What Is Happiness What Out The Pill

what is happiness without the pill???????????????? I rememmber vacations carnavels camping ect and now the pill is what used to get me xcited ...now im sober but still wonder WHAT IS HAPPY OF THE MIND ....PLEASE POST WHAT YOU THINK HAPPYNESS OF THE MIND MEANS?/?????POOPIE
Poopie..happiness to me means that I get to wake up every morning and be myself. I'm not numb. I actually feel laughter and sadness. I have power over my life, nothing has power over me.

Happiness is that I get to chose.



I wish I could tell you what happiness of the mind is. Its been so long for me, I can't even remember. I do remember life without constantly thinking about pills and I remember life was so much better.

Have a nice evening.

What Cowgirl said, plus it's a gift now not having to plan my day or anything else around how many pills I have or whos around to get them from. Waking up instead of coming to, falling asleep instead of passing out. Being able to function without thinking I need a hand full of pills to do so. Not having to break a promised plan with my kids because I ran out of pills. Not having to remember what lies I told to who, or planning who I had to con that day to get what I needed. Not having to lie, cheat or steal, not owing anyone money or looking over my shoulder when I hear a siren. Showing up for each day now is a gift, having friends that want nothing more than my friendship in return is a gift.
Knowing how it feels to feel. I could go on and on about the up side of being clean and sober, being grateful for what I have instead of upset over material things I can't. Saying I love you to my wife and kids and hearing it said back and
knowing they mean it is a gift. Watching my kids grow and laugh and hearing them say goodnight to eachother then saying I love you to eachother sometimes
takes my breath away. Going to bed clean and sober is a gift, and thats what I'm gonna do right now. Have a good nught, I love you all.....

Take care............God bless...........Bob
We have choice to be clean and as long as we have a choice that makes me happy, take that choice away and im back to misery and under control of pills. life is about making the right chioce for you as an individual (medical condictions excluded) As humans we need choice take that away and we are left with resentment and a urge to do the wrong thing. Happyness is in our own control if a situ is bad break free dont except anything you dont want like i say choice. jackie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
To me:

Happiness is a state of mind that must be worked on daily. We create our own happiness by the choices we make, the people we are involved with and taking care of ourselves.

WE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR OUR OWN HAPPINESS. NOONE CAN MAKE US HAPPY. THAT IS OUR JOB. And it is no easy task. Like recovery, we have to work on it every single day of our lives.
Aww sweetheart, we need to learn happiness all over again. I'd get excited, to go to nascar races, and take my pills, and have tons of energy!! Now I have to learn to have energy without the pills. Happiness to me now is waking up not having to worry if I have enough to get through the day, or worrying if I'll be sick tomorrow, because I couldn't control myself enough to space them out. No more rebound headaches, no more vomitting, because I took one too many oxy's. No more falling asleep standing up talking to my girls..LOL, yes that actually happened. Actually feeling, that to me is happiness.
I disagree with that statement, "noone can make us happy"
My wife makes me happy, as do my kids, friends, etc.. I agree it is up to us to make the right choices in life, and sorta create our own happyness, but for me anyway, other people make me happy all the time. For me, even seeing other people happy makes me happy.

Take care...........Bob
Bob, I gotta agree with you there...I am most happy when I am with my kiddies. So THEY make me happy. Kim
Hi Poopie.. I read your post about what your husband did to you..maybe you are feeling so down and unhappy now because of that.You dont need him or pills to make you happy. Its is within you, though sometimes it is hard to see that through all the pain. I wish I could hug you. I lived with a very abusive man for years...he would have done similar to what yours did.I wasnt shocked when I read it. That was like daily stuff to me. I am happier now without him. Its been 4 years and I still look back and think WHY DID I TAKE THAT FROM HIM? I DESERVE BETTER! So do you. You deserve love, happiness, friendship. Pls dont let his meanness towards you make you go back to taking pills.Stay on the boards, let us help you..you can do it!Luv-laurie
Yes Bob but you are responsible for your happiness. They may attribute to it but certainly not the sole source of it. If you were a miserable person with many issues unresolved, no woman in the world would be enough to make you happy. That is an individuals job.
I don't believe that people make us happy either. I think what they do is enhance our own happiness. And very much so. Especially children!
I agree with Mrs. - if you are miserable and unhappy with yourself, other people are not going to make you happy. I've seen that in myself in the past and I see it in certain people that I know now.

poopie happiness for me without takeing pills is,and i think cowgirl already covered it but it applies for me also is actually able to have feelings again wether they are happy or sad without that numb feeling all day,being more in touch with who you are,what you want to be or how your going to get there,and also not being sick 2 weeks out of the month from[wd]has been very nice also,i know that you and everyone else on this board has some kind of meaningful purpose in life and i'm very excited and grateful to fullfil mine.........vinny.

I see both sides to the arguement. Thats a tough one.

I covered some of what happiness is for me in my first post, I was just saying in responce to MRS-U that i think other people can make you happy as well. I know if this conversation turns into a debate, that'll make me unhappy! lol

Take care................Bob
No debate here - just people with differing opinions! So no unhappiness today!!

Have a great day!
Happiness to me is just waking up every morning, I figure if I don't I've got a real problem!

Enjoy the world around you, embrace your friends and smile, everyone will wonder what you doing that gives you so much pleasure.

Live, Love & Laugh,

Waking up is always a very good thing heh.
Happiness to me is being clean!! Having my family back together with a good relationship. Watching my son play sports. A beautiful day in the 70's. But I believe if you are truly happy with yourself, then happiness will be all around you.
Tonight for me Happiness is lurking back & reading & seeing what makes all of you happy mollyjean...