Lets Just Do It, Shall We?

Hey guys,
I've been on this board for about 5 months now, have gotten to know many people, have read alot. Most posts have encouraged me, some have irritated me. The ones that irritated me are now making more sense than ever. Let me explain.
After 5 months (actually longer because I lurked alot before) of being on here, the thing that sticks in my mind the most is JUST DO IT. Just stop, get off the pills, go thru the withdrawl, get some face to face support and just do it.
Years ago, they didn't have sub,rapid detox, whatever for tons of money a shot, now they do, its probably just to line pockets when AA/Na has been working for many for free for way longer than that. Not to mention the health risks that come with these painless withdrawals so to speak. Maybe not now, but later for sure.
I'm sick of procratinating, I'm sick of thinking "well maybe sub, nalteroxe, whatever, whatever whatever." That just keeps me where I'm at for longer and quite frankly I've had it. Methadone, in my opinion, should be used for chronic pain people who want to be in recovery but its the only option. I know of a few of these who are clean as a whistle. They still work an honest recovery plan.
Withdralws don't last that long, when they're done, its time to face the music and to work the steps.
I hope I didn't piss anyone off, but if I did, too bad, thats how I feel about the entire thing. I could be where alot of you are right now had I just listened and followed instructions. But I'm not, because I tend to look for the easy way out and there are none. I'm convinced of that now. Truly convinced. For me, I'm taking a long look at the way I want to do this and just f***ing doing it. And my way is to have the flu for a few days, and then get some help, and get close to the people that can help me the most and those are at the meetings.
Warmest Regards,
Briar, that was just excellent! I just couldn't surpress a smile reading it. You're ready now, truly, totally, blessedly ready. You could have been me talking not so long ago. Unlike most people, I didn't find w/d to be all that terrible. Not fun, but not agony either. It goes by pretty fast. I found the next phase to be harder than the w/d phase. Thanks for that post, it made me glad I checked the board when unable to sleep tonight. I don't have one single doubt in my mind that you are on your way to recovery. You're going to make it too! Good luck, and God bless, Kat
Hey Roe-
YOU GO GIRL! I'm so glad you finally did it - made up your mind to stick this thing out!!! I need your help, girl. This is early Day 3, and call me a wimp or a wuss, but I almost went to ER last night, thats how bad I feel - if someone offered me sub, nal, meth, what the **ck ever, I'd probably gladly accept it. Well, Roe I dont think your WDs will be as bad cause I think I was doing twice the amount as you. Dont know if that makes a difference.

I'm just happy that your on the right path and sound DETERMINED AS EVER. I love you girl, and yes, right now, when you say JUST DO IT like its so friggen easy, it DOES PISS ME OFF. BUT YOU ARE RIGHT.

Plus, I could never stay pissed off at you :-).

Feeling like I'm gonna die - couldnt sleep worth a s*** - screw the seroquil. That must be for "lightweights" - and I'm afraid to double doses - thats what got me in this mess to begin with.

So, I hope today is #1 for you. Please let me know. Did you get my "Frankie" email...cute, huh.

Love you girl, thanks for always being there for me.


P.S. I just thought of something else that you definately need to do which I DID. (Still cant believe I did). LET ALL DRS. KNOW AND CUT OFF ALL SOURCES. If not, its too easy, as we both know, to pick up phone and go pick up another prescription. Just a thought.
I understand your point, but I think anybody trying to get off in any way should be applauded. And are the people who are doing C/T going to work every day?
From what I can gather, that doesn't seem to be the case. So what do you do if you don't have the choice to stay at home and ride it out? I would love for my boyfriend to do a C/T withdrawal and be done with it. But if he chooses to do a substitute drug for a few weeks and that works for him (since the C/T has obviously not and he could lose a great job if he doesn't go to work - his C/T lasts about 7 to 10 days, not 3), then all the power to him and anybody else who decides to go that route!!
No, the options weren't there before, but they are now so why not use the help? A lot of the meds that people are addicted to weren't available way back then either, but that hasn't stopped people from taking them and getting addicted to them. But if it is something to help you get off your addiction - you judge?
I'm not mad at you at all - I just don't think it's fair to judge people for taking a different route when you all want the same goal in the end.
You have your opinion and I just wanted to state mine and I think it's great that you are willing to walk the talk and I wish you the best of luck!!!!
I really hope it works for you and I hope whatever other routes people take works for them as well.
Even though I am a non-addict, being with one has made these boards extremely helpful to me and I print a lot of posts for my boyfriend to read (we don't have a computer at home) and he finds them very helpful as well.
Everybody keep up the great work and I wish everyone the best in their recoveries!

