geez Pam, ya learn to post pics and now you're scaring the chit outta people!!!
your son is definately a lucky man!!
your son is definately a lucky man!!
OMG is that your sons car? I didn't hear abou that story.......dang.is he ok
Dear Pam:
I know you did this with the best of intentions - but I had to hit post before I saw the car.
It really takes me way down (depressed) to see wrecked cars. I have to look away when they show them on the news.
My son was killed by a drunk driver.
I just can't look, if it helps someone, then that will be good.
Love, Jean
I know you did this with the best of intentions - but I had to hit post before I saw the car.
It really takes me way down (depressed) to see wrecked cars. I have to look away when they show them on the news.
My son was killed by a drunk driver.
I just can't look, if it helps someone, then that will be good.
Love, Jean
Jean, I'm so sorry, I know Pam didn't mean it to hurt anyone..
Alcohol is evil.
Glad he lived to tell the story, Pam.
I'm showing this one to my sons.
Glad he lived to tell the story, Pam.
I'm showing this one to my sons.
Thanks for saying that Lisa...I will make it a point to show it to my 18 y/o tonight
Sometimes my boys are a little dense and need visuals. They don't seem to get it that addiction runs in our family and that alcohol is an addiction and a drug. Just when you think you're ok with one or two drinks, it sneaks up on you and you're doing crap you normally would never have done. The problem with booze is that it's so damn acceptable. Everyone with addictions issues needs a wake up call...that car is a good start.
Dear Pam my 13 year old wants to know how old your son is?....mj
Dear Janet:
I know Pam would never do anything hurtful like that. If seeing these pictures saves one young person, then it's worth it. I just can't see them.
The man who was drunk and killed my son was in his mid 30's, had numerous DUI's, DWI's and tickets for speeding and they only gave him a slap on the wrist for this - A big ticket and even higher insurance. He was already paying SR-22 - thought that was as high as you could go.
I wanted his license, had no luck. It was so - I just don't have the word for it. We heard that within a year later, he was defending himself in court due to a traffic ticket for speeding.
It can happen, I don't want sympathy, we say we know it can happen but until it does, then it hits you and changes a lot of lives forever.
No harm, I didn't see the pictures. I have even written to the local TV station and asked them not to show accidents on TV and they ignored me. I told them that people's loved ones died in those cars and they plaster them all over the TV.
Just wanted you to know that I never thought Pam did anything wrong, she couldn't have known.
Love, Jean
I know Pam would never do anything hurtful like that. If seeing these pictures saves one young person, then it's worth it. I just can't see them.
The man who was drunk and killed my son was in his mid 30's, had numerous DUI's, DWI's and tickets for speeding and they only gave him a slap on the wrist for this - A big ticket and even higher insurance. He was already paying SR-22 - thought that was as high as you could go.
I wanted his license, had no luck. It was so - I just don't have the word for it. We heard that within a year later, he was defending himself in court due to a traffic ticket for speeding.
It can happen, I don't want sympathy, we say we know it can happen but until it does, then it hits you and changes a lot of lives forever.
No harm, I didn't see the pictures. I have even written to the local TV station and asked them not to show accidents on TV and they ignored me. I told them that people's loved ones died in those cars and they plaster them all over the TV.
Just wanted you to know that I never thought Pam did anything wrong, she couldn't have known.
Love, Jean
I know Jean, I just feel for someone who has been through this kind of tragedy...knowing the guilt that my son just told me about this year, yeah, after almost 5 years he told me that the driver asked him to drive...I remember being so upset and crying to him not to drink and drive and then to find out that he was there...and about his guilt...I wouldn't wish that on anyone....
Molly, I think Pam's son is 21, but not positive.
Molly, I think Pam's son is 21, but not positive.
Nothing happened to the guy, jean? He didn't serve time at all? I'm mad for you just hearing that. Sorry if I'm saying anything disturbing, I don't mean to. Hope you're having a good night. Love, Kat
Dear Janet:
I hate that your son is young and already has to play the "if only's" and the
"what if's" games.
