Discrimination, Tyranny & Abuse

The most abused people in the USA are people consume certain plants and/or other medicines without the official permission of the Imperial Government or today's version of their special Oracles Or Priests (Doctors.)

Drug users are blatently discrinated against in almost every aspect of life. Even those in rec overy, often are discrimanted against -SOmetimes by the medical people they are seeing to help them in recovery.

The constitution,, the bill of rights, and due process of law does not apply to drug users.
i agree, drug addicts are treated like the dirty little secret by many people, maybe it will change someday I am old enough to remember when unwed mothers were sent away and you didnt say pregnant you said pg in a whisper....so maybe addiction someday will get treated better, it will take vigilence to make sure they are treated better
Hi, I don't honestly think that it's about how other people see drugs and addication, its how we see ourselves. Our vulnerability and actual dependency on whatever the substance. Its jail, prison and no key. One has lost that most presious gift, freedom, and there is no getting it back without, to the addict, great sacrifice. A sacrifice most of us addicts are not prepared to make. To live without drugs, to comprehend a normal life, without the "wonderful" highs, to me anyway seems impossible. But the huge cost is that I don't share in the ordinary pleasures of life, in fact I prefer to be on my own to enjoy my drugs. So I don't think that this thing called drug addiction and how people see it, employers', family etc realy matters, it's our slavery to substances that realy bothers us. Agnes.
Well said Agnus because what it all boils down too is, it's none of our business what others think of us. It's what we think and what we choose to do about it. It is what it is...and then you move on.
well, i think it does matter in certain areas, my son as I have posted is in jail, on suicide watch, day 12..he was withdrawn from heroin and benzos and is in drug psychosis, i dont know if he will ever get back, point being, if he were diabetic or heart patient I know damn well they wouldnt have taken all meds away and let him go crazy with no help..it is because he is a drug addict..they look at him like a weak scum of the earth and they have the power to do whatever they want ...it is because of their archaic perception that he could have stopped if he had wanted to, so theyll make him stop...
Unfortunately, if he had been on prescribed meds, they wouldn't have taken them away like that..he is or was taking ILLEGAL drugs. Big difference. However, he still deserves humane, medical treatment.

My heart hurts for him momg. If he were my son, I would be going out of my mind.
oddly enough the benzos were prescribed, by the addiction doctor, wish he had never taken those, they were a disaster waiting to happen..everyone is in jail for doing something illegal..but I know that addicts are denied certain medical protocols because they are addicts, and yes, I have been heartsick that it went this way, he has needed psychological intervention for YEARS so maybe this is the plan God has..I sure hope so, we see him (hopefully) tomorrow in court at the custody hearing
----->everyone is in jail for doing something illegal..

I gotta disagree with that statement.

I think I know what momg meant by that Joe..but you're right, not everyone is guilty. Some are there because of a disease that took control of thier life and they reached thier bottom. Do they belong in Jail? No. They belong in treatment.
Someone said something about it has to do with how we see ourselves.....

That is beside the point. Not all people who use drugs become addicts or are bad citizens, etc, etc. The laws make them criminals immediately.

Unless of course you are a user of a drug that is far worse then most- alcohal.

I can't help but admire homosexuals that came out of the closet, especially when it was illegal.

How ridiculous it is, that when going for an office job or anything else that u have to take a drug test, and if someone smoked pot or whatever a week before, they cant get hired. If they ever got busted for any drug use, they can not get federal college aid unless they go thru rehab- whether they werever addicts or not.

Any other convicted criminal, including child molestors, are still eligible for finanacial aid.

It is mind boggeling, that someone has the audacity to make a plant illegal.

Even those who are clean and in recovery must watch their words when dealing with medical personal. I could never figure out why the main receptionist /secretary of a shrink I was seeing for a couple years always gave out bad vibes to me. I tried to say it was my imagination, but it was there. It wasn't until recently, when it came up in conversation with my daughter, that she asked me why I WAS seeing the shrink back then. When I told her it was to get help with a drug problem she pointed out the obvious, many people. to this day, through ignorance, percieve anyone who uses or used drugs as weak people with no sense of morality who probably belong in jail.
no i know there are plenty of innocents in jail..i wasnt clear..saw my son today 16the day in solitary, he was so flippin delusional he really didnt have a clue who i was, he belongs in the hospital, but "they will send him on dec 3rd when his jail time is through" he is paranoid, delusional, psychotic and it looks like he is highly, highly drugged, of coarse I cant get info because of his age,my husband also said he visited this afternoon and was freaked about what J thought was happening, day 16, it is more than withdrawals, i contacted his probation officer and asked for him to call medical, he said they didnt answer his call, so he gave me the medical lliason name, she wasnt in..yes, he was using heroin, it is illegal, he was also using prescribed xanax..he still deserves intervention for mental instability..they said HIPA doesnt apply to the county jail....bulls***, i had asigned document and they said it didnt matter..we will see if the mental health gal calls tomorrow, anyone have knowledge of what is happening to him?
I am not a dr, but I had the same experience with zanax. I thought I was going to freaking lose my mind. It could be from coming off of the drugs that your son seems crazy. Benzos, if taken long term, can really do damage to the brain. Hopefully, he will get better soon. It would be irresponsible of the jail to just stop his medication, so he might be on some librium precaution. That might be why he seems loaded. I wish they would give you an answer, and a Dr to speak with. Hopefully, he will get better help when he transfers and he will get better. I did.
I agree with you, BrownDog, the world looks down on addicts. Aint that a b****. The more people that speak out in defense, the more people won't treat us like dirty little secrets.
thanks little beach i was just shocked that he was so flippin whacked out..thought he had won the lottery, that he was out on bond and someone stole his clothes, that we had died and it just gets stranger..he didnt look that bad when he was shooting heroin..hoping someone tells me what is happening with him
MomG, I am so sorry for what ur son is going thru and how helpless u r to do anything. It is a terrible thing. I have never had the misfortane to 'detox' in prison. In the old days, an acquaintance told me it was simply "In the cell junkie" & when u were filthy enough they fire hosed u. (late 60's, early 70's)

I dont know how much has changed. I have heard horror stories. One father thought he was helping his son who he knew would be going thru serious wd's. He told the powers that be that his son was suicidal, thinking they would move him to the hospitol unit. What they did was kept him handcuffed and immobile in a cell so he wouldn't hurt himself. I can't imagine how horrid that would be.

A few years back I was talking to a prison guard in Fl. & asked what they did. She told me they detoxed they prisoners. I thought well thank God, some decency until she told me how the did it. Detox ment they were chained to their bed in the hospitol ward & their vitals were checked. As long as they were OK, they were given nothing and suffered thru withdrawel.

Cruel & unusual treatment as well as the US constitution simply do not apply to junkies. They are lower then the lowest of the low
sensory deprivation is what they would call it if he was in a private hospital and had money, i talked to someone i know that is a dispatcher (she is a friend of my cousin) he is seiing a psychiatrist, they have him very, very medicated, whatever the hell that means, he gets no mail, no commisary, no exercise, meals in cell, other than our visit yesterday that has been it..I have made several calls today asking that he has a dedicated medical advocate so there is something left on Dec 3rd to send to the rehab/psych unit.. i know on the moms site, many would tell me i am trying to control..maybe I am..I just want to know that he is being mentally monitored and that someone is watching them..paranoia, you betcha, this is jail, not hospital and I dont think they really give a sh** other than dont let him kill himself because we'll make a big stink and sue, that is the motivating factor..so hopefully they have a handle on the medical intervention...makes me wonder what the hekl drug they have him on he is almost catatonic
well if they really have him medicated so he is not suffering, that is a good thing. One thing they don't want to happen, as u said, is his demise. So if u r sure thats the case, and he is not suffering, u can be at peace. Don't even consider worrying about someone thinking u r trying to be controlling. The fact that they are aware that there is a concerned advocate might be beneficial to him.

I remember as a kid learning about the old days, and how cruel justice & life was & I wondered how things and people could be that way. Today, we pride ourselves on how enlightened we are.....diseases are cured, child abuse & spusal abuse is being delt with, etc, etc.

Yet we have an insane prison system, with different kinds of official & unofficial ways of doing things. Gangs, protection, rape extortion, corrupt guards, sadists, etc.---Vicious criminals sharing cells with substance abusers, etc, etc.

SOme guards abusing power. A system of justice often based not on truth, but who can afford what. And it costs a fortune to sustain.

There are many good things today, & for sure there are many evil people who deserve punishments, but the prisons as they are, seem to me to have taken on an evil life of their own. There has got to be a bettter way of doing things---------but even if not, I don't know how anyone can ever justify the idea of locking someone up for years and years for using or posessing drugs. There is no moral, religious, or ethical ground to stand on, but somehow people seem to think users or addicts deserve to be punished. Some justify it with the violence associated with drug use, however most violence is a direct result of the laws making drugs illegal and creating exhorbatant profits. The scum rises to the top, like alcohal prohibition. True criminals profit & the alcohal industry, the legal industry , etc. We trully have been duped.

I hope things turn out ok for ur son. Continue to pray for him.
hi there i can speak from experience of detoxing in jail,it sounds only a little different from here in australia,i have had to detox from oxy abuse not once but twice in jail,and yes there is a bit of support with programs in there but i was jailed for driving with no mdl repeat offender but have not driven for two and a half yrs now,as i said there was support after withdrawals but the programs were run by other crims,the screws just looked down on us like we were scum,some of us were there from bad choices but as for the detoxing part they did not really seem to care their attitude was you got yourself there so suffer and yes if it got to much and u played up or suffer mental problems then it was staight jacket and padded cell a very bad experience for someone already suffering to have more mental abuse [my opinion] and yes aslong as they keep u alive no problem for them as you are totaly isolated so only you know the extent of the suffering,i am still coming to terms with my addiction but not been in jail for almost two years and plan to stay out,and am working on my recovery,i hope he gets better treatment when he is moved and be able to regain some control over his life no one deserves to suffer like that it is inhumane so good luck and god bless
I guess I'm having a hard time with this...if you're in jail, it's because you most likely broke the law, correct? You weren't thrown in jail because you didn't do anything (although some are, I realize that) but mostly, if you're there, you screwed up.

So, by breaking the law, there's a consquence, correct? Why is it up to the tax payer to fund a criminal's past that has now caught up with him? I guess what I'm saying is that the funds are limited and they can't be a treatment center on top of a jail system where people are there to be punished. They lost thier rights when they took away the rights of thier victims, correct?

I'm all about humane treatment but I also believe in an eye for an eye...
i just have to make a comment people are not put in jail to be punished they are there as a punishment,no matter where you are everyone has a right to be treated like a human being,if a person is sick they have a right to be seen by a doctor regardless of where they are,but i also have to agree that if you break the law you must pay for what you have done we all have to pay for our sins in one way or another,your punishment in jail is your loss of freedom it does not take away your rights as a human being,but all have aright to their own opinion and this is just mine
i just have to make a comment people are not put in jail to be punished they are there as a punishment,

What's the difference?

I need to clarify, I do believe that most in jail need to be treated humanely, especially those that are sick. There are some however that have given up that right when they took those rights away from thier victims. People with diseases such as addiction, are not bad people. They need help. It's what they do to others that needs to be punished.