Went From Lt To Ocs Then To Methadone Then Subox

I have gone back to 3 Qty 3 7.5 LTS and today nothing. how long until i start to feel better? I was 30 L:T 10 mg a day then at 6 to 8 80oc a day. when to clinic and got on methadone 120MG then switched to the suboxine 12mg dropped to 3 QTY 7.5 LT for 3 days. nothing today!! when will i start to feel better?
Rungo ,I dont know when you will feel better. I am interested in how you got off the meth , at what mgs did you switch to bup and when did you have to stop the meth before you culd go on the sub. What were your wds like. Im switching soon and it would help me if you could share what happened. Thanks Ray
Ramon, There was some ivery good nfo on people who switched from Meth to Sub on this Web site. There is 19 pages and you might have to sift through some . Also here is another Meth site where a Doctor gives his recommendation. I dont know how good the advice is though.




Ramon, would you mind posting that poem you wrote on the thread of "Stories and inspiring words"


Hi jake , Sure I would love to post the poem on that site , forgot it existed, thanks fof the other links Ray