Will I Go Into Detox???

I have drank pretty consistently (daily) for the past two years basically. The only thing thats stopping me is the extreme fear of dying by quitting. I know that might not sound rational but I am but naturally a very anxiety ridden person and as of lately I have been having a lot of panic attacks and anxiety. Its hard for me to decipher if Im creating my own symptoms, if that makes sense. Either way, the fear is debilitating. On average I drink a half a bottle to a full bottle of wine a night. Never less, sometimes more. I dont have cravings per say, more I work it up in my head that my body is having withdrawal effects. I have had such bad anxiety attacks that I end up going to the ER in the past, before I started drinking. I did quit for a week last year in March and had no side effects. I started again because, well, I lived with my best friend who is also an alcoholic. I am aware that Im an alcoholic if not defined by cravings or a need to drink, but defined by when I do drink I can lose control at any time, over drink and black out. I am ready to never pick up another drink, the only thing thats is stopping me is the debilitating fear of detox.
Any insight would be greatly appreciated!!

I also should add that I had a friend who ended up in ICU. He quit for three days and then started having delirium tremens. He was in ICU for quite some time. Just thinking about it spikes my anxiety.
Hi there Air... My advice would be to seek medical and addiction treatment . It is hard to tell what would happen as we are all different in the way our body responds to stopping the drink. I relate to your post, some things reminded me of myself . There is a solution to your problem, with help and treatment I am now 9 years sober..You can do it...
I was forced to stop when my liver failed back in 2017, I pulled out of it and the week in ICU plus the month of rehab learning to walk again got me off it until earlier this year. I started drinking again in March '19. I have stopped off and on since and it's never easy, I know how my body reacts and I make sure I take supplements, especially potassium, when I give it up. I can expect a weekend of no sleep, sweating profusely, and no appetite, but after 48 hours or so I am ok. I really think it depends on the person, if you have concerns I would certainly seek professional help before going cold-turkey.