Will New Sub. Dr Know I Got "kicked Out"...?

Hi, I'm Lindsey, 32/f in Waco, TX with question about Suboxone doctors... Currently I'm strung out pretty bad on heroin, and I KNOW I need help. I've been off & on opiates (or methadone) for a little over 15 years. I am desperately seeking some information so I can make my next move as quickly as possible.

When you're trying to get in with a new Suboxone doctor, is it possible for them to tell that I've been "kicked out" of two other doctors? I'm wanting to call and make an appointment with a doctor that is about an hour and 15 min. (driving time) away from me (there's only one Sub dr practicing in my particular area; this was the first dr I saw). The deal is, both doctors I saw terminated my treatment because of dirty UA's (not for opiates but b/c I'm also addicted to meth). After a month on h again, I know I can't stand to live like this and I'm beyond ready to get back on Subs b/c I KNOW they work [and I know I'll have to find other ways of dealing with my eating disorder besides meth, if I don't want to screw things up this time]. I'm not trying to "doctor shop"; I'm just scared to call this doctor and have to tell them that two other doctors ended my treatment b/c obviously I'm terrified they won't be willing to see me and I NEED this medication...The last one thought I needed inpatient, but I've been there and done that and using Subs for the short-term 10-day detox or whatever does not work for me. I've come to believe that I may need some type of "maintenance" treatment possibly for the rest of my life.

What would you all do? (when the secretary asks whether or not I've been on Subs before) Just act like I've only been on it in detox? Tell them about only one doctor in my past (of course assuming the risk they will call this doctor and the doctor might or might not let them know they were the second doctor I was receiving treatment from)...? [again, I did not have more than one doctor at a time; these past 2 doctors were a couple weeks apart from each other] Tell them the whole truth?

Please help, I am desperate to get off this s***, I'm so tired of it wrecking my body and my mind. I feel like a prisoner in my own life, chained to heroin, having to 'dose' myself every 6 hours like clockwork so I don't get sick. What is the best way to approach treatment with a new doctor?
Search the tabs and links at the top of this website: Find Treatment, Programs and Resources, Beyond Recovery, call your local HelpLine. they will point you in the right direction for Out Patient counselling. I found a recovery center in my community that has many programs to help addiction and stay in recovery.

under the one government program they have inpatient rehab, out patient IOP, psyc doctors for duel dx and medical management (vivitrol, sub, methadone), counselors, group programs, a person can participate in as much or as little as they need. helps to sign up for Medicaid. family counseling. behavior therapy, motivational therapy, vocational help.

as a family member looking for help for myself, I am impressed with this program.
it is a slow process, weekly sessions, it is best to look at the long term out come. Example, a year is going to go by, do I want to be in a better place in a year, or a worse/same place.

suggestion - look for a good long term sober living home this suggestion may make the logistics of staying clean easier when having a safe place to live with people who are going thru the same stuff. and the rent might be cheaper and within a bus route for transportation. (idk your living situation)

a local program would be a good choice for you so you are not driving so far just to pick up your prescription and one session. in other words, you may need to have on going therapist, programs, etc so you can work on your issues while staying clean.

make recovery your primary job for this year. tap into what the government has to offer - there has been an increase in awareness and treatment program.

