My son came home one night with dilated pupils, slurred speach and couldn't walk or stand straight. He said somebody must have slipped him something. I haven't seen him this way since but his friend came over last night with the same symptoms. Can anybody tell me what they may have been using??
It sounds like your son is on ecstacy.
it is possible that your son is abuseing over the counter drugs like coricidin cough and cold research it its dangerous
Did he appear as though he was in awe of his surroundings? Laughing at things that didn't seem funny to you? Spaced Out?
If you said yes to any of these, he may have been on a hallucinogen like LSD or mushrooms.
Good Luck! Let us know what you find out.
If you said yes to any of these, he may have been on a hallucinogen like LSD or mushrooms.
Good Luck! Let us know what you find out.
Drugs that dialate pupils are cocaine, LSD/mushrooms, ecstacy, and crack. I think it was probably LSD or ecstacy. He'll make up every excuse in the book too. Saying someone slipped him something is probably not true because he would've been upset or scared.
That doesnt sound like ecstacy to me, sounds more like valium or jellies
yes i would like to know what kind of drug i used yesterday. she said it was called percs. it was 785mgs. can u tell me what it is. she said it was a happy pill.
It's not likely that you'll get any sort of accurate answer this way.
First, the symptoms are not atypical in regards to a large number of various drugs (street drugs or otherwise).
Second, only trust an expert who's credentials verify their knowledge, M.D. or P.H.D would do nicely in this arena.
It's my suggestion, and keep in mind this is only a suggestion at this point that you consider having your family practioner obtain a urine and blood sample from your child and have them tested.
If you find the costs of these test to be prohibitive, try asking yourself the following question: What is my child's life and safety worth?"
Here is a fairly good source of information from that may help identify anything you might find in his pockets or room.
Street Drugs
If you really want to research these things more thoroughly in your home please go to or (any search engine worth it's salt will lead you in the right direction and they're where I get much of my own information).
First, the symptoms are not atypical in regards to a large number of various drugs (street drugs or otherwise).
Second, only trust an expert who's credentials verify their knowledge, M.D. or P.H.D would do nicely in this arena.
It's my suggestion, and keep in mind this is only a suggestion at this point that you consider having your family practioner obtain a urine and blood sample from your child and have them tested.
If you find the costs of these test to be prohibitive, try asking yourself the following question: What is my child's life and safety worth?"
Here is a fairly good source of information from that may help identify anything you might find in his pockets or room.
Street Drugs
If you really want to research these things more thoroughly in your home please go to or (any search engine worth it's salt will lead you in the right direction and they're where I get much of my own information).
If you really want to know what your son is using you can go to:
and buy a home drug test. You might want to try the FIVE-PANEL URINE TEST KIT $14.99
It Will Test For ALL of The Following Drugs:
-and PCP
Good Luck!
and buy a home drug test. You might want to try the FIVE-PANEL URINE TEST KIT $14.99
It Will Test For ALL of The Following Drugs:
-and PCP
Good Luck!
My Webpage
Get in communication with your son . Here is a book to help you do that:
The BOOK Helping Someone Overcome Addiction
A detailed description of the cycle of drug use that drug addicts and their loved ones are all too familiar with quitting and relapse.
This book also provides an understanding of the depression, drug cravings and guilt that occur when someone becomes addicted to drugs.
Good luck
Get in communication with your son . Here is a book to help you do that:
The BOOK Helping Someone Overcome Addiction
A detailed description of the cycle of drug use that drug addicts and their loved ones are all too familiar with quitting and relapse.
This book also provides an understanding of the depression, drug cravings and guilt that occur when someone becomes addicted to drugs.
Good luck
I'm sure you will get a lot good information from each person responding. My son who had quite simular symtoms was found to be using Coricidin HBP cough and cold medicine. One of the component of this medicine is Dextromethorpan, a mind altering drug, and Chlorpheniramine Maleate which is an antihistamine and in large doses is a deadly posion. He over dosed on this twice causing him to have a seizures. We were luck to find him in time and get him to a hospital. Both times charcoal was placed in his stomach to absorb this posion, but each time he was so close to death.
We sought treatment and thought he was doing fine. A few days later, we found him again with the same symtoms and he told us that he had been taking Robitussin. This medicine also contains Dextromethorpan,however it doesn't have the Chlorpheniramine.
According to my son, this seems to be the rage now, especially in young adults and some children. A urine drug test is not going to detect these chemical, but a blood test can. Please get a test done and find out what's going on. If someone is taking this type of drug, they are doing great damage to their mind and body and need intervention immediately.
We sought treatment and thought he was doing fine. A few days later, we found him again with the same symtoms and he told us that he had been taking Robitussin. This medicine also contains Dextromethorpan,however it doesn't have the Chlorpheniramine.
According to my son, this seems to be the rage now, especially in young adults and some children. A urine drug test is not going to detect these chemical, but a blood test can. Please get a test done and find out what's going on. If someone is taking this type of drug, they are doing great damage to their mind and body and need intervention immediately.
your son was on x he is rolling when you saw him and that is why his eyes are like that and he is acting the way he is...he should be ok in a few hours because it starts toi wear off after 3 or 4 i know because me and my friends use it often umm he should be ok if he does it right and doesnt mix the pills and drinks enough water to stay hydrated.. tell him to be careful because most of the time they are laced with speed or cocain and sometimes other harmful drugs