I have this friend, I'm pretty sure he likes me, and I very much like him, but he won't let me get close to him. He has told one of my other friends that he doesn't want to hurt me because he's an alcoholic and a drug addict; he's trying to protect me from himself. I want to try to help him but he's being stubborn. He's been through alot in his life, and so have I, so I know what he's feeling. Right now I live about 5 hours away from him, but in about a month I will be moving back there. What should I do? Should I keep trying to help him no matter what he says or should I just leave him alone? ...I'm just scared that someday he's going to overdose.. I'm so confused.
My advice: Leave him alone! There are many others on this message board who went through years of hell due to their lover's drug addictions and regretted ever going down that path. Just read through some of the drug forums here (heroin, cocain, etc). He and only he can make the decision to get clean. By trying to get him to stop, you may actually make him want to do it more. It's ironic how the human psyche works.
As harsh as it may sound, there's too many fish in the sea to give up your freedom up for one drug addict. Please move on ...
As harsh as it may sound, there's too many fish in the sea to give up your freedom up for one drug addict. Please move on ...
Hi options, you're in a really tough place........I would let him know that you care about him and will be "there" if and when he needs you. I would also give him a list of treatment centers and addiction counselors for him to have when he's ready.......I would then let him go and if you are someone who prays, then pray for his safety and that he gets the help he needs......my heart goes out to you....
thanks! i will still be "there" for him, if he needs me. i have another question though. would it be safe to tell someone that he has a fake id? or would that only upset him more?! he's only 16 so him and his friends made them to get alcohol. i just don't think it's right, but i don't want him to jump over the edge with it.
the reason i'm involved in this and don't want to let him go is because i decided to get drunk with him one night, i passed out and when i woke up, my pants were off he was ontop of me. tell the truth, i don't know how far we went, i keep questioning him about it but he says he doesn't remember, is that true or does he just not want to tell me?! should i hate him for what he did to me...
the reason i'm involved in this and don't want to let him go is because i decided to get drunk with him one night, i passed out and when i woke up, my pants were off he was ontop of me. tell the truth, i don't know how far we went, i keep questioning him about it but he says he doesn't remember, is that true or does he just not want to tell me?! should i hate him for what he did to me...