What To Expect

I have been taking percocet 10mg 2-3 pills every 4-6 hours pretty much every day for almost a year, I have times I take alternate drugs such as vicoden or lortab just to hold me while waiting to get a new script.
only in the past two months has it become a real problem to where I'm afraid to stop for fear of the symptoms associated with going cold turkey.
about a month ago I managed to go through the weekend with nothing trying to get through the initial withdrawel.
I ended up back on the pills a day after returning to work.
I can't afford treatment both because of financial reasons and I can't miss time from work.
in the past two weeks I have gone through atleast 150 10mg percocet, 30 darvocet and 50 lortab.
I took off 4 days from work with the intention of going cold turkey.
I do have a few lortab available and I got a script for xanax in an attempt to detox on my own.
if I just go totally cold turkey can I do it safely?
can I expect to be able to function enough to work by Monday?
if i use the xanax to help me through the withdrawel will it be easy enough to stop those after just using them for 4 days ?
I woke up at 7am a sweaty mess took a zanax and slept a few hours around 4pm woke up again feeling horrible and broke down and took 6 -10mg lortab.
I am still still sweating and am scared to death of how bad the symtoms may get.
I think as long as i know I won't die from the withdrawel and what to expect or when to expect to feel somewhat "normal" I can get off the stuff.
so any and all advice is needed
The worst of the WD's are usually over in 3-5 days so if you are off now you should be able to work come monday. However you may be very tired and you definately won't be able to sleep for a few weeks. That and the anxiety was the worst part for me. I would suggest stocking up on a few things to help you get over the "flu" like symptoms.

1)Vitamin B-12 (for energy)
'2)Gator aid (keep you hydrated)
3)Benadryl (helps you sleep at night)

I would be careful with the Xanax because you don't want to trade one addiction for another. I had Xanax but only used them to help me sleep or when I was having an axiety attack. They were life savers a few times! Just be strong and feel free to post whatever is on your mind on this board. The people here are great and any question you may have can be answered. Good luck my friend...

Hi Fredo,

I think most would recommend that you detox under medical supervision -- for personal safety and comfort. That said, many do go cold turkey off opiates on their own and live to tell about it. It is safer than c/t off benzos like xanax. I personally was taking 20-30 hydro 10s a day, tapered down to 6/day over the course of 2 weeks, then went c/t. I experienced severe flu-like symptoms, restless legs, night sweats, sleep difficulties, the runs, headaches and general achiness -- but it was not as bad as I had dreaded, and the worst of it was over by Day 4.

There are OTC meds that help -- like Comtrex or TheraFlu, Motrin, Immodium A-D, etc. You shouldn't have withdrawals from taking xanax for only 4 days, and it can help reduce some of the w/d symptioms from the opiates -- just be very, very careful if you use them at all. Take them only for a very short period of time and throw any remainder out. You definitely don't want to substitute addictions -- and w/d off xanax addiction presents seizure risks.

Please keep posting so we can help you through the physical w/d and maybe help you develop a recovery plan to fight the mental addiction and 'stay stopped.' It takes courage to do what you're doing. Hang in, M.
I am already trying to talk myself into going to the Doctor in the morning and telling either getting a new script and trying to taper off the drug or just tell him the truth and see what done
a part of me feels if I don't just go cold turkey and suffer through the withdrawel it will be easier to begin using again because I'll not think it was so bad.
basically my plan now is to hibernate and sweat it out until monday.
my last attempt at cold turkey I began having severe stomach cramps and the feelings of depression were worse than the physical symptoms.
so is it pretty certain the worst is over after 3-4 days?
I guess the only good thing about using the xanax is I hate the affect they give me and my plan was to use them to use them only to reduce the withdrawel symptoms.
what is best for the stomach cramps and runs?
any suggestions as far as vitamins and ways to flush the stuff out any quicker?

Personally, I would not recommend you getting another script to try to taper.... If you're anything like me, you'll end up cheating with that script, too, and taking them all and then you'll be back to step one in a couple of weeks.

When I relapsed last November, I kept trying and trying to quit...... I would go to the doctor, get a script, write out a schedule, and tell myself that I'm going to taper so the withdrawals won't be bad.....

The last script I got was for 180 Norco and I ate them all in 2 weeks.....

If you cannot go to rehab, you really have two options (you have more than that I'm sure, but these are the most realistic):

You can see about getting on suboxone for a few weeks.... With the amount of opiates you're taking, this would probably be the best. BUT.... you may not be able to get an appt soon enough, so by the time you got in there, you'd be done with withdrawals anyway.... And it's very expensive, so it may not be an option.

Or you can take 4 days off of work...... You should feel better by day 5 or 6, but for some people, day 5 is one of the worst, so you may have to take the entire week off. If you choose this route, be sure to stock up on:

Immodium (not only is this good for cramps and diarrhea, but some people swear that it mimics a narcotic and crosses over the blood/brain barrier like other opiates, tricking your body into thinking it's getting the drug)

Benadryl, ambien, or xanax for sleep (I never recommend xanax, but since you said you have some, go ahead and take them..... Most people will warn you against them because they are afraid of addiction, but, if you can take it safely, it's okay to use for 3-5 days to get some sleep..... just be sure not to take them during the day so that you don't get in the habit of having it in your system).


B-12 and a good multi-vitamin

Advil Cold and Sinus or Comtrex Cold and Flu (for daytime use).....These really do help with a lot of the symptoms you'll get

When it gets bad, be sure to post on here...... And make sure to keep yourself hydrated with either water or Gatorade, because dehydration is really one of the only dangerous parts of cold turkey withdrawal (and, even then, it's very rare anything will happen unless you have an underlying medical condition).

If you get the support from your doctor, he could give you something else to help regulate your blood pressure and help with your symptoms, so you may want to talk to him.

Good luck.
I know you are right as far as trying to taper....
that is actually what got me to this point and now I'm using more than ever.
I took off work with the intention of kicking this habit and can most likely take a little more time if I still feel crappy on Monday.
As long as I can go a few day without I believe I'll be fine.
for me the psycological desire is almost worse and I feel anxious being around people and I know I am not really depressed but so used to the drugs in my system that without them I don't feel "normal"
what really stinks is now the drugs don't even produce the "high" anymore and I am just taking them to function and be around people.
now after reading about xanax I am afraid to take those.
would OTC stuff be safer?
Fredo, the problem you may have is the lingering depression, if that happens you may want to see a doc for an ad, unless you take Danni's suggestion and try the sub, the sub usually takes care of the depression.

Good luck
What is ad and how expensive is the sub?
one of the doctors I get my scripts for had some pamphlets on pain killer addiction and withdrawel.
I was under than impression the treatment was a couple thousand dollars which I don't have.
I just want to be off this stuff for good and able to function with out feeling so anxious.
fredo ad is an antidepressant, I dont have much knowledge of sub. I know is is something that is prescribed that help with the w/d from what you are addicted to some on here have used it and it has helped them alot.. I am sure someone will be along in a min to tell you more about it.
Fredo, it shouldnt cost that much no matter what they do. Even using cloniding and ad's should be a few hundred at most, sub cost about $500 give or take.
You can read about it here

One of the doctors I use also treats patients for addiction.
if I can withdraw using this approach would most agree is would be better ?
fredo, what approach is that? Not sure what you mean.

Hey Fredo,
I am fairly new to this site myself. Comming to this site and posting my story just as you did is the best this that could have happened to me. My d.o.c. was vicodin for about the last 2 years. I went cold turkey about 4 days ago. I found all the support and answers i needed right here. The w/d are bad at first but after day 3 they will get better i promise. Im on day 4 and i feel much better than the last 2 days. On day 2 my boyfriend who i had no choice but to tell read some of these messages and went to the store. The last 3 days i have survived on : immodium, comtrex cold and flu, goodies (dont use much tylenol cause i got a hard time swallowing pills- ironic uh), tums, b12 & b6 vitiman complex, water and crackers. I take ambien to sleep although alot will warn you of that it really is best to do it naturally. I have also survived on major support. The difference is even though i am going through w/d ive still been going to work. Really tough i promise. You have taken the first step, motivate yourself and you can do this. Listen to the people here they know what they are talkin about. Good Luck...God Bless
Thankyou so much!
I was thinking of going to the doctor and asking about the sub....??
that is suppossed to you detox and help with the withdrawel.
I have to admit once there I may just opt for getting more percocet though.
I can still remember how good it feels once the crap is out of your system and know if I can get through the first few days I'll be okay.
I'm just very scared because I have never been on the stuff this long and am amazed at the amount of the pills I have been taking over the last month.
as long as I can stay in "hibernation" during the w/d I feel like I will be okay.
I feel so anxious and just going out to the store is scary.
I hate what these pills have done to my life and that fact that just doing normal activities has become difficult without being on something is so upsetting.
I am not even at the hard part yet as far as physical symptoms but am experiencing really bad depression.
it stinks!!
I need to go to the store and stock up on the vitamins and immodium and am trying to talk myself out of taking a few of the lortabs I saved (just in case)
just to get out the door.
is this normal ?
I have been reading the posts and many seem to have taking far more for longer periods and come clean so I feel good about that.
yea the mental part is the hardest. Lately it seems to be the only thing on my mind. I notice that i dont move as fast work as fast or have the motivation to do anything, In my mind i know that its is all a matter of time in teaching my self how to live again sober not just for me but for my kids. One day at a time. In the first 3 days i felt like i could have died and i asked the lord to help me make it to the next hour cause day to day was to long for me to handle. do whatever it takes to get you through. Come here and vent just as i did the will help you. Another big thing is be honest. Not only with yourself but those that love and care about your well being.
welcome to the forum, fredo.

i ditto what "none" said.

as to what to expect?

when we embrace recovery - about the only expectation i can have is a miracle!

a miracle is a shift in our perception from something negative to some positive.

you, my new friend, are a miracle!

hugs and tons of encouragement to you.


Hi i went to a health food herbal store and told them what was happening desparate for some relief they gave me vit b complex devils claw and glucosamine and a big bottle off amino 1000 acids they also gave me something called sam-e 200 its supposed to be a natural mood enhancer and help with pain the vit helps with stress so you dont have so much anxiety I hope this helps you and me cause if I can do it without narcotic substitutes and more destructive prescription drugs I think it may be flushed out naturally and not cause anymoreanxiety about getting off the next crap drug the doctor gets me hooked on maybe you can try it I hope it helps
Hi Fredo, After a tough w/d form oxy's (which have the same active ingredient as perc's) I can tell you it's no picnic, but it can be done. The anticipation if worse tho. Don't stress too mcuh about it, you'll need your strenght. Get the immodium, that's a tough part. I told my doc to not give me more. Had ambien for sleep after day 5, also some benzo. To me, if I can sleep, I can make it. But 5 days on 8 hours of very broken light sleep weakens anyone's resolve. Get the sleep. I thought hibernation would be best, but found human contact to be distracting. No one knew, I've had the "flu" 3 times in 4 months. It takes your mind somewhat off of the ordeal.

Tracy, trying to reach you. Hang in there babe...you know what continued use will do to your life. You just die slow. I'm so concerned for you, but seems you know more then me. But on day 15, maybe I can talk you through a little. If you see any of my notes, lets talk. Can't give my address w/o revealing too much. Oxy is evil for uses. I walked in eyes open and am weak. But will defeat this, I will! I know you're sufffering, keep talking. God Bless you, I'll pray right now. I felt so alone, no one knew. Still...
hi i some how came up on this web page while looking for help with getting off of pain pills and heroine unfortunately i have been using off an on for about six months.i was introduce by my boy friend i went cold turkey about three months ago it was horrible but i was still craving the feeling of being high so in return i started taking vicodin and purk's when the vic's werent available. well i had basically stopped every thing for about two months got back with my boy friend and started back using. basically i may do like half of a dime bag a day and i wana stop but im so afraid of the withdrawl im trying now and im up 300clockin the morning feeling like i have a fever i need help some one please shed me some light and pray for me please