Went To Dr. And Failed My Drug Screening

Hello,My name is crystal and i have been an addict for eight years and i have been off and on between suboxone and pain pills.Today i went in for a drug screen and failed .I thought how could this be .I was more then happy to take the test.Is it possible to fail a drug test when i know im clean.I asked to take another test but they said we know it want come out any different.And i could pay for the test again another twenty bucks that i didnt have.I wonder if there test could be out of date .It hurt me so bad to have them telling me i cant fail the drug test or ill be dismissed for good.I gave up my dr. for this new dr. to get the help and whats so bad is what i tested postive for i have never even used in my life.I tested postive for OXY"S,DTH,and heorin.I said to the dr. i swar i have not it can not be right.He said i know its hard to stay clean and i commend you for what you are doing .But you cant fail the drug screen if you want the help.He was tring to cut me back on my 8 mgs of sub. down before he found out he said 8mgs are too much and i shold start weening down.Then when i failed my drug test he said u know if you need more sub. then take more sub. if thats what it will take to keep you clean.I BROKE DOWN crying so hard and i couldnt breath.I know he thought i was crazy .I suffer from depression and lately i feel like crying at little things and sometimes for no reason at all.I hurt and so afriad what if i fail the test when i go back in one week.Dr. gave me 24/2,5/mg tabs. until i come back in one week.I have depression so bad latley i just feel like dieing.I just cant belive i fail the drug test im hurt .Sometimes i wonder i should find a methodone dr. to help .I suffer with so much pain in my back ,legs and neck .I have alot of health problems and just found out im a diebetic type two .They didnt even treat me for it they want to see if i pass drug test in one week before they treat my other problems i guess.Anyone they know a thing or two about these 9 panel drug screening please help advise or anyone else that can add here.Thanks for all that helps ...
Every drug test can produce a false positive and a false negative. You can get a false positive on an opiate test from

Poppy Seeds
Cough suppressants with Dextromethorphan (DXM)
Kidney infection
Kidney Disease
Liver Disease

and accidental positives with things like tylenol with codeine and Nyquil
Hi crystal. God that is so awful! I can only imagine how you must feel. Just goes to show I guess that everything is not 100% proof. I wish I could do something to help you but I have no advice to give. I read your post and could see how distraught you are and I want to give you my support. it's got to be so frustrating for you. As for tests,my first pregnancy never did show positive even though I was pregnant. I wish you luck on your next test and I hope the next one shows the truth for you. Try and stay calm and try not to worry. I know it's hard not to but give it your best shot. God bless,take care and good luck. I will be thinking of you.
Hi,hope you're feeling better. I was telling my daughter about your post. she was addicted to prescription drugs and has been clean for 5 months now .She too had to be tested for drugs but she told me that the doctors gave her a list of things to be aware of of what to not eat or take before the drug test was to be done. she also tested positive on one of the tests but it was caused by something else and not the drug itself.She listed the same things as silent did. Next time you go back you should ask them do they have a list that they can give you so you can use it as a guideline on things you should not eat or meds you should not take. some things such as poppy seeds which is found in doughnuts etc can be found in your blood up to 3 days after you eat them. Hope this is of some help to you.God bless and take care. I Hope things work out for you.
Curious as to what the chain of custody was likeI would make sure it is labeled in front of you, and that specimens were not just lying about for anyone to switch around...would help to remove that human error factor as well.

SP, indulge meHow come certain diseases produce a false positive, and would going blood test remove the likelihood of a false positives or does that have issues as well

If I understand this in some way it is a metabolite things, tests are designed to pick up certain metabolites of a specific drug, and well do certain results trip because of certain otc stuff, or disease factorslike saying DXM would trip a codeine positive not a heroin oneif that makes sense

Poppy seeds in the states I think were removed from causing false positives by raising some value or other

thanks for the help from you all.I went back to my dr. this morning and i seen my reg. doctor.She said that she didnt understand why he did things the way he did and told me not to worry about it.Expain that certain things like some that were mention woud make a positive drug test.I was so happy.She didnt even redrug test me .I told her i would be happy too but i did save me 20 bucks.Everything worked out well.She told me that i have been through so much to cause the break downs and crying spells.She has put me on abilify it is supose to me you want to do more she said..if anyone can post anything they know of abilify pleae do.I'm going to reost a new post to try and get more answers about it...Thanks again,,,,