We Need Your Light

St. Francis of Assisi is attributed to the following quote: A single sunbeam is enough to drive away many shadows.

Seldom do I share here about the shadows and curveballs life throws my way. I don't guess I'll ever take my catcher's mitt off until the day I take my last breath. However, over the past two days, some pitches were thrown my way and not only does my palm still sting from catching them, my heart hurts.

My baby girl, 23 years old, has been diagnosed with cancer and is to undergo an hysterectomy within the next 1 -2 weeks, as soon as it can be scheduled. Personally, after receiving the diagnosis of cancer almost 2 years ago, I found it a little easier to deal with when it concerned me.

Yet this is my child and although deep down I know that she is being cared for by the most miraculous force of Love in this universe, I guess the shock of learning all of this is still a little too fresh to replace the sadness my heart feels right now with light.

I am requesting that you take a moment and shine your Love light on my daughter and our family, and if you pray, keep us in your thoughts when communing with the God of your understanding.

Her name is Jaime.

Je vous aime my darling Jaime, and let us not forget the more we practice becoming quiet and listening to God, the longer we are consciously connected to the purity of our soul.

With the help of our friends here and in our face to face lives, our mind's open to the stream of light that God is constantly pouring forth. From this ever-flowing energy, we receive our answers and are directed to our rightful place.

Thank You, God, for the light your shine on us through the beautiful spirits of this family.

Gratefully ~


Jaime will be in my heart.

Love and Light,

Dear Lord........

please be with Jamie and watch over her very carefully...
bless her body with your divine love and healing....
lift her up and carry her through this season in her life...
be with her loving moma sammy and her family, give them the strenght, love and peace that they need right now ......

i love you sammy.



I'm so sorry. She'll be in my thoughts and prayers as will you.
I'm not very good with knowing the right things to say at times like this. So I'll simply leave it at that accept to add that I love you and wish your daughter well.

Take care, God bless
Bob ((((Huggs))))

Let God be God of the Future

For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome.
Jeremiah 29:11

God has a plan and a purpose for each of us and a specific way and perfect time to bring it to pass.

Much of our frustration and misery comes from either not believing that fact, or believing it but being determined to do things our own way and in our own time, determined to exalt our own will and timing above God's.

According to Isaiah 55:8, God's thoughts are not our thoughts, and His ways are not our ways. We want what feels good right now, but God has something far greater in mind.

We are constantly trying to figure out something we do not understand or trying to make something happen now that is not happening yet. It seems as if we are always trying, but believers are supposed to believe!

"Why, God, why?" and "When, God, when?" can be two statements that keep us frustrated and prevent us from enjoying peace. Many times we do not understand what God is doing. But that is what trust is all about. Let God be God in your life. Give Him the reins. He knows what He is doing.

Do This:

Trust yourself and everything to God Who judges fairly and deals righteously. Deposit yourself in His hands and watch what He can do!

What a beautiful way you have of phrasing things. Yes, I know the hurt you are feeling. My own baby (38) was close to suicide last year adn has been in serious pain for years. It's SO hard to stand by and be unable to "fix" it. Love helps a load, though. You're both n my thoughts and prayers. (((Hugs))))

You're in my prayers.

Please let us know how things are going.

Jaime and you are in my thoughts Sammy. I'm glad she has you for her mother, your love and light is gift to all of us.

much love,
I stopped believing. I sold myself to the devil. He has my soul. I can't get out. Day 7 with sub and vals but I will return. I always do.Its me against the sickness. Great, the Killers is palying.
my prayers are with your family Sammy

I will pray for Jamie and ask for God to be close and help her and all those that love her through this uncertain time...Denise, as a mother I understand your fears and I will pass on what Miss Katbird always says when I am fearful....Trust

God can and will handle this and I will keep you and your baby girl in my daily prayers....

((((big hugs))))
Sammy-My prayers are with you.
((((((Denise)))))))even in your sorrow you are inspiring and bringing comfort.

Sending love and prayers to both you and Jaime.
Thank you everyone for you Love, nurturance, support. You have no idea how comforting your messages here and emails are to my heart.

I just wanted to share a picture (below) with you of my precious, Jaime. We both know that we are safely in God's care and Bob, would you please email me. Gi has my addy if you don't. I'm off from work today and would cherish the opportunity to talk with you. Please know that I'm holding you and your dad very close in my heart too. We'll all get through this (another bump in the road) together and how blessed we are to have each other.

Namaste' to all ~


user posted image

Love, light and prayers to you.

Sending strong warm thoughts to both you and your daughter. Love you girl.
Dear Sammy,

Stay strong for her now, she will be looking to you for answers and guidance. You are the one person that can make this easier for her. She is undoubtedly terrified as are you.

She is an angel....what a precious gift god has given you....what an enormous responsibility our children are. Hold her close...she needs you now more than ever.

Lean on us and the others that you have become so incredibly close to....we and they will get you through this...so you can get her through this.

Sending love light and many many prayers.

Love kee kee
Just wanted you to know that I'm thinking about you today. If you get a chance, call my cell over the weekend, would love to chat.
Dear Sammy you have mail.

Love, jeff