boy, did you bring back memories. I feel for ya, when my oldest was one and a half, I decided to babysit full time for a little girl her age, for the money as well as for companionship for Nicky. They were both in diapers and the mother neglected to tell me that Crystal (the kid I babysat) had a little habit of not liking naps, and to just put her down in the crib, and she usually falls asleep within ten minutes, what she DIDN:T tell me was that if she happened to poop while in the crib, she would dig in her drawers and smear it everywhere she could.
So, the first (and last) time this happened while I had her, I put her down for her nap, she got really quiet really fast, my Nicky was napping and I was happy.
I checked on her about half hour later and here she is, standing up in the crib with s*** smeared on her, the crib, the walls, EVERYWHERE. I was nice enough to give the mom my two week notice.
When my kids were little, I babysat off and on but didn't really like it, mine were enough!
Good luck to ya kiddo.
Boy, did you bring back memories. I feel for ya, when my oldest was one and a half, I decided to babysit full time for a little girl her age, for the money as well as for companionship for Nicky. They were both in diapers and the mother neglected to tell me that Crystal (the kid I babysat) had a little habit of not liking naps, and to just put her down in the crib, and she usually falls asleep within ten minutes, what she DIDN:T tell me was that if she happened to poop while in the crib, she would dig in her drawers and smear it everywhere she could.
So, the first (and last) time this happened while I had her, I put her down for her nap, she got really quiet really fast, my Nicky was napping and I was happy.
I checked on her about half hour later and here she is, standing up in the crib with s*** smeared on her, the crib, the walls, EVERYWHERE. I was nice enough to give the mom my two week notice.
When my kids were little, I babysat off and on but didn't really like it, mine were enough!
Good luck to ya kiddo.
oh my gosh brair, that is hysterical. I would have died. The two twins I watched had a really bad habit of hitting people between the legs. My husband would get so pissed when he came home and the first thing he got when he walked in the door was blow to his boys..lol. I told the mother what they were doing and she said "its just a phase", ya try telling that to my husband and son who were walking around in constant fear. I was so glad when they moved.
LOL OH that made me laugh!
I love little children. But in the middle of detox? I'm afraid there's no way on this planet.
My kids are 25 and 21 so having little ones around would be an experience anyway.
I hope it gets better.
Got any good children videos to distract him for awhile?
I love little children. But in the middle of detox? I'm afraid there's no way on this planet.
My kids are 25 and 21 so having little ones around would be an experience anyway.
I hope it gets better.
Got any good children videos to distract him for awhile?
Thats a good one, its hard watching other people's kids on a regular basis. The thing that gets me tho is when you get taken advantage of.
I was/am fortunate enough to be able to stay home with the kids. I am thankful for that because these days, not many moms get to do that and then get crapped on for working and "leaving" their kids with someone else, well, newsflash, people have to live. And I give tons of credit to working moms because they not only have their job, but they have their job at home which never ends. I don't know how they do it. My hats always been off to working mothers.
Anyway, since I was a stay at home mom, people always assumed I had nothing to do and would dump their kids on me for whatever reason, within reason, I can understand it and am happy to help, but some people just took it to the limit so far and I hate to say no to people, but learned really fast.
Now my husband is retired (retired early, he's 45) and my baby is going into first grade in the fall so I want to go back to work. I have a fourteen year old daughter (boys aren't too bad yet) that is getting VERY expensive. And extra money would be nice. We sacrificed alot with my staying home, but that was our choice and I'm glad I did it.
I was/am fortunate enough to be able to stay home with the kids. I am thankful for that because these days, not many moms get to do that and then get crapped on for working and "leaving" their kids with someone else, well, newsflash, people have to live. And I give tons of credit to working moms because they not only have their job, but they have their job at home which never ends. I don't know how they do it. My hats always been off to working mothers.
Anyway, since I was a stay at home mom, people always assumed I had nothing to do and would dump their kids on me for whatever reason, within reason, I can understand it and am happy to help, but some people just took it to the limit so far and I hate to say no to people, but learned really fast.
Now my husband is retired (retired early, he's 45) and my baby is going into first grade in the fall so I want to go back to work. I have a fourteen year old daughter (boys aren't too bad yet) that is getting VERY expensive. And extra money would be nice. We sacrificed alot with my staying home, but that was our choice and I'm glad I did it.
I totally understand the mind set that if your home, people seemed to think you have nothing better to do than sit around and watch soaps. I do work part time, Mon, Tues, and Wed morning, so I know how difficult both can be. My boss is really cool and lets me work when ever I want as long as my work gets done, but its the job at home thats neverending. The most rewarding thing for me is that I am the most influential person in my childrens life, plus family helps watch them while I am at work. I really could not have been blessed more. My hat goes off to both stay at home moms, and working moms, no matter how you slice it, its a tough job.