They can really get to you. We can't do anything. It's been 14 years and sometimes it feels like I got that call yesterday. The call that all parents say they don't want. I had said it, too. Then, it happened, my dummy b-in-law told me over the phone. I just threw the phone and screamed and took off running. David didn't know what was going on and he picked up the phone - I was at the other end of the house in the kitchen chair - as far as I could go. David thought he was going to have to tell me.
I felt like he honestly carried me through the whole horrible ordeal. He had to tell our other 2 sons. He had my oldest since he was 4 years old and was grieving terribly but he had to make all of the arrangements - I was there but I was just a zombie. We knew nothing about this and he was having such ahard time, too.
We had their service together, his and his Dad's. My son's g'friend's family had already another place for their whole family.
Dear Kat:
I don't mind you asking, these wre one of those times when life was so unfair.
One officer summed it up - he said "all of the witnesses in this car are dead so he is the only living witness" He said my ex didn't have his lights on and yet a little lady was looking out her window and saw the impact. She said his lights were on and his brake lights came on at the stop sign b/c the other guy said that my ex didn't stop at the stop sign. That guy came around a blind curve and they had just about made it across the road and he hit them. My son was 13 days away from being 19, his g'friend was 19, and it killed my ex, too. That man was going so fast, you couldn't even tell what kind of car they were in - it just kept rolling. My son was staying with his Dad that night and they had been at a friend's house. They tested thei blood and they had nothing in their systems - they waited 12 hrs before checking the other guys blood and it was still .12. He had a broken nose and hurt his arm and was at the hospital all this time. Only ticketed him for speeding - it didn't happen in Greenville county - a little county where the man lived close to here. They rules them both at fault. One witness who came right after the accident said she saw the guy throwing beer bottles after the accident but before the police had gotten there. Her husband had been killed in the same spot one year before, she is a nurse. She told the police this but they didn't put it into report. I think he was a good 'ol boy. My son was in the pasenger seat and the Blazer that hit my 1st husband's Mustang just crushed him. It threw my ex-husband out of the sun roof and the car hit him as it was rolling over and over. My son's girlfriend was thrown out the back window and it broke her neck.
They said my ex-husband had the only chance of surviving but he did love his sons and I think he would have killed himself even though it was not his fault.
I do believe in seatbelts, my 2 sons now won't start their vehicles until e'one is buckled up but this would not have helped my son or his g'friend, maybe only his Daddy - but like I said, he would be crazy or dead.
Sorry to be so graphic, I know teengers drink and drive but older people do, too - still. I had my youngest take driving lessons and the teacher told me that anyone out after 2 AM is drunk or will be - that's the ones they really follow.
He taught my son a lot of defensive driving and I am thankful for that.
My oldest had one year after garduation - he had lots of fun and I am glad. He worked odd jobs, went to his family's lake house a lot, he and Angie had dated for 7 months after getting back together when "going together" in middle school.
My husband had to tell my middle son that it was his father and his brother. I couldn't do it. My middle son said to David that he should have been with them.
I didn't u'stand - I thought he meant he should have died with them but they had called, were trying to fix him up w/Angie's sister but he had to cut the grass. He would have been in that car, too. I don't think I could have handled that but I didn't think I couldn't handle this either but I'm still here.
We laugh, we discuss my son, time helps just a little bit - some weeks I go through hell, I still want him back even knowing he's in a better place. It's not normal not to see your child in that many years. It changes you and your whole family's lives.
It happens to other people, you just don't think it will hapen to you but it can.
I have written a book. Just remember, I know at certain ages, they want to stay out late but after midnight, there's just not a lot of good stuff going on so keep them while you can. Mine never evn need a curew, they just always came home,
People would be shocked that I didn't set a curfew and I would say "as long as they don't give me a reason, there's no need" I know this made them grow up too fast. It was the summer before my middle son entered his senior year in HS and my youngest was going into 4th grade.
