My husband is a binge weekend drinker. He typically 2 or 3 nights a week. Enough to get drunk 3-5 beers and 2-3 glasses of wine. He doesn't drink anything Sun - Wed. He gets hangovers very easily and feels like crap most of the weekend. He wants to stop drinking. Will he have any physical withdrawal symptoms or mostly psychological cravings?
Hi there
well I am no doctor, but I am an alcoholic - I have to say that doesn't sound like a lot of booze to me. I would say probably he won't get too much in the way of physical withdrawals. You have to drink pretty large quantities to get physical withdrawals.
Does he ever have the shakes in the mornng after a big night drinking? Of course it may depend if he is taking other substances, pills etc along with the booze, that could change things.
If he is an alcohlic it is the mental obsession that is going to cause him way more problems than any physical withdrawal if what you say about his level of drinking is true. Thinking about the drink, when he is sober.
Depends if he is a social drinker, heavy drinker or actually an way to tell from the limited information provided.
Good luck
well I am no doctor, but I am an alcoholic - I have to say that doesn't sound like a lot of booze to me. I would say probably he won't get too much in the way of physical withdrawals. You have to drink pretty large quantities to get physical withdrawals.
Does he ever have the shakes in the mornng after a big night drinking? Of course it may depend if he is taking other substances, pills etc along with the booze, that could change things.
If he is an alcohlic it is the mental obsession that is going to cause him way more problems than any physical withdrawal if what you say about his level of drinking is true. Thinking about the drink, when he is sober.
Depends if he is a social drinker, heavy drinker or actually an way to tell from the limited information provided.
Good luck
It happens. Withdrawal symptoms are inevitable. But you have to fight it.
Idgie is right. It doesn't sound as if your husband is yet consuming enough alcohol to suffer from withdrawal symptoms. Given that he is dry between binges, he would already be suffering from withdrawal or delirum tremens (DTs) after each binge which may sometimes be fatal.
Can your husband reach that point someday? Yes. Will he? Nobody knows.
I do question whether your husband isn't drinking more than you know about because it seems like he is drinking too little for an experienced drinker to be getting hangovers.
Can your husband reach that point someday? Yes. Will he? Nobody knows.
I do question whether your husband isn't drinking more than you know about because it seems like he is drinking too little for an experienced drinker to be getting hangovers.
Hey Suzan ! Sorry I am too late to answer this thread. But in my opinion when a person who has been drinking too much alcohol on a regular basis suddenly stops drinking alcohol will face some problems in the starting. But with strong will power one can beat this little addiction.