Why Sleeping Pills?

Hey guys,

I'm just writing about sleeping pills. My boyfriend is a heroin addict and recently i found out that he's been taking sleeping pills. He doesn't inject but he does inhale the heroin. I'm still unsure why he would do that, using sleeping pills while being on gear. I'm not sure how he uses it but im wondering it's because he either can't score any heroin that night therefore taking the sleeping pill so he'll be able to just sleep so he won't crave the drug. Or because he uses the sleeping pill while he's using the heroin at the sametime so it gives him a greater high when they "don't have enough" heroin to use ?

I'm so puzzled.. please help me to understand..
I'm not really sure about this one. I know that when my boyfriend doesn't have it for a day or 2 he definately can't sleep and he tosses and turns all night. Maybe he can't sleep when he doesn't have it?
well the sleeping pills are used to mix the heroin with,well i did ,i used dorman sleeping pills to mix with my heroin and can be bought over the counter,so if inhaling the drug thats what the sleeping pills are for,good luck
why do u mix heroin with sleeping pills?
Hi Miss Puzzled,
in answer to your question, i would imagine that your initial guess that your boyfriend is taking sleepers to increase the "gouch" whilst on gear. im a heroin addict, but have been clean for 18 mths now and i certainly used sleepers to increase the buzz, and not necessarily to actually go sleep!! however, if i had no gear then i would certainly have to take something to help me sleep, but they would usually only work for 3 hours then i would be wide awake again. as a junkie, your boyfriend will be using them for the same reasons as i did, to get high, whether with or without gear!

Ray hit in on the head.
Hmmmmm, now that is interesting.
My BF is an addict and takes Zopiclone sleepers.

I know he had no H yesterday and had a sleeper last nite but it didn't work - I did NOT know that sleepers made you gouch etc. when you've had H but it all makes sense now!

the sleeping pills are used to "cut" the heroin to keep it from burning your nose up. ever see what happened to uma thurman in pulp fiction when she thought she was doing coke.
I took sleepers because I got a speed thing when I ran up. Like a ritilan thing. I needed some Benzo's to sleep. Two habits, what fun