You Are In A Program??

i could be wrong but this reminds me of a saying "don't hate the player, hate the game" i interpret that as no one is mad or angry at anyone involved here. but we are all frustrated with the game. ok well maybe some might be mad at the players. but from knowing what i know about the "gangsta's" those people are not the one's hating. they are getting misunderstood and i am seeing words being taken out of context by the other people claiming to be good hearted. claiming certain behaviors are repulsive and uncalled for. from my standpoint those people attacking the "gang" are no different or any better. by keeping it going with thier opinions as well. i'm not trying to be neutral just calling it as i see it. oh and how do i get initiated into the "gang" cause black, pink and purple are my colors : ) i would be proud to call myself a part of that gang.

Deb M.

Don't worry about my clean time or my Recovery program. I'm doing just great.
You know that you should put your own recovery above everyone else's. BTW, why did you post on this thread? Like the others, guess you just want to keep the fire do what I have seen you do best on this board....keep on instigating and making problems worse.