Hey folks -

One of the FIRST things to do when you want to JUST DO IT (which I DID) is to contact ALL Drs and LET THEM KNOW THAT YOU ARE AN ADDICT.

Well Bri, you've talked the talk and you've definitely challenged yourself to walk the walk -- I look forward to hearing about your progress, my friend, and you know this Board will be there for you every step of the way. With respect and support, M.
Stay fearless, Briar. There will always be a thousand reasons to do it the easy way. The medical pundits with all thier drugs and fancy theories do not seem to have improved on the AA/NA way of doing things.

I found the withdrawal to be a big ball of nothing. Sure, you don't feel so good for a few days, but it is nothing compared to the damage we inflict on ourselves by staying steeped in our addictions.

You can do this. Find a meeting where you feel comfortable. If one doesnt feel right, just go to another. Sooner or later you will find a shelter from the storm where you can allow your spirit to heal and your new and better life to begin.

So glad it finally got through that thick skull of yours Briar... lol

Been shoving that stuff down your throat for 5 months now. You're lucky, it took me 23 years.

I'm so very proud of you. You too Marie. You guys stick together and never give up on me and we'll all get through this.

Love you
well, in spite of the fact that it would be just great if it were that easy for everyone, I honestly wish u the best, cause being & addict sure isn't a good way to live life. I hope u get off & get clean & are clean & stay clean, and if you need to talk & think like an arrogant j....as.. to do that , so be it.

Cause I know throuout my off & on years of addiction of cleanliness the concept of just quitting never occured to me, gosh I'm glad u educated me, but the honest bottom line is you are communicating to a lot of people in a lot of different situations - some perhaps even worse then a great powerful person like yourself. Maybe now that you have come to this great new plan of urs , u should run for office on a campaign to close down all treatment & rehab centers, & just arrest all addicts & force them to go thru withdrawels.

You are brilliant, your just do it ranks up there with "Just say no" & "let them eat cake"
Hey Dog -
Let me say that Briar is a wonderful person. Been trying to quit for a long time. Very honest, sweet person. I dont think she meant to "come off" like an arrogant anything, honestly - I kind of took it to heart because of the way I'm feeling right now. Usually I would just ignore anything/one that bothers me, however, this person I care about and I hope she still cares about me.

I felt as if that thread was directly meant for me. Paranoid? Maybe???Who knows.

funny , i thought it was a guy & if shes nice like u say then i guess maybe i was to hard & now feel bad. Its just that we got so many people who need so much help, and its so serious an issue, well i guess im sorry==by the way i did email u
Woman - I'd NEVER give up on you. You should know better!!! You know how I feel about now - Exercise??? LMAO Whoever said that must have been 18 and had no "real" back problems, etc. I can barely make it to the bathroom. Look like an 80 year old woman!!!!! I guess has alot to do with my "mental" state at the moment!!!
Enough about me, hon. How are YOU doing these days? Are you finished with the radiation, etc? I hope so Cowgirl. You dont deserve this - well, of course, noone does. But you are such a beautiful person, honey. We all love you so much. I did go back and read your posts in the beginning and let me tell you that "you've come a LONG way baby..........and you are going to be just fine! I can feel it!!!

You take care and I will keep you posted on how sh**ty I feel, OK?

