Opinions Needed About Punctuality, Please

Please, I would really like to hear people's feelings on punctuality. I would have loved to have made this a poll, but it wouldn't have worked out. I am chronically late and have recently figured out why, which I will explain later. I'll just say, I need to work on this area of my life. But don't let my problem influence your answers.

I would greatly appreciate any input. I know it's kind of long, but even a paragraph or maybe copy/paste the questions and answer them. Thank you in advance, I really need people to put this into perspective for me.

Are you a punctual person?

If not, what is it that makes you late?

Is your significant other punctual?

If you are punctual, and your significant other is not, how does that make you feel?

Obviously, it is of the utmost importance to be on time for certain things such as work, airplanes, movies, doctor appts., or anything that will inconvenience others if you are late. For those who say they are not punctual people....Are you on time for these types of events?

Do you have different feelings about punctuality in relation to events where it is not necessary to be on time? Parties, visiting w/ family, scheduled time to go shopping, etc.?
I go absolutely ballistic if I am late for anything. I don't know why. I know I wasn't like this when I was using. I never had anything to be late for. But it drives me nuts to be late. I am usually there at least 5 minutes before. I try to instill how important punctuality is to my sponsees but so far none of them have become as anal as I am. And God help them if they are late for an appt. with me <EG>
I'm very puctual.I usually arrive everywhere at least 5 minutes early.I guess it's from having my own business and making appointments with clients.
I am extremely punctual. I don't like to make other people wait. I feel bad if my lack of planning puts somebody else out. Obviously, in my line of work there are times when an appointment goes longer than I expected. Being late stresses me out.

Out of control PUNCTUAL. I irritate my own self. I usually end up being 10- 15 minutes early to EVERYTHING.

By the same token. I CANNOT stand to wait for late people. Nothing makes me more IMPATIENT and angry than someone who cannot show up on time.

It's something I need to work on. I know that not everyone feels this way. There are people that are a little more easy going about time. I get that I just don't get WHY?

Thanks, please keep them coming. I'm that person who is always late and i will tell you why later. I will say I hate being late and sometimes when I am late, or I know I making myself late, I cry out of frustration, then make myself even later.
I too am punctual...in fact, I teach my children and live by this, being on time means you are there 15minutes before expected....and I also listen to the news channel every morning to see if I need to leave earlier than usual due to an accident...it's those little things that make my life less stressful and with that comes peace....
For years I was a chronic late for work person, and always blamed it on traffic. Truth was, I hated the job and those extra 5 or 10 minutes would allow me to avoid the morning gossip that flew around the office. But, I always made up the time taking a much shorter lunch. Once I left that job and became the manager of a new up and coming business, we were very short-staffed and if someone was late, there was a big impact on others. I was always there at least a half-hour early and those that were chronically late, had to find employment elsewhere. In my personal life I have always been on time. If Im meeting friends for dinner or just to hang out and if I am invited to be there or say I will be there at a certain time, its like this is my word, and I will always try to honor it. And, Im always early for appointments and for school. The only exception I allow for being tardy is with the in-laws, and I always make them wait 5 minutes on me, lots of bad history there, so I do it just to be a b****. <eg>
atlas i use to have a problem like that...........late

and all it does is just add more stress.......

if your anying like me, i have to shower, makeup, hair, iron my uniform, and i do this everyitme i got some where......

there are days that i shower and do my hair but dont iron my cloths...

but i have gotten so much better......
my husband is early for everything....
which as rubbed off on me.........
he drives slow and moves slowly and, i am like a tornato......
i move fast, i drive fast.....i do things quickly.....

but i have slowed way way down and like today atlas, instead of taking my shower right before work, i take it right when i get up...
so now i just have to do my hair and makeup......and iron

my parents are early for EVERTHING..........

i did not like that about myself, so i changed and now i am early for work.
i have time to sit in the locker room and look in the mirror, go and get me some hot