I pray for this to happen to no one. It still scares me - I will hear of someone losing 2 children at different times - different ilnesses or accidents - so, lightening can even strike twice. That scares me to death - I'll leave it at that.
Love and thanks for caring,
I hate that your son is young and already has to play the "if only's" and the
"what if's" games.
They can really get to you. We can't do anything. It's been 14 years and sometimes it feels like I got that call yesterday. The call that all parents say they don't want. I had said it, too. Then, it happened, my dummy b-in-law told me over the phone. I just threw the phone and screamed and took off running. David didn't know what was going on and he picked up the phone - I was at the other end of the house in the kitchen chair - as far as I could go. David thought he was going to have to tell me.
I felt like he honestly carried me through the whole horrible ordeal. He had to tell our other 2 sons. He had my oldest since he was 4 years old and was grieving terribly but he had to make all of the arrangements - I was there but I was just a zombie. We knew nothing about this and he was having such ahard time, too.
We had their service together, his and his Dad's. My son's g'friend's family had already another place for their whole family.
Dear Kat:
I don't mind you asking, these wre one of those times when life was so unfair.
One officer summed it up - he said "all of the witnesses in this car are dead so he is the only living witness" He said my ex didn't have his lights on and yet a little lady was looking out her window and saw the impact. She said his lights were on and his brake lights came on at the stop sign b/c the other guy said that my ex didn't stop at the stop sign. That guy came around a blind curve and they had just about made it across the road and he hit them. My son was 13 days away from being 19, his g'friend was 19, and it killed my ex, too. That man was going so fast, you couldn't even tell what kind of car they were in - it just kept rolling. My son was staying with his Dad that night and they had been at a friend's house. They tested thei blood and they had nothing in their systems - they waited 12 hrs before checking the other guys blood and it was still .12. He had a broken nose and hurt his arm and was at the hospital all this time. Only ticketed him for speeding - it didn't happen in Greenville county - a little county where the man lived close to here. They rules them both at fault. One witness who came right after the accident said she saw the guy throwing beer bottles after the accident but before the police had gotten there. Her husband had been killed in the same spot one year before, she is a nurse. She told the police this but they didn't put it into report. I think he was a good 'ol boy. My son was in the pasenger seat and the Blazer that hit my 1st husband's Mustang just crushed him. It threw my ex-husband out of the sun roof and the car hit him as it was rolling over and over. My son's girlfriend was thrown out the back window and it broke her neck.
They said my ex-husband had the only chance of surviving but he did love his sons and I think he would have killed himself even though it was not his fault.
I do believe in seatbelts, my 2 sons now won't start their vehicles until e'one is buckled up but this would not have helped my son or his g'friend, maybe only his Daddy - but like I said, he would be crazy or dead.
Sorry to be so graphic, I know teengers drink and drive but older people do, too - still. I had my youngest take driving lessons and the teacher told me that anyone out after 2 AM is drunk or will be - that's the ones they really follow.
He taught my son a lot of defensive driving and I am thankful for that.
My oldest had one year after garduation - he had lots of fun and I am glad. He worked odd jobs, went to his family's lake house a lot, he and Angie had dated for 7 months after getting back together when "going together" in middle school.
My husband had to tell my middle son that it was his father and his brother. I couldn't do it. My middle son said to David that he should have been with them.
I didn't u'stand - I thought he meant he should have died with them but they had called, were trying to fix him up w/Angie's sister but he had to cut the grass. He would have been in that car, too. I don't think I could have handled that but I didn't think I couldn't handle this either but I'm still here.
We laugh, we discuss my son, time helps just a little bit - some weeks I go through hell, I still want him back even knowing he's in a better place. It's not normal not to see your child in that many years. It changes you and your whole family's lives.
It happens to other people, you just don't think it will hapen to you but it can.
