I Hope The Music Will Inspire You For Recovery

Hi there folks . starting a new thread of music. The other thread (the universal language i hope you will be inspired )seems to have come to a standstill. I am not sure if the music I post is getting listened to or not because the views seems to have stalled but I think it is a glitch in the sytem so am starting a new thread....
The first song on this thread is one I hope will help someone..


Hi.folks hope you will enjoy the song for today .To find a God of your understanding....Try this simple exercise....Take a piece of paper and draw a line down the middle. On the left side list all you were taught, or all you believe what God is. If you have no idea, then write down the word "Nothing." On the right side list what you want God to be for you, (best friend, loving. trustful, forgiving, non-judgmental, or whatever you like). When you are done, tear it down the middle, from top to bottom, and throw away the left side. You are now left with a God of your understanding; one you will feel comfortable praying to.....COPIED FROM: http://thesponsorsaide.org/step2.htm


Happy New Year to all. so grateful to have internet again :) A storm caused an outage. so often we hear in the New Year resolutions that are made to give something up.. I like to put a different spin on it since I have gotten sober.. I like to make a resolution to take something up..something positive. ..for those of you who are still suffering from addiction my wish for you is that this year will be the year that you will achieve sobriety...

Tell your heart to beat again....
In a few days. I am going to have to face some people from the past who I havent spoken to for years. It is not going to be easy. .I was deeply hurt by their actions some years ago . I pray for strength to do the right thing.


Watch over me.. AS I always say.. do not get God confused with Religion...

I posted this song before but posting it again in case someone new may see it and be inspired...

one step away

Life doesnt have to be perfect to be good. If you got Chains there is a chain breaker.

chain breaker

Good day folks. Hope this song will help someone ....


I so relate to this song which I am sure others will relate to as well. I did get my Revelation which is why I am here posting links to songs for you to hear.

Show me a Revelation ..

In early recovery I said to my sponsor at the time that I hated to wake up in the morning feeling the way I did. His reply ..there will come a morning when you will wake up and greet the morning and you will feel glad to be alive. He was right..

There will come a day...

Good day folks. Sharing a little assignement again today that I have shared before for those who have trouble believing in God. Hope this will help...

) Take a piece of paper and draw a line down the middle. On the left side list all you were taught, or all you believe what God is. If you have no idea, then write down the word "Nothing." On the right side list what you want God to be for you, (best friend, loving. trustful, forgiving, non-judgmental, or whatever you like). When you are done, tear it down the middle, from top to bottom, and throw away the left side. You are now left with a God of your understanding; one you will feel comfortable praying to. taken from http://thesponsorsaide.org/step2.htm.

Hold fast

waiting for my real life to begin..

I am not the Devil you think I am.....

I believe I have an healer who helps me stay sober when I do my work and trust in my healer for strength....

In 2008 I went in recovery. I had 19 months of sobriety and went back out . For the next year I tried to stay sober between relapses.. in 2010 I went to a treatment center, the tools I learned there to stay sober and working program of AA has kept me sober for 6 and a half years. It works if we work it.. BUT we have to do the work....This song reminds me of my relapses and how I almost lost everything including my life. There is a solution ..

To surrender is to win...

At your feet.....
Using my past experiences , my knowledge of addiction and my journey to sobriety living in a remote town where there isnt any AA I now reach out to others who live in such places and provide them with the tools I have used to stay sober. I am grateful I am permitted to share my journey and what I do to stay sober with other clients at the treatment center where I was once a patient. My goal is to give hope , inspiration and online tools that will help with their recovery. Not everyone can get in a car and drive to a meeting a few blocks away. Not everyone has that option and I was one of them..but I have found a way to stay sober. If I can do it so can you...Never give up, never say Can't and never compare your recovery to that of another.


There comes a time when we have all needed a miracle.. you will find many in the rooms of AA, in treatment centers and in recovery programs...


You can come out of the darkness and
