What happened to her post? I swear, I'm either losing it or its just gone. Whats up? Anyone know?
poofed off into cyberland...must have gone south, so the mods removed it...
Been gone all day, so dont know anything about the post,but please email me Roe. Lost your addy some how and want it back to check your eBay progress. Please send me an email, so I can get it back.
Hugs, Julie
Hugs, Julie
it turned into a whole gay controversy with some opinions that i suppose were unexceptable, or borderline offensive. a couple threads went buh bye : )
it turned into a whole gay controversy with some opinions that i suppose were unexceptable, or borderline offensive. a couple threads went buh bye : )
Where is my mail briar? and what happened to the post was me and vinny had a disagreement about me going to hell for being gay and he kept on and I kept on just taking up for gay people and he ended up calling me a dyke and who wore the pants in the family and then it was removed. I swear people are so uneducted and ignorant and that was a good post and people needed to read it but people like that come on and start name calling and it gets pulled. go figure. I thought the mods would not tolerate name caliling and have them banned if they did. So I am not sure if he is banned or not but needs to be. He truly said some very hurtful things but only out of ignorance and I am sorery but I will not sit back and let anyone down grade me for being gay, thats who I am but its not the only part of me I have alot more than being gay that is a part of me. anyway, I wanted to explain why it was removed and where is my letter girl? sincerly,
come on now, i absolutely read all the post and no where did he call you a dyke and say who wore the pants, that is just wrong to slander. i admit he said somethings that werent agreeable. but you are not being honest.
come on now, i absolutely read all the post and no where did he call you a dyke and say who wore the pants, that is just wrong to slander. i admit he said somethings that werent agreeable. but you are not being honest.
matter of fact, i copied and saved that post cause i thought or had a feeling it would get removed, it soooooooooooooooo does not say that!!
matter of fact, i copied and saved that post cause i thought or had a feeling it would get removed, it soooooooooooooooo does not say that!!
Read the last post I wrote, I KNEW it. I knew it was him. He's ignorant. He called you a dyke? Jerk. Your about as much of a dyke as I am.
See? That post was suppose to be about Susan and her pain about that happening so close to her and about how wrong it is to hate and self proclaimed king vinny comes in and ruins it. I just emailed Julie and hers went thru.
Yours came back again! With the letter L then in you know where (I don't want to give your email away so I hope your following this), maybe thats it? It was fine until I put your addy on my kodak disk, than it started coming back to me. Let me try what you suggested and repost one that you already posted to me. And don't let ignorant mean people bother you hon, because you know who you are and your a good person. Love ya.
Read the last post I wrote, I KNEW it. I knew it was him. He's ignorant. He called you a dyke? Jerk. Your about as much of a dyke as I am.
See? That post was suppose to be about Susan and her pain about that happening so close to her and about how wrong it is to hate and self proclaimed king vinny comes in and ruins it. I just emailed Julie and hers went thru.
Yours came back again! With the letter L then in you know where (I don't want to give your email away so I hope your following this), maybe thats it? It was fine until I put your addy on my kodak disk, than it started coming back to me. Let me try what you suggested and repost one that you already posted to me. And don't let ignorant mean people bother you hon, because you know who you are and your a good person. Love ya.
he soooooooooooooo did not call her a dyke!!!!!! i am sorry, but that is just wrong and stretching the truth.
The post most certainly did call april a dyke, and he added a (lmao) after the dyke comment, and then he asked if she was the man or the woman in the relationship. It was then pulled very shortly after that comment.. There was a second post titled to him by name, and it was also pulled.
That is what lost for love told me and I am sure she is not making it up. Why would she. she sent me an email and said that he called me a dyke and asked me who wore the pants in the family so you take that up with her. why would she tell me that if he did not say it? April
Could I have your email address?
Could I have your email address?
ok then it must have been the ending post i missed and i apologise for saying otherwise, my mistake. if thats the case he prolly will be banned is my speculation
it did april, I was reading it as it was pulled. I have no gripe with anyone on these boards, other than idiots like that, but I would have NO reason to say it if it wasnt there.. I was in the process of responding to his post when it was pulled.
Thank you I knew lost for love was not making that up and you saw it also so there you go. So now am I stretching the truth. I dont think so I have no reason to. April
i said i was sorry, to human is to error. my bad.
no harm, no foul.. have a great night
sure my email address is imaprilinla34@aol.com.
Herein lies but ONE of the problems with "disappearing posts" it turns into
"He said" "She said" And no way to settle the argument...in fact the unavailability of prior posts to have to account for ones words becomes evident, and actually adds to disagreements and fights on the board..
The thread that went "poof" that i had started was addressing cowgirl and explaining my reasoning for "continuing" my discussion with April. No fights. No name calling, but its gone...and so too is the trail of what really happened there..
Like trying to read a book with pages that have been ripped out...
Im all for keeping things above the belt here, and MONITORING verbal engagements, so they do not get out of hand, but i would think a simple post by the mods would suffice as strike 1 and 2...and if theres a 2nd warning needed, thats 3 strikes their out...by removing any and all posts that have disagreements...its just adding to speculation and paranoia..and drama
And thats the way I see it..lolol
Im sure Vinny didnt call anyone a Dyke...that would be a below the belt call and Im sure he'd be "outta here"
"He said" "She said" And no way to settle the argument...in fact the unavailability of prior posts to have to account for ones words becomes evident, and actually adds to disagreements and fights on the board..
The thread that went "poof" that i had started was addressing cowgirl and explaining my reasoning for "continuing" my discussion with April. No fights. No name calling, but its gone...and so too is the trail of what really happened there..
Like trying to read a book with pages that have been ripped out...
Im all for keeping things above the belt here, and MONITORING verbal engagements, so they do not get out of hand, but i would think a simple post by the mods would suffice as strike 1 and 2...and if theres a 2nd warning needed, thats 3 strikes their out...by removing any and all posts that have disagreements...its just adding to speculation and paranoia..and drama
And thats the way I see it..lolol
Im sure Vinny didnt call anyone a Dyke...that would be a below the belt call and Im sure he'd be "outta here"