I have written a book. Just remember, I know at certain ages, they want to stay out late but after midnight, there's just not a lot of good stuff going on so keep them while you can. Mine never evn need a curew, they just always came home,
People would be shocked that I didn't set a curfew and I would say "as long as they don't give me a reason, there's no need" I know this made them grow up too fast. It was the summer before my middle son entered his senior year in HS and my youngest was going into 4th grade.
I pray for this to happen to no one. It still scares me - I will hear of someone losing 2 children at different times - different ilnesses or accidents - so, lightening can even strike twice. That scares me to death - I'll leave it at that.
Love and thanks for caring,
My heart goes out to you.....
I don't even want to go there in my head. It is just so heartbreaking......
I will always keep good thoughts for you.....
My heart goes out to you.....
I don't even want to go there in my head. It is just so heartbreaking......
I will always keep good thoughts for you.....
I think Pam did it right by identifying this thread..she said graphic pictures. If it's something that you know will bother you, don't open it.
I'm really happy to know that you understand that Jean.
I also have no idea of your pain...I can not imagine and I don't ever want to. Makes me sick to my stomach to think of it.
I'm really happy to know that you understand that Jean.
I also have no idea of your pain...I can not imagine and I don't ever want to. Makes me sick to my stomach to think of it.
Thanks Tina:
You are sweet, like I say, I wouldn't wish this on my worse enemy but still have to tell myself that it could have been worse, they could have suffered, they assured us they did not, it was instant. What about people who's children are kidnapped? I don't think I could ever sleep again. Not knowing would be a nightmare.
I saw "graphic picturs" that's why I didn't look and told Pam that I knew she wouldn't do anything to hurt me - Pam knows that I know that.
I do, however hope the teenagers who see the pictures take them seriously. Of all years, my middle son's senior year, they had a dummy crash with a wrecked car, fake blood, students in and out of the car with blood all over them.
I didn't know about it and I didn't know how my son would re-act to this. They showed it on the news after the fact. When he came home from school, I asked if it had bothered him and he said no, that a lot of the kids were laughing and joking about it (the fake blood and stuff) - they think they are invincibe at that age so I hope pictures help. My best friend took her 2 teenagers and showed them the car (in person) Her son has already had 2 drunk driving accidents and he's 24 now so what helps??? I don't want a family to have to go through what we have just to make e'one see the light. My son did nothing, he was a passenger and his Dad was sober, I have the medical reports.
I told my son had I known they were going to do that at school, he could have stayed home. He said he just stayed away from it b/c some of the real jerks were just thinking it was funny. I know they are young but Dan, of course didn't see anything funny about it.
We never felt the need to look at my ex's car. I think I would have nightmares if I did - more nightmares than I did have.
You are sweet, like I say, I wouldn't wish this on my worse enemy but still have to tell myself that it could have been worse, they could have suffered, they assured us they did not, it was instant. What about people who's children are kidnapped? I don't think I could ever sleep again. Not knowing would be a nightmare.
I saw "graphic picturs" that's why I didn't look and told Pam that I knew she wouldn't do anything to hurt me - Pam knows that I know that.
I do, however hope the teenagers who see the pictures take them seriously. Of all years, my middle son's senior year, they had a dummy crash with a wrecked car, fake blood, students in and out of the car with blood all over them.
I didn't know about it and I didn't know how my son would re-act to this. They showed it on the news after the fact. When he came home from school, I asked if it had bothered him and he said no, that a lot of the kids were laughing and joking about it (the fake blood and stuff) - they think they are invincibe at that age so I hope pictures help. My best friend took her 2 teenagers and showed them the car (in person) Her son has already had 2 drunk driving accidents and he's 24 now so what helps??? I don't want a family to have to go through what we have just to make e'one see the light. My son did nothing, he was a passenger and his Dad was sober, I have the medical reports.
I told my son had I known they were going to do that at school, he could have stayed home. He said he just stayed away from it b/c some of the real jerks were just thinking it was funny. I know they are young but Dan, of course didn't see anything funny about it.
We never felt the need to look at my ex's car. I think I would have nightmares if I did - more nightmares than I did have.
