Update On Progress!! Suspect

Hi all

Im now 2 weeks 3 days without methadone. DO NOT ALLOW YOURSELF TO LISTEN TO HORROR STORIES PLEEEEEEEAAAAAASSSSEEE!!! I started on 20ml upto 50ml tapered down to 13ml at a rate of 5ml monthly - now thats safe!!


Don't get me wrong it does suck going through withdrawal but its not completely impossible and i urge anyone who is thinking of dextoxing off methadone to firstly PLAN their withdrawal.

First of all what medications can you use to get u through the first week or stage as i like to call it.
Aslong as you do not take to many tablets youll be fine. I used diazepam 10mgx 2 in morning x2 at night. PLEASE SEEK YOUR OWN MEDICAL ADVICE!! THIS IS MY EXPERIENCE OF WAYS I GOT OFF METHADONE!

As i said plan ahead the idea is to keep warm as possible and you may soak in sweat but that is a good thing please remember to rehydrate with water and eat well for the duration. PROTEIN PACKED FOODS LIKE TUNA CHICKEN FRESH VEG WILL HELP MASSIVELY IN YOUR DETOX PROGRAMME.

Keep checkin in with us and we'LL get you off this s*** All i ask is for honesty.

Hello and welcome! I too have overcome the methadone handcuffs(i feel the same way) and live a better life. How do you stay clean? Meeting's, support group? With the help from NA and sober friends i have been clean for over 2 years! It only gets better!
Hi there girl today

I stay clean as I have accepted that I had a problem. I'll have done three weeks this sunday!
I was buzzin i managed three days let alone weeks!! I'm having supposed to have appointment with a community psychiatic nurse. And a key worker at my doctors but dont really find it supportive.

I feel i have no control over my life its like being trapped in a system albeit healthcare. I'm seeking advice from the site which is helpful.

Its good to hear people getting free. Its positive encouragement to continue.

Best wishes all
good for you Suspect!

While I personally haven't tried detoxing off methadone I hear it can be a bit uncomfortable depending on how you do it. It sounds like you found a way that suits you and have finally accomplished it.

Now just make sure you do your due diligence to stay free of it. Like Jess says, meetings, counseling....OK?

Your success story is one of only a small handful that hasn't included hating and bashing what methadone has done to help end your, and countless others, addiction to opiates. While you may not have liked going to the clinic daily ( I pick up 2 times a month) try to imagine not having methadone clinics available at all to anyone wanting help. Until the horrible stigma surrounding using methadone stops it will forever be seen by some who still have the entirely wrong idea about the good it has done and can do to end heroin addiction.

The whole reason I asked for this methadone message board be added was so that anyone that had questions about methadone could come here and get the truth. Truthful information, not the lies, bullsh*t and hearsay about methadone that those who don't like it or thinks it doesn't work and that are more than willing to pass on those lies. When we hear those types of posts we are quick to use education and fact to fix that problem as science doesn't lie.

So thank you for your detox suggestions and keep coming by, we need all the good help we can get!!

Hi granny

Yeah too rights methadone CAN save lives. Stigma is that it's trading one addiction for another. In the mist of addiction it can save you from going to jail for shoplifting or stealing. It can help bring a sense of peace in life from chasing the brown.

Whatever people's gripes with methadone - keep an open mind - look at it from other peoples perspective and don't judge. We are all here for the support of others in the same boat or similar situation. What works for one may not work for all. Neverless we are here for each other.

I'm happy to answer any questions on methadone or detoxing. I was 50ml reduced 5ml a month until I got to 13ml. I found that when reducing monthly. It was suffcient and comfortable for me.
You have to do what is best in your own circumstances. Keep up with the site for additional support.

Best luck all of you