Goos Morning...

Hey, big goos!!!!..They finally let me

Outlaw Doogie Wales..
Morning Doug,Glad to have you back! Hope you hve a great day!~KIM
Thanks Kim...I hope you have a great day as well...

Welcome back Doug.
Thanks Tim...Have you been hitting the waves?....

Not lately.I'm sitting here freezing my a** off.Its 34 degrees outside.It will warm back up tomorrow.Have a good one.
Tim- 34 degrees is a heat wave for me and Doog-

Hey Doog
Out of curiosity,how cold does Lake Michigan get?
Hey All!!
The "Pill Free Friday Night "was great, but there was not much sleep. My two angel boys are throwing oatmeal around, but it is sort of funny. My wife has a terrible cold, so I am solo with the boys this morning. I have been trying to sneak in some quick meditations to keep sane and not become overwhelmed. I feel like four days is a long time and I really am getting better. I have no work until Monday, so I hope to spend time with the little ones, play guitar, use the jaccuzzi, and read "The Little Book."

I'm sure I'll be posting here lots because it does help.
Thank you all.
Tim-30's-40's..some of it freezes
You would need a 5mil wetsuit,booties,hood and gloves

user posted image
Welcome back doll.....Love. S
You would have to put my butt in a drysuit for me to consider even putting my big toe in 40 degree water!

Goos to you all.
Hi Doog never spoke to you before i think but i sure missed your posts when you wernt here, nice to see you back. jaxxxx
wb doug

Dear Dear Friend Doug
OMGOODNESS I actually have tears in my eyes!!! I really was upset with myself in allowing myself to get into drama which is one of my biggest rules.I really thought I made things worse for you.
Love your WW
Well Well Well................There's Doug................Welcome Back :-) So glad to have you back beaner.

Goos to you all, have a little time to kill, going to do some Christmas shopping this evening...........but just hanging out for a bit.........

Big Hugs.


D O U G ~~~~

SO NICE TO SEE YA POSTING.................

goos morning my friend......................

i will be on later friends...............
got to go to moms and help her put together a computer desk...........

and stuff like that................

you all have a wonderful day............

thank you to those that posted to me and care about me..........
sometimes your all i have........
and i am greatful this morning for you all and that DOUG can post......

take care and have fun....................

God Bless you doug and everyone.................

((((((((((((((((((((((((((mj)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))).....IT WORKED...!!!!....LOL


i'll be back......................;0)
Thumper need to ask you something so youll be getting another email in a min
Thumper I told you there were & are many good caring forgiving people here & I knew I was right!!!
There are so many that SHOW what recovery,forgiveness & just being desent are.
Love molly
(((((((((((((((((((((((kim, tim,danny, jer, sharon, jacky))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

((((((((((((((((((((((((((((atlas, java,bc)))))))))))))))))))))))),)))))))))))))))