Withdrawals...love To Hate Em

I by no means am not an expert on withdrawal symptoms,although I have been through many,some horrible and some not so horrible.Everyone seems to experience them the same yet differently.

I remember so well my first full detox.I was taking mass doses of Oxycontin daily.With my doctor shopping in full swing I was using around 2,000 to 3'000 mgs. on a daily basis for about month and half when I started blacking out and would wonder the streets of the small town I lived in.The cops would see me in the middle of the night and take me home.Well,one night in February I was wondering the streets in just my pajama bottoms.The cops took me to a local hospital where they admitted me to the psych ward.By morning I was hitting withdrawal and wanted out badly.When the doctor came to see me I told him I wanted out!! He said he put me on a 72 hour hold.I started freaking out and started arguing with him which led me to grab him and shove him up against the wall.BIG MISTAKE!!!

It seemed within seconds I was thrown to the floor by a mob of people(i'm 6'5''/250lbs)I was shackled and chained and the cops came and took me to the State Hospital for the Mentally and Criminally insane.Seems the good doctor filed commitment papers on me and labeled me mentally ill and dangerous.

While I was there with such lovely people,I was left to deal with cold turkey withdrawals.I was sooooo sick!!! I could not get out of bed for days.I would puke in bed and lay in my own diarhea.The staff would let me lay for hours before I was cleaned up.I had severe withdrawals for 3 weeks and the fatigue took months before it left.

You would think that going through all of that would of woke me up,but alas,I didn't have a clue what addiction was all about and started all over again when I was released.

I remember being told that the worst of my withdrawals would end after the 4th or 5th day.I never had a withdrawal that was that short.To this day I don't give advise to anyone on how to withdraw at home.I never say it will only last a few days because I don't know how that person will react to withdrawal symptoms.I do encourage those serious about recovery to come clean with their doctors and seek supervised detox.

I found with myself that withdrawal symptoms were NEVER a deterrent to stop using.Educating myself on addiction and seeking Gods Son Jesus Christ has been my only solution to my addiction.

Hi Bish,
Thank you for sharing that! I remember mine to , I dont think I ever want to forget it either. I didnt get it the first time either. I was in with drawl and was trying to drink alcohol and take xanax to help with withdrawls....wondering why it didnt work!!! lol DUH! I couldnt hardly eat for 2 weeks. And anxiety attacks!! They were the worst. I detoxed at home both times. It wasnt pretty. I also didnt know the dangers either.First time my husband was in rehab at the time. 2 weeks later I ran out and decided to quit....UGH!!! I dont think I slept well for a month. My house was always clean until I decided to quit. Then it looked like a crack house because I couldnt do anything. You think I would of learned then,.but no I didnt. 2 years later I relapsed for about 2 monthes. Thats when I hit my bottom and for the first time asked God to help me. I went to a meeting with 24 hours clean. I shook and am surprised that I didnt have to run to the bathroom during the meeting. I think it was God seeing me through that meeting. Cause when I got home the diarrhea returned!! lol I finally surrendered . I finally accepted the fact that I'm an addict. I was finally willing to go to any and all lengths to get clean and stay clean. Today I attend meetings., sometimes not as much as I should but I do go. I talk to my sponsor. I am working on the steps. And I do alot of reading of recovery material. I also go online as well to help with my recovery. Ok well I had originally planned on just saying thanks for your post...so i dont know where all that came from ....lolol take care and God bless
gina :)

Thank you so much for sharing some of your experience with withdrawal symptoms.As I read some posts concerning some members going through withdrawal,I was reminded of my own experiences.I think it's important for those experiencing withdrawal or those wanting to start a detox hear how those with clean time have experienced withdrawals,not just give advise,but let them know what we went through.

When I went to rehab the first time there had never been another there with Oxycontin addiction.I was the first and had no one that could share their experiences with.After a few meetings I did meet a heroin addict in recovery and we shared alot of the same things.

Anyway....thanks again for sharing.Maybe some others with clean time will share their experience with withdrawals.

God Bless
Hi Bish, nice to meet you....
Thanks for posting that and I am sorry for what happened. So many people don't understand these meds unless they go through it themselves. I still am amazed that with most drugs, you feel pretty close to normal in a week, but these withdrawls go on and on...
Hi Kerry...

nice to meet you too! I sure don't know what it is about Oxycontin,but it's sure been a long detox process for so many of us.

Good advice, Bish. I do think we on the Board are sometimes too quick to assume that our own withdrawals will be like everyone else's. Not the case. I withdrew off hydrocodone at home, but it was my first withdrawal, and although I was using alot (200-300 mg), I'd only been using daily for 6 months -- so my w/d was not nearly as bad or a slong as the one you described. The worst was over after Day 3, and most physical symptoms were done -- except the sleeplessness -- after Day 5. I was particularly interested in your observation that the severity of withdrawals has never been a deterrent for you using again. I think that runs counter to popular belief. M.
Hi None4me...

thank you for responding.Ya know,I would get Alzheimers after each detox...LOL..how quickly I forgot the torment!!! I learned that at least here in Minnesota they give everyone an IQ test when entering rehab.I am amazed they have found that addicts have on average,higher IQ's,because we all seem to be slow learners when it comes to quiting.

Maybe it's like giving birth -- the memory of the pain fades with time. lol Only the memory loss serves a positive purpose with procreation....not so with withdrawal. M.
Hi Bish
I don't know if you remember me but its so good to see you posting again. I know we have a similar passion for God which makes us brothers in Christ. Thanks for sahring your awsome story.
I was reading your story and that has got to be the worse. I can relate in a way because I stopped taking methadone after 2 1/2 years and that withdrawl was an extremely long and pianful one as you described. However, I got to do it in the privacy of my own home. I can relate to the repeating the same patterns. Alhtough I would never go through the meth wthdrawl again. I have put myself through the vicodin and perocet withdrawl since then and that just seems to be a walk in the park compared to methadone and what I have heard from Oxycotin. I think that sh*t just stays in your system for a really long time. Anyway, thanks for sharing your story... Rae


I have been reading some posts by you and I have to say what a true blessing it has been for me to see you doing so well!!!!! Yes my friend we truely are brothers in the Lord,and it really was sad for me to see another child of God struggle with faith.I felt so helpless to encourage you and build you back up.You were alwaays in my prayers and I do believe in the power of prayer.

I have been taking classes at the local Bible College in Owatonna where I now live.The Lord has been leading me in the direction of becoming a resident pastor at one of the local rehab centers in southern Minnesota.It is not required to be ordained so I don't know if I will eventually attend seminary.As a second choice I would love becoming a youth pastor.I really enjoy teenagers and the thought of being a spiritual light for them excites me also.My daughter is a youth pastor and also runs some programs for inner city kids down in Nashville Tennesee.She has been encouraging me into more of a leadership role in my walk with Christ.

Once again Paul,I am so happy for you!!!


I have never been on Methadone but have heard plenty of horrible stories concerning withdrawal symptoms.Many have described how long and horrible the detox process is.Most would say the worst opiate as far as withdrawal symptoms and the length of the detox.

I have the utmost respect for those who have successfully detoxed themselves at home.I could not handle it!! I would always cave in.It still boggles my mind how people like yourself can endure it!!! You definitely have my respect!!!! Thank you for sharing with me.

Bish -I just want to say thank you for the wonderful post and telling your story.
Hi great post, and your honesty about things not easy to admit is what makes it a great post.

Withdraw hmm,
Well, I've been through it more times than I can remember and after the fact always was able to convince myself it wasn't that bad when I wanted to pick up again. In 2001 I went to detox/rehab. Looking back now I know it was just to save my a**, keep my family etc..
It was hell, 4 days in detox then 29 days of rehab. I got on a pink cloud near the end of my stay. Felt great but in my heart I knew I wasn't done. Did and said all the things that made me look like the model recovering alcoholic/addict. Although I went to meetings and got involved in A.A. I still worked the program my way.Doing a 4th step and following the suggestions of a program proven to work if worked didn't apply to me. I was "Unique", lol. Well I picked up again on my two year ann. Then two months later did something I up to that point hadn't done the first time. I surrendered picked up the phone and got honest.
Being honest was sure alot easier than than bulls--ting. Withdraw sucked this time, I did it at home, and with the help of my wife got through being sick, through the cravings, shakes, sleepless nights etc.. For me, the worst of it was over by the 3rd or 4th day. Then about a week of not sleeping right, cravings and not eating right if at all.
Your 100% right Bish, it's different for everyone. My wife for example took a little longer and had leg cramps, panic attacks etc.. I didn't have that.

Thanks for your post too. I couldn't have come this far without you. You continue to amaze me. Your love and support means more to me than words could ever express. Your stronger and wiser than I could ever hope to be.
I love you and I would be fine any where on earth as long as you were by my side.

Take care................................God bless............................................Bob

I just have to say that I love that post you just made to Gina. She is one special person. Hang on to her buddy.

Love you two,