Havent talked to you in a bit you still fighting the good fight? I need someone to put me in a coma for a month.What you do today I acctually got alot done today went shopping ran errands for my mom and cleaned most of my house,tommorrows my daughters birthday shes 14 going on 24 I bought her a pair of capris a tshirt a belt 3 pairs of undies and 2 cheapy bracelets 85 dollars not to bad I guess shes going through a bad phase the school called me today said she hasent been to school since april 26 shes leaving and coming home at regular times,I dont know what to do with her shes bigger than me and they put you in jail for disaplining nowadays lol my hands are tied. enough about me whats going on with you? Tracey
Hi Tracey, Glad you're ffeling well enough to get some chores and shopping done. I got a little done too, and slept a bit last night. Man, don't you love teenagers. But I'll tell ya, you can't let them get the upper hand. My boys are way bigger then me, and I'm 5'8''. But if they get in my face at all I make it clear I can still put them down. I won't tolerate too much disrespect ( they are teenagers, some is inevitable) and I make them do well in school. They have once or twice tried to use their size to intimidate me, and I just tell them if they want to get hurt keep it up. They still fear me. Listen was called away for an hour...will write more later. Keep in touch
HI ya busy day again today with my daughters birthday and all.really nice outside here too. I dont know what your secret is but the louder i yell the harder they laugh Had a knock at my door this morning and it was the police I told her if she continued to hang around with these people they would get her involved in there crap and they did I guess one of them knocked over a mail box and dug the mail out of it and ripped it up and through it all over wtf.So she has to go to the police station and make a statement wow what a freakshow this city is I hate it here gotta get outta this place for my daughters sake.I keep thinking its sunday for some reason .,
Sorry to hear about your daughter and the cops. Worst nightmare, huh? Good thing it doesn't sound too serious. Me, I just start taking priviliges. Grounded, cell phone, guitars, etc. They hate to lose this stuff and be grounded. Works for me anyway. I really don't hit or yell to much...doesn't do much good. They know if my voice becomes quiet, I'm pissed. They've been grounded all week, doing extra chores. Have them home for the 1st time on a Sat. Tomorrow is Mother's Day obviously. I asked them to come straight home from church with their dad...they said they'd already told him they wouldn't be coming. I was very touched they thought of it. SO had them in the yard all day so I can pay them and they can buy me something. I'm blessed...we get along pretty good...I embarrass them some, but we have a good time. Love to share music and jokes and shows. Tried to take a belt to Ben when he had a very bad mid-term. He just kept looking down at me saying "Mom, please don't do this". Finally I realized how long it had been...told him to consider himself spanked. Anyway, I do know how hard it is Tracey...a constant battle. Trying to keep them on the right path. Especially when I've strayed so much. Happy Mother's Day. I'm sure you do just great...like the rest of us you doubt that! Later, Beck
Ive tried everything and I cant seem to get through to her so I figure sooner or later shes gonna have to pay the piper I just pray that wont be too high of a price