Love ya, honey

You have given the best advice here and you sound so strong. I quit C/T and like August said the W/D's are a big ball of nothing. Quitting drugs is easy, staying off of them is the hard part. Go to as many NA/AA meetings as you can and use a journel daily to put your feelings down. Explore why you took the drugs in the first place. You are a wonderful person, don't let negative people get you down.

Love and prayers being sent your way,

Im curious the ones who say the withdrawls are a bunch of nothing, I thnk there is a difference if your C/T hydrocodone however many milligrams compared to morphine at the same milligrams. I m attempting to cut down 5% per day as a paralized friend of mine said he Ct morphine many years ago and for two weeks he was seeing spiders and snakes comming out of the wall and crawling all over him. I believe it does make a difference what your on and applaud those who can take the time off from work and CT, whats a little sweating shivers and insomnia, depression ect compared with halucinations and shear terror.
Here we go again....lol. Please don't let this become a thread about what is the "right" way to withdraw off pills -- c/t, tapering, medical detox, sub, etc. No one here is qualified to say what is the right, or safe, way to detox or withdraw for any one individual's situation. The goal is the same, I think: complete abstinence. Does anyone here really think less of a fellow addict because they didn't go "cold turkey" but instead followed medical advice and took bp medication and/or sedatives and/or subutex to ease the physical withdrawal? I don't think so.....at least I hope not. Peace, M.
If you go back and re-read for clarity, I think that Briar's "Just do it" post is about getting clean anyway you can but to stop dicking around and do it.

We can all talk a good talk but if you're here, you want to get clean. So why put off until tomorrow what you can start today? Even if it's a small step of getting a phone number or getting on your knees and asking for guidance. Anything, just do it.

What works for some, won't work for all. But if it has worked for somebody, maybe it's time to pay attention.

You're right, there is no wrong or right way, but there is a way. Only if you work it. And you're worth it.

its simply mind over matter. i went c/t from heroin and i was a heavy user. the withdrawl was bothersome but i lived. i kept busy and drank tons of water to clean out my system. withdrawl, when your ready isn't that bad. but first you must really want it!! if you don't then of course it will be bad.

i'm so happy for you, i hope all is well and good luck to you.
to rearae appreciate your post I also know people who have went CT from smack but all of them werent working and the only responsibility they had was to cop, not negating what you said and congradulate you on your accomplishment. Ive decided for my self that I cant loose my buisness I started 11 yrs ago and with no one covering me cant take off the time. Also not much into vomiting and crapping my pants shivering on the floor Dont think mind over matter would work to well in regards to this . I have and could continue using and still function so Im doing what is best for me personally and that is gradual detox. God willing Ill make it Im sick of relying on pills to feel normal. Not knocking anyone else .If I cant do it Ill go on methadone. Best to everyone
I like the idea "just do it" but I do think that different methods work for different people. I personally went to rehab and was tapered down via methadone. I nevertheless got extremely ill for about 4 days and felt exhausted/drained (post acute withdrawal syndrome) for over a month. I have been clean 9 and 1/2 months and regularly attend AA/NA meetings and still participate in my out-patient aftercare groups appx. 1-2X/week. I hope never to return to the nightmare of addiction and I am extremely vigilant as I know that this disease is truly cunning.

There are variations in the way people experience the physical symptoms of withdrawal. A friend of mine detoxed from painkillers with very few symptoms, but when she tried to stop smoking pot, she experienced symptoms similar to the ones we hear associated with opiate withdrawal. Go figure! I think everyone can reasonably assume that withdrawal will not be fun, however, if you can keep the big picture in mind and realize that the temporary pain you experience will make your life easier in the long run, it is do-able.

If you are waiting to get suboxone or into a program, I have a suggestion. Do not go into this with an open-ended date, but instead set a date for yourself and say that if you cannot get your prefered method of detox together by that date you will pursue another route (one that you have already decided upon so that you can begin on that date). Your addiction will continually tell you to put off this date. Don't listen or you may remain in its grasp forever or for far too long!
