What Are The Chances That The Help Will Work?

I wrote a couple of days ago about my 17 year old daughter's use of heroin. Because of her erratic behavior I had just gotten her into therapy. Then I found out about her using heroin. Her therapist has given me the number to set her up for anger management classes and another number for substance abuse counseling and we will have her see her therapist at least once a week. With all of this and my daughter's wanting to be as she says "normal" again, what are her chances that she can do it and will she stay clean? Last night she ask me, "mom why is it that everytime things start going good for me I mess it up" I am not sure what to tell her. Also to David re: ex-bf who introduced her to heroin, yes my first thought when I found out was also Mr. Smith and Mr. Wesson but ex-bf home is a mess I found out later. Mom sends him and his step brother to buy coke for her (not sure is she uses heroin) has drug dealers in the home, lots of drinking and he has an 11 yr old sister in the home. Sooo I have sent a letter with as much info that I have on ex-br and family to the cops and child abuse place. I am close enough to know if anything gets done and if not I will tighten the noose. My daughter told me so many lies and I ate everyone of them.
She is a beauty and looks you straight in the eye with the most honest look that I never doubted what she said. I am a whole lot wiser now.

I'm not sure what the chances that the help will work because it's really hard to say when you're not actually seeing everything. All i can tell you that, if she's so willing to quit and she really wants to get it for herself and not because your forcing her to quit or see counsellor to get help but she goes there in her own will then the chances are much higher..

You say that you are thinking about tighting the noose. I think that you should be as tight as you can get. Don't wait for that time when everythings too late. I know that with my bf i was too soft on him at first but in the end, it made things even worse. It's good to be tough on them as soon as you find out the problem, because the chances are that they will always lie and keep lying to you to soften you up. Addicts will take any opportunity that they have to use, i myself have learnt the hard way. But i am not saying that you shouldn't be unpatient with her. Be supportive and make sure that you see progress. If you see progress then you know that what you're doing is working. With my bf, he never showed me any progress at all, no progress was ever award back at me for my efforts and to keep me motivated and strong, therefore in the end, i gave up and lost my bf.

Be strong and don't be afraid to be tough on her, sometimes it takes to this extent to help users quit. Heroin is a evil drug, you must fight and give it all you've got before it completely overpowers both of you.

The longer she drags on using, the harder it will be to quit.
Good luck.