Hello I am new to this board, I am new to this whole concept. Believe me I know that I have an addiction to Vicodin, but how do I go about stopping? I get 90 Vicodin ES from my Dr. a month and that only lasts me about 2 weeks if I am careful. I have had knee surgury 2 times on my left knee after I fell on it in 2001 it's a mess and I do have pain with my knee all the time, but I need to get off this pain medication. Are there any alternatives? I'm getting to the point that all I think about is how many pills I have left. It sucks. Can anyone help? I'm open to any and all suggestions that will help. I am terrified about withdrawal. I have been reading about it on the web and it scares me to death. I know there is no east fix cause I've been taking these things for the last 4 years, but I am hoping someone can help me get started. Thanks so much and looking forward to hearing from you.
Welcome kymissy, we have a kysharon, are you from ky? I feel for you. I'm still not off of them, partially due to my knees, but right now I have an ankle surgery coming up this week and I'm scared. I want to get off of them too. Seems like after I had my hysterectomy and turned forty, things started to fall apart for me orthopaedically. I wonder if thats a coincidence.
Sorry I can't be of much help, but please hang around, someone will be along. There are lots of ways people have quit quite successfully. Welcome to the board, there are alot of supportive, caring people here.
Sorry I can't be of much help, but please hang around, someone will be along. There are lots of ways people have quit quite successfully. Welcome to the board, there are alot of supportive, caring people here.
Are you still dealing with pain in your knee ? Do you take the vicodin for pain relief or just because you want to take them? I have a ruptured disc in my back and I first started with vicodin for the pain. That was 8 years ago and I never stopped even after the pain went away. Welcome to the board. There all a lot of nice people here that can help you.
Yes I do still have pain that is what makes it so hard. My pain is real, how am I suppose to deal with that? I know it's wrong to take all these pills, but I know I need to stop. Is it possible?
Everything is possible. but, if you have pain, mabye you should talk to your dr. and be honest with him. there are alot of different pain medications out there that are non-narcotic. I know thats something you may not want to hear, but there are alot of different alternitives. if you WANT to stop taking them then kuddos to you..thats wonderful, but if you dont want to, it doesnt make you a bad person. just a frustrated person. let me know if I can be of help to you in any way. I use the duragesic patch for my pain issues, and it works for me. good luck in your decisions.
I'm thinkin you should talk to your doctor. I know you said you had pain but I didn't know how bad it was. Tell your doctor that you think you have a problem with them and see what they have to say. For me my pain was really bad at first. I really needed the medication. But I still took it even when the pain subsided.
Thanks to everyone who answered my post, I appreciate it. Yes I still have serious pain in my knee but my Dr. told me there isn't much she can do about it but pain management. I'm afraid to ask for a stronger pill but I think it is getting to that point. I don't know it I can quit taking the pain pills or not because of the pain. When I fell on my knee, I really messed it up bad and I have had to have 2 surgeries on it since I first did the damage. I'm just looking for some help or maybe a little good advice.