He started out taking 8 mg of sub each day(i think,i really dont remember,it could have been 16 mg)but at this point hes at 2 mg.He tried once to get off and lost it,went back on.Right now he has no Dr in Forida,his dr is here in NY.Actually his Dr. released him,gave him his last script before he left and moved(the dr would have continued the sub for awhile more but my son was moving so...)Anyway,he has about 8~8mg pills left and just called me,hes been afraid,afraid to get off them.Afraid it'll make him mess up his job,go back to his old way of life,etc...hes been lookign for a dr down there and finally found one that'll take him April 18th(hes relieved and has enough pills to last til then)
Im so torn,i want him off the sub so bad,yet from some of the tpeople here(and knowing a few people on the sub personally)they say sometimes a little longer on the sub is a good thing.I try and be supportive of him but i cant help but be cautious.I keep repeating the same things to him over and over again #1 you cant stay on these pills forever! #2 keep tapering,by next week,go from the 2 mg to just 1...etc...he said he tried to go without any at all today but by noon he was so exhausted at work and was running out of steam,back ache headache,he ended up taking his 2 mg dose.
Sorry this is so long,i just dont know what to think.Part of me wants him off.Part of me is happy he found a dr who will help,by the way,he called several drs and they all said the same thing,a wait a mile long,a year wait.The one he finally DID get had a originally said it would be a ONG wait,then once they found out he has already been on it and already had a dr who was monitoring him,they said they would take him the 18th of April.I just dont know aht to think.
Those of you on the sub,whats your opinion on this? I just wnat him to be happy and lead a productive life,but i dont want him to keep relying on a pill for that.
I also wanted to post a pic of him,hes such a handsome young man.Has so much goign for him,handsome,smart,great personality,just very fun loving.It breaks my heart what his life had become.Thanks for any advice.~KIM