What Can I Do To Help?

I have a close family member that has been addicted to cocaine for quite some time. He seems to not want helped. But when he's coming down he cries to everyone for forgives and say "it's my last time." I'm curious what goes through your mind that says that getting high is more important that your family, children, job and hope. I really want to help him but I feel that I would be able to help him better if I knew his thoughts. Is there anything I can do or say to help him? Does family intervention really work?

Family intervention wouldn't hurt, but he will have to want to get help in order for him to be helped. It is sad, and it hurts, but thats the way it is. Once he makes up his mind to go to rehab and get into a program, things could improve, but only when he is ready to help himself...My heart goes out to ya....I know it's hard watching your loved one suffer...I know!!