Wonder when the circus begins for the fight of all the money they all think this guy has. He is broke. Man who would like to have owned the rights to all the beatle songs?
I pray he had at least one person who set up his kids to be protected from the crap they face. How mentally damaged are those kids. Any doctors on the board who understand children Phycology?
sad day.for the kids and his fans.
Sorry Alleged Pedophile?
for those who do not know. Jeff is talking about Micheal Jackson.
RIP MJ and Farah.
Farah ugh God she was one beautiful woman. That poster? Man what a loss.
Carol Farah son is all looped out on H I think. I guess I will have to google her later to learn all about the son.
Not a very big fan of M.J as there is so much proof he was a pedophile and in my book that or a rapist are lowest you can go as a Man.
They say it comes in three's who is ready to go tonight?
Carol Farah son is all looped out on H I think. I guess I will have to google her later to learn all about the son.
Not a very big fan of M.J as there is so much proof he was a pedophile and in my book that or a rapist are lowest you can go as a Man.
They say it comes in three's who is ready to go tonight?
What a fantastic talent he was, and also what a tragedy that his personal life was such a mess. I truly believe his childhood was to blame - the enormous pressure to perform, and the awful treatment he got from his father. It couldn't have turned out well for him.
I really thought we'd see him die from an OD.
I really thought we'd see him die from an OD.
Thank You Carol
Mom its hard to believe what you read but we all know how fast a man or woman can become addicted and in no time build up a strong tolerance.
Look at Anna Nicole--how did they get away with killing her son and herself man the doctors skated. If you listen to some people Jackson was a walking junkie. You never saw him past 6-9 months? He hid and died I guess pretty alone. He was mixing a lot of drugs so who knows what damage he did to his heart and other organs.
Bottom line I hope they leave him alone and his kids get to live a long healthy life.
That dude sure had talent.
Look at Anna Nicole--how did they get away with killing her son and herself man the doctors skated. If you listen to some people Jackson was a walking junkie. You never saw him past 6-9 months? He hid and died I guess pretty alone. He was mixing a lot of drugs so who knows what damage he did to his heart and other organs.
Bottom line I hope they leave him alone and his kids get to live a long healthy life.
That dude sure had talent.
We just saw 4 actually:
David Carradine
Ed McMahon
Farrah Fawcett
Michael Jackson
We would need 2 more for it to come in 3's this time!
David Carradine
Ed McMahon
Farrah Fawcett
Michael Jackson
We would need 2 more for it to come in 3's this time!
I was just going to say that this usually happens in 3's. I am so sad about Farrah. I saw her documentary...it was painful to watch. As far as Jackson goes? Who really knows the truth about anything except that his later years were a tragedy for someone so talented. I loved his music in the 80's.
How sad...he was my age.
I forgot about Ed-he was the best. Mom he had a tough job with Carson. People think he just sat there but try being a front man for 30 years keeping it fresh?? WOW pretty amazing.
. David Carradine? Have to Love Uma kiling him with that move in Kill Bill 2. What was the show he was in as a sence? Grasshopper? LOL--
Oh man Farah HMM HMM
Forgot about both--getting old very old.
. David Carradine? Have to Love Uma kiling him with that move in Kill Bill 2. What was the show he was in as a sence? Grasshopper? LOL--
Oh man Farah HMM HMM
Forgot about both--getting old very old.
We are getting old Jeff...more and more, we're going to see famous people from our generation ane before, die.
I just told my husband that Jackson died...he said, good, I was sick of the guy. lol That was mean!
I just told my husband that Jackson died...he said, good, I was sick of the guy. lol That was mean!
Rest in peace, Farrah and Michael. My heart goes out to their families.
His Kids I feel for..
Jackson? Bad Guy-Your husband is being nice.
Jackson? Bad Guy-Your husband is being nice.
I wonder if those are even his kids? They don't look a thing like him. I feel for them too...they have had a not so nice childhood. Well, maybe they have, we don't know. I think that Michael wasn't an evil guy..just sick. I always felt sorry for him.
I didn't care for the title of this thread. A man is dead and it is sad. I believe he was a troubled, troubled man, and that he never knew a moment's peace. I, too, felt sorry for him. Farrah was a trooper, God bless her.
I gotta agree with Mom on that one Jeff..the title's pretty harsh. Can you edit it?
That is what I was trying to convey.
We don't know for sure what is true and what was a scam to get money. The man we saw in the news was a tortured, sick human being and it does no one any good to speak ill of the dead.
Farah.....God, what a fighter! Another tortured soul, IMHO.
Very sad, both of them.
I agree with the title, does not sit right, I don't believe he was convicted or found guilty of Pedophilia Jeff.
Where is that sensitivity chip dude.
Where is that sensitivity chip dude.
Michael Jackson was never convicted of any crime. The media loves to build people up, tear them down, get the dirt when they die, and then do touching tributes. They are pond scum.
He maintained his innocence throughout all of the ordeals. He was interviewed and admitted sleeping with young boys but claims it was innocent. No grown man in their right mind is going to want to cuddle with young boys. Who knows. Innocent until proven guilty last I heard.
He maintained his innocence throughout all of the ordeals. He was interviewed and admitted sleeping with young boys but claims it was innocent. No grown man in their right mind is going to want to cuddle with young boys. Who knows. Innocent until proven guilty last I heard.
If anyone's wondering, we changed the topic title so this thread could stay up.
- the moderators
- the moderators
Thank you...it was offensive.