Dear Jean, this is just one of those times when there are no words worthy of your heartache. So I'll send a (((((hug))))) and be your friend.
Love, Kat
Love, Kat
Thank so much KAT:
I'm sorry if I brought it up,and upset anyone, it's kind of hard to stop thinking about even though it's pretty much on my mind anyway. I don't like to ruin other's days.
We really are better now - just the usual holidays are not good. I should win an Oscar for the acting I do. I can't ruin holidays for my sons and I hope my g'chldren one day when I get some.
Most of the time, I have this in a place where I can handle it, it's just sometims things trigger it and it all comes back.
You are so sweet, thank you for your thoughts.
I'm sorry if I brought it up,and upset anyone, it's kind of hard to stop thinking about even though it's pretty much on my mind anyway. I don't like to ruin other's days.
We really are better now - just the usual holidays are not good. I should win an Oscar for the acting I do. I can't ruin holidays for my sons and I hope my g'chldren one day when I get some.
Most of the time, I have this in a place where I can handle it, it's just sometims things trigger it and it all comes back.
You are so sweet, thank you for your thoughts.
Dear Jean, I'm sorry if this picture brought up bad, past memories for you. That certainly was not my intent. I had many other pics of the same car in which my son was the operator, but decided against posting them. I'm truly sorry for your loss and that is one of the reasons that I posted 'graphic photos", I wanted people to decide for themselves if they wanted to look at what was enclosed in the thread.
MJ, yes Janet was right, my son is 21 and he thought that he was invincible at the time of the accident. The next morning when he saw his car, he broke down, for the first time in many years and cried like a baby. He could not explain how he survived and he has not had a drop of alcohol to drink since the time of the wreck.
Gonstrong, my son is and was fine. No one else was hurt either. The accident happened at 1am in late January. He was suppose to being spending the night at one of his friends house and at the last minute he decided that he wanted to come home and get in his bed for the night. The accident occured less than one mile from my home and my son was travelling at a very high rate of speed and ran off of the road and overcorrected and crossed the center line and hit a huge pine tree. What people need to understand is that he was not legally drunk but he did have a few beers several hours before leaving his friends house. This just goes to show people that even though you are not legally impaired, accidents still happen. Driving after drinking is a Bad Idea, real bad idea. Thanks for asking.
Also, my 18 year old daughter who was 17 at the time and a car load of her friends drove up on the scene of the accident as they were all coming home from the theatre. Talking about scaring the crap out of someone. She almost had a heartattack and I truly believe that she did have a panic attack, she thought that her older brother was dead and the police officers would not give her any information. Talking about a bad call to get in the middle of the night. I knew the minute that the phone rang that something bad had happened to my son. It was like my sixth sense kicked into over drive and told me that my son was in danger. Man, I jumped straight up out of the bed and took off within a matter of seconds and didn't even stop to put any clothes on. Yeah, I went in my pajamas and a pair of uggs and even forgot my jacket and it was below 30 degrees that night. My son did end up having to stay in the bed for the good part of a week and he had two gashes in his head that exposed his skull. The injuries required several staples to close. I'm quite sure that things would have been much worse had he not been driving an older model car. Those things are made of steel unlike today's cars. He did not have his seat belt on and his gas tank ended up in his back seat, pushed all the way into the drivers seat. He held on so tight that he broke the steering wheel and the little opening in the passengers side window is how he exited the car. No, the car was never cut with the jaws of life. What you see in the picture is exactly as the car appeared, untouched by any machine or life saving device. All that I can say, is that he had a big angel on his shoulder that night. He told me that he knew that he was going to wreck and when he realized what was about to happen, he put both of his feet on the brakes and pushed as hard as he could and gripped the steering wheel with all of his might and did not let go. He held on for dear life, literally. The impact was so traumatic that it actually knocked the tranmission out of the car. The transmission and gear shifter were lying on the ground underneath the car and had to be picked up seperatly.