I totally understand the mind set that if your home, people seemed to think you have nothing better to do than sit around and watch soaps. I do work part time, Mon, Tues, and Wed morning, so I know how difficult both can be. My boss is really cool and lets me work when ever I want as long as my work gets done, but its the job at home thats neverending. The most rewarding thing for me is that I am the most influential person in my childrens life, plus family helps watch them while I am at work. I really could not have been blessed more. My hat goes off to both stay at home moms, and working moms, no matter how you slice it, its a tough job.
Yea Michelle, it is a tough job, but worth it, even tho sometimes it doesn't seem like it. I am looking forward to going to work, I used to sell advertising, then I was a realtor for awhile, but not too long because its actually expensive to be in that business till your established.
But its been so long since I've worked, I don't really have any skills anymore, but I'd like to try something with animals. I also always thought medical transcription would be cool, I have a friend that has her own business and does it from home and makes about 40K a year.
But we'll see whats around when I'm ready which probably won't be for another six months till I'm walking right again.
I can see where moms get addicted tho. The energy, the wanting to be a supermom, and all that. I read somewhere that way, way back, evidentally opiate addiction is very old, that it was generally women that got addicted because they were bored, made sense sort of, do you think? Its nice talking to ya.
But its been so long since I've worked, I don't really have any skills anymore, but I'd like to try something with animals. I also always thought medical transcription would be cool, I have a friend that has her own business and does it from home and makes about 40K a year.
But we'll see whats around when I'm ready which probably won't be for another six months till I'm walking right again.
I can see where moms get addicted tho. The energy, the wanting to be a supermom, and all that. I read somewhere that way, way back, evidentally opiate addiction is very old, that it was generally women that got addicted because they were bored, made sense sort of, do you think? Its nice talking to ya.
I don't know about the boredom causing addiction, but I tell you what the need to be "supermom" is what got me. Plus the lack of adult conversation...lol.
I was a manager for a primate research center (please no one flame me over animal rights), and was making big bucks, but the constant feeling that I was failing as a mother made me give it all up. I took a job as a biologist doing genetic testing part time, my boss pays me real well, so I have truly been blessed. I know all to well the sacrifice thing. My husband keeps asking when I am going back full time, I keep telling him I am in part time retirement...lol. Anyway as my youngest gets older (he's two) I will start working more.
Good luck finding a job. Working with animals can be very rewarding. I really miss my monkeys, they loved me. I still visit them, and sneak them treats when I can.
I was a manager for a primate research center (please no one flame me over animal rights), and was making big bucks, but the constant feeling that I was failing as a mother made me give it all up. I took a job as a biologist doing genetic testing part time, my boss pays me real well, so I have truly been blessed. I know all to well the sacrifice thing. My husband keeps asking when I am going back full time, I keep telling him I am in part time retirement...lol. Anyway as my youngest gets older (he's two) I will start working more.
Good luck finding a job. Working with animals can be very rewarding. I really miss my monkeys, they loved me. I still visit them, and sneak them treats when I can.
Wow Michelle,
You sound like a very smart, educated person. Interesting work. I've always had a thing about monkeys, kinda afraid of them, I was at the zoo once a long time ago and one ran up to me like if the cage wasn't there, he'd jump into my arms.
Scared the crap out of me.
So, if you dont mind, tell me about your career and whats up next after the baby gets older.
All we all need now is a central location and a bunch of coffee!
You sound like a very smart, educated person. Interesting work. I've always had a thing about monkeys, kinda afraid of them, I was at the zoo once a long time ago and one ran up to me like if the cage wasn't there, he'd jump into my arms.
Scared the crap out of me.
So, if you dont mind, tell me about your career and whats up next after the baby gets older.
All we all need now is a central location and a bunch of coffee!
Well right now I basically do genetic testing (PCR), on rodents. The principle being is that some of these animals have certain genes that make them more likely to get a Parkinsons like syndrome. Once we identify which animals have the genes, then we give specific drugs and study the effects.
We also do narcotic studies. The whole reasoning behind this is to study the effects of addictive drugs on the brain. Pretty sad I allowed myself to get addicted, even after I know all the bad stuff that happens. I can tell you this, it is amazing how the drugs affect an animals behavior. A rat that would normally be timid, and try to get away from you, is literally waiting at the front of its cage for its next dose.
I totally love the field that I am in. I know how to perform c-sections on animals, and suture wounds like nobodys business. I sometimes think about going to vet school, but with kids and stuff, don't have the time.
There is a saying in my field, its america's best kept secret. Most high school graduates can get a job at entry level as caretakers and make 28-30K a year.
We also do narcotic studies. The whole reasoning behind this is to study the effects of addictive drugs on the brain. Pretty sad I allowed myself to get addicted, even after I know all the bad stuff that happens. I can tell you this, it is amazing how the drugs affect an animals behavior. A rat that would normally be timid, and try to get away from you, is literally waiting at the front of its cage for its next dose.
I totally love the field that I am in. I know how to perform c-sections on animals, and suture wounds like nobodys business. I sometimes think about going to vet school, but with kids and stuff, don't have the time.
There is a saying in my field, its america's best kept secret. Most high school graduates can get a job at entry level as caretakers and make 28-30K a year.
What is your education level for that? Its really interesting. And I'm sure you do get alot of crap from animal rights activists, but you know what? I think that just like cows, God put these things on earth for our benefit. You sound like you really love animals. The reason I ask about your education level, is because with what you've got already, would it take that much to become a vet?
Is the caretaker thing like for elderly people and stuff? I know the medical field is in need and I'd be interested in that too, but I wouldn't want to be around the drugs and blood and stuff, but last time I was in the er with Tommy for his stitches in his knee, this lady came in and asked a bunch of questions, her job title was a "scribe" and I think I could do something like that.
Its really cool that you've worked with monkeys and stuff because not many people even get a chance to be around animals like that. I'm an animal lover too. Dogs and horses mainly.
Is the caretaker thing like for elderly people and stuff? I know the medical field is in need and I'd be interested in that too, but I wouldn't want to be around the drugs and blood and stuff, but last time I was in the er with Tommy for his stitches in his knee, this lady came in and asked a bunch of questions, her job title was a "scribe" and I think I could do something like that.
Its really cool that you've worked with monkeys and stuff because not many people even get a chance to be around animals like that. I'm an animal lover too. Dogs and horses mainly.
I am high school graduate, with two years of college. I also have several certifications in Lab Animal medicine, which ranges from technician to technologist. I don't have a college degree, but I get merits for years of experience, training, which is why my job title is biologist, plus the government works a little diffrently than private industry if you know what I mean.
There are a lot of elderly people within this field. There are positons that range from general husbandry, which is feeding and cleaning, to vet techs, to research assitants and so on.
I also tend to view the animals as being given by God for a purpose. However, I do not accept that any animal should suffer, and made it my primary goal to ensure that every animal that was under my care recieved the best of everything. Not only that but the laws governing animal research are so strict, that is almost impossible for an animal to be treated inhumanely.
My friend is 49 and is currently going to school to become a nurse. The medical field is the place to be if you are looking for a new or a change of career.
PS: Dogs and horses are my favorites as well. I have had horses all my life until 6 years ago when I got preg with my 2nd. Did not have the time anymore, so I had to sell my babies. I miss those days of just taking off on horseback, did not have a care in the world. Then I grew up, and it kinda sucks. I will get another horse one day. I still have all my tack, and refuse to get rid of it. I just can't let that part of me go.
There are a lot of elderly people within this field. There are positons that range from general husbandry, which is feeding and cleaning, to vet techs, to research assitants and so on.
I also tend to view the animals as being given by God for a purpose. However, I do not accept that any animal should suffer, and made it my primary goal to ensure that every animal that was under my care recieved the best of everything. Not only that but the laws governing animal research are so strict, that is almost impossible for an animal to be treated inhumanely.
My friend is 49 and is currently going to school to become a nurse. The medical field is the place to be if you are looking for a new or a change of career.
PS: Dogs and horses are my favorites as well. I have had horses all my life until 6 years ago when I got preg with my 2nd. Did not have the time anymore, so I had to sell my babies. I miss those days of just taking off on horseback, did not have a care in the world. Then I grew up, and it kinda sucks. I will get another horse one day. I still have all my tack, and refuse to get rid of it. I just can't let that part of me go.
OMG I had horses up till 15 years ago when I got pg with my first. I lived in WI at the time and was a high risk pregnancy because I had miscarried a couple times and couldn't see paying board. Yea, I grew up and it sucks. I ache for going riding sometimes. I was telling Cowgirl in an email that I want to lease a horse at some point, share board with someone who doesn't have alot of time for their horse, pay part of the board in exchange for a couple of days a week of riding privelages (sp). That way its affordable as I wouldn't have to buy one or pay the vet bills.
What kind of schools would I look into for getting into animal stuff? Because as long as I'm laid up now, I might start doing some research. Thanks for the inspiration. I was expecting you to say you had a PHd or something. It must be nice to love what you do for a living and it sounds like you do.
Any tips on what to look up would be appreciated.
Well kiddo, I'm going to log off, my foots starting and I have to get it up but just want to say I really enjoyed your company today and we'll talk alot more, I'm sure. Have a good rest of the day.
With warmest regards,
OMG I had horses up till 15 years ago when I got pg with my first. I lived in WI at the time and was a high risk pregnancy because I had miscarried a couple times and couldn't see paying board. Yea, I grew up and it sucks. I ache for going riding sometimes. I was telling Cowgirl in an email that I want to lease a horse at some point, share board with someone who doesn't have alot of time for their horse, pay part of the board in exchange for a couple of days a week of riding privelages (sp). That way its affordable as I wouldn't have to buy one or pay the vet bills.
What kind of schools would I look into for getting into animal stuff? Because as long as I'm laid up now, I might start doing some research. Thanks for the inspiration. I was expecting you to say you had a PHd or something. It must be nice to love what you do for a living and it sounds like you do.
Any tips on what to look up would be appreciated.
Well kiddo, I'm going to log off, my foots starting and I have to get it up but just want to say I really enjoyed your company today and we'll talk alot more, I'm sure. Have a good rest of the day.
With warmest regards,