Where In The World Is Jeff Suboxman

Hey Jeff, how are you doing today. Glad to see you helping out reddog. He's really scared but I think that he is going to be just fine. Hope you are feeling better and healing well. So sorry to hear about the mess with your crown and your Sub doctor. It will all work out in the end.
As usual whatever can goes wrong does go wrong. Grandmother displaced--my brothers father in law had chest cut open cancer--a bunch of other problems that I have no control over.

Doctor told me between serequel--8mg of subox 60 mg of cymbalta and all my other meds I should be laid up in bed. I had to go to work. Cant talk but can send e-mails. Next week is off for me so I got 4 days left.

Hope your doing O.K Pam I am crashing.


I just read that post. Wow you are sweet , actually honeslty worrying about me. Dam you people are too good to me. And why??

Do i deserve it.

Bless you all
Of course you deserve it....we are all in the same boat dog....paddling like hell...you will always find help here......Sharonn
Reddog, you are soooo worth it. I care about everyone that has an addiction problem. Every night I pray for all addicts and pray that they seek help and are not too sick.

Jeff, thanks again for helping Reddog. My hubby's uncle is having a pacemaker put in this morning. Crap like this happens everytime that I go thru w/d, except usually we have a death in the family and I have to plan and or go to a funeral in full blown w/d's. I'm praying that things work out better for the Uncle today. You take care and we'll talk soon.