Now, my son drives a new Ford F150 and it has air bags out of the wazoo and he wears his seatbelt everywhere he goes. Plus, no more drinking for him. He really learned the hard way on this one. Plus his car was his pride and joy. He had a special racing engine in it and had several thousand dollars invested in the souped up engine. Now, his truck has one of those things on it that cuts it off when you get up to a certain speed. So, he can't fly like a bat out of Hell in it.
Lisa, Janet and all others, I posted this because I knew that you all had male children and I was hoping that you would share this picture with them in hopes that it would be a wake up call for them. If you have to, tell them that a young man was killed in this accident and that will really get their attention. No, I'm not asking that you lie. Do what you feel is best and if you would like to see the other pictures, I will be more than happy to email them to you. Thanks for understanding why I posted this picture. If this picture can help one young person or older person for that matter, then I have accomplished something.
Kat and Tina, thank you so much for supporting Jean. It is times like these that she needs all of the support that she can get and I truly meant no harm towards her when I posted this picture. I was just hoping that it would get through to someone, anyone, as a positive reinforcement.
Kat, I also understand that your daughter n law was in an accident recently and alcohol was a factor in her accident. How is she doing and how are your grandchildren and son. I hope that all is well with your family and I commend you for supporting and relating to your daughter n laws situation. It takes a really big person to do what you have done and it also takes huge heart. You certainly have my respect.
Thank you all, for allowing me to share. Again, I'm very sorry if this brought up bad memories and feelings for anyone. This was never my intentions.
MJ, yes Janet was right, my son is 21 and he thought that he was invincible at the time of the accident. The next morning when he saw his car, he broke down, for the first time in many years and cried like a baby. He could not explain how he survived and he has not had a drop of alcohol to drink since the time of the wreck.
Gonstrong, my son is and was fine. No one else was hurt either. The accident happened at 1am in late January. He was suppose to being spending the night at one of his friends house and at the last minute he decided that he wanted to come home and get in his bed for the night. The accident occured less than one mile from my home and my son was travelling at a very high rate of speed and ran off of the road and overcorrected and crossed the center line and hit a huge pine tree. What people need to understand is that he was not legally drunk but he did have a few beers several hours before leaving his friends house. This just goes to show people that even though you are not legally impaired, accidents still happen. Driving after drinking is a Bad Idea, real bad idea. Thanks for asking.
Also, my 18 year old daughter who was 17 at the time and a car load of her friends drove up on the scene of the accident as they were all coming home from the theatre. Talking about scaring the crap out of someone. She almost had a heartattack and I truly believe that she did have a panic attack, she thought that her older brother was dead and the police officers would not give her any information. Talking about a bad call to get in the middle of the night. I knew the minute that the phone rang that something bad had happened to my son. It was like my sixth sense kicked into over drive and told me that my son was in danger. Man, I jumped straight up out of the bed and took off within a matter of seconds and didn't even stop to put any clothes on. Yeah, I went in my pajamas and a pair of uggs and even forgot my jacket and it was below 30 degrees that night. My son did end up having to stay in the bed for the good part of a week and he had two gashes in his head that exposed his skull. The injuries required several staples to close. I'm quite sure that things would have been much worse had he not been driving an older model car. Those things are made of steel unlike today's cars. He did not have his seat belt on and his gas tank ended up in his back seat, pushed all the way into the drivers seat. He held on so tight that he broke the steering wheel and the little opening in the passengers side window is how he exited the car. No, the car was never cut with the jaws of life. What you see in the picture is exactly as the car appeared, untouched by any machine or life saving device. All that I can say, is that he had a big angel on his shoulder that night. He told me that he knew that he was going to wreck and when he realized what was about to happen, he put both of his feet on the brakes and pushed as hard as he could and gripped the steering wheel with all of his might and did not let go. He held on for dear life, literally. The impact was so traumatic that it actually knocked the tranmission out of the car. The transmission and gear shifter were lying on the ground underneath the car and had to be picked up seperatly.
Now, my son drives a new Ford F150 and it has air bags out of the wazoo and he wears his seatbelt everywhere he goes. Plus, no more drinking for him. He really learned the hard way on this one. Plus his car was his pride and joy. He had a special racing engine in it and had several thousand dollars invested in the souped up engine. Now, his truck has one of those things on it that cuts it off when you get up to a certain speed. So, he can't fly like a bat out of Hell in it.
Lisa, Janet and all others, I posted this because I knew that you all had male children and I was hoping that you would share this picture with them in hopes that it would be a wake up call for them. If you have to, tell them that a young man was killed in this accident and that will really get their attention. No, I'm not asking that you lie. Do what you feel is best and if you would like to see the other pictures, I will be more than happy to email them to you. Thanks for understanding why I posted this picture. If this picture can help one young person or older person for that matter, then I have accomplished something.
Kat and Tina, thank you so much for supporting Jean. It is times like these that she needs all of the support that she can get and I truly meant no harm towards her when I posted this picture. I was just hoping that it would get through to someone, anyone, as a positive reinforcement.
Kat, I also understand that your daughter n law was in an accident recently and alcohol was a factor in her accident. How is she doing and how are your grandchildren and son. I hope that all is well with your family and I commend you for supporting and relating to your daughter n laws situation. It takes a really big person to do what you have done and it also takes huge heart. You certainly have my respect.
Thank you all, for allowing me to share. Again, I'm very sorry if this brought up bad memories and feelings for anyone. This was never my intentions.
Dear Pam:
I know you had no idea and I saw no pictures so I'm fine. Pictures, in general are touchy to me. My son's uncle on his Father's side took pictures of the car and they were in the other room and I heard him say, that is Stonewall's blood all in that seat - Yeah - he's a real warm hearted person, this was his nephew so I think those pictures did me in. I never looked at them and don't want to know where they are ot who has them. It probably did me good to bring it up. I talked about it a little when I started the board but I don't like getting sympathy so I just kind of let it go. When I do that, I feel like I'm acting like I don't have a 3rd son and I'm the one who is always afraid people will forget him. I know e'one who was so close to him won't forget him, he was one of those who had 100 best friends, went to school for the social life - haha
Anyway, Pam you did me no harm at all. If your pictutres save ONE teenager or person of any age, I say "go with whatever it takes'
You did a good thing. I just kind of freaked when I opened and realized it would be cars - I should have gotten that from the topic, (getting old) I saw nothing and thank you for trying to help other parents not have to take a chance on losing their child.
Also, as bad and scary as this was, it sounds like your son really now understands what that much metal is capable of doing to a person. I am so glad he's okay. This will proababy make him grow up a little faster.
You are a good person for doing this.
Love, Jean
I know you had no idea and I saw no pictures so I'm fine. Pictures, in general are touchy to me. My son's uncle on his Father's side took pictures of the car and they were in the other room and I heard him say, that is Stonewall's blood all in that seat - Yeah - he's a real warm hearted person, this was his nephew so I think those pictures did me in. I never looked at them and don't want to know where they are ot who has them. It probably did me good to bring it up. I talked about it a little when I started the board but I don't like getting sympathy so I just kind of let it go. When I do that, I feel like I'm acting like I don't have a 3rd son and I'm the one who is always afraid people will forget him. I know e'one who was so close to him won't forget him, he was one of those who had 100 best friends, went to school for the social life - haha
Anyway, Pam you did me no harm at all. If your pictutres save ONE teenager or person of any age, I say "go with whatever it takes'
You did a good thing. I just kind of freaked when I opened and realized it would be cars - I should have gotten that from the topic, (getting old) I saw nothing and thank you for trying to help other parents not have to take a chance on losing their child.
Also, as bad and scary as this was, it sounds like your son really now understands what that much metal is capable of doing to a person. I am so glad he's okay. This will proababy make him grow up a little faster.
You are a good person for doing this.
Love, Jean