What Is Sub?

I keep reading about sub, what is it?
I don't know much about it since I have never taken it but if you read yesturday's posts you will find a lot of info on it. It was talked about a lot yesturday. Also if you type in Suboxone on your computer you wil find web sites. The only thing I do know is it's a pill you take when you start withdrawls and it stops them pretty much altogther. Then you should wean off that down to a small amount and quit and you should be ok if you have a plan to stay clean after that!!If you are on it long term you MAY experince withdrawl anyway and I don't think it would be a great option to you taking 6 vicoidn daily and into day 3 already.. That's my opinion. Someone will be along to offer you more advice,Rae
go to the thread titled "is suboxone the answer?" started by cowgirl. There is alot of info and oppinion on it there. go back to other posts as well for help. Basically its an aid to help you get through wd, the physical part.
Start with the posts and let us know if we can help you any more from there.
There are alot of good people here to help out.
Happy reading,
Its a wonder drug...Check out the website...


I thought Oxys was a wonder drug too! It ended up almost taking my life!...Bob
Bob- Don't knock what works for people. We are all different and you have your right to your opinions, but you know what they say about opinions...Sub has helped me tremendously and I will be on it for only a total of 4 to 5 weeks. I am down to 2mg a day and next week will be down to 1mg a day. I am a supporter of whatever works. For me this was the answer.
I didn't say everyone, I said most people. I'm sure alot of people do whats right,
but more than not are just looking to swap addictions.............Bob
That may be the case with some people but lets let them find out what is right and wrong. Just be there to support them, not be their parent. Hearing someone make a comment that could offend someone isn't the right approach IMO.

I used to be a smoker. For the life of me I could not kick the damn habit. I started taking Zyban. Bang...I was off cigarettes and haven't had one in over two years! I was on Zyban for a few months but not forever. That is why we have medicines. The help people fight diseases...Suboxone is a great drug if used properly. I am an example of how it can give one their life back. I know I have a long way to go but I have felt better than I have in over 2 1/2 years! I have the confindence, motivation and desire to overcome this habit. I take suboxone but I also go to couseling.

I am curious what your history was. I have never spoken to you before. What were you addicted to and for how long?