Hi Gang,
I have tapered from 6 oxy's to 2.5 in one week....Now it's time to go lower and I can't seem to. I have been taking thera-flu at night to make me sleepy......any sugestions for when I am crawling out of my skin or want to scream at everyone around me???
Cat (Catherine)
I heard you need to cut down gradually. I think you cut back to drastically for your body to handle. Seboxone helps with oxy withdrawals.
Kitten Oxycontin is a very tough drug to wean off of. The fact that you cut that much wil increase your cravings and make W/D get worse and worse.
I kinda the same thing.
Rehab is best if not rehab get into outpatient therapy with an addiction specialist who prescribes and MONITORS Suboxone.
You must go to meetings at the beginning.90-90--if you honestly do not find the meeting helpful by then you will have learned between outpatient and meetings an education on addiction.
Not evreybody is so forunate to go to rehab
Its the best medicine for addiction IMO and if you can go and only lame exscuses stop you well like a job is the most I hear people say.
Well they cannot fire you and if they care about they will survive 28 days wihout you. JMO also the pills will kill you but at 4.7% unemployment your chances of finding work are exellent. Never sacrifice health for wealth-you lose evreytime
Take care--Jeff
P.S Cat---I did my fair share of eating snorting and consuming man MG of oxycodone and benzosdaily and its a really tough W/.D--I tried a bunch of times and failed always.
How long and how much do not matter
I kinda the same thing.
Rehab is best if not rehab get into outpatient therapy with an addiction specialist who prescribes and MONITORS Suboxone.
You must go to meetings at the beginning.90-90--if you honestly do not find the meeting helpful by then you will have learned between outpatient and meetings an education on addiction.
Not evreybody is so forunate to go to rehab
Its the best medicine for addiction IMO and if you can go and only lame exscuses stop you well like a job is the most I hear people say.
Well they cannot fire you and if they care about they will survive 28 days wihout you. JMO also the pills will kill you but at 4.7% unemployment your chances of finding work are exellent. Never sacrifice health for wealth-you lose evreytime
Take care--Jeff
P.S Cat---I did my fair share of eating snorting and consuming man MG of oxycodone and benzosdaily and its a really tough W/.D--I tried a bunch of times and failed always.
How long and how much do not matter
There are going to be withdrawal symptoms if you taper or go cold turkey. There's just no way around them. Crawly skin, dancing legs, tight muscles, anxiety, depressions is all part of it. There is a list of OTC meds that someone posted here somewhere. Maybe someone will bump it up for you . I don't have the time to look for it. What you are feeling is normal. It sucks but it's normal. Good luck.
There are going to be withdrawal symptoms if you taper or go cold turkey. There's just no way around them. Crawly skin, dancing legs, tight muscles, anxiety, depressions is all part of it. There is a list of OTC meds that someone posted here somewhere. Maybe someone will bump it up for you . I don't have the time to look for it. What you are feeling is normal. It sucks but it's normal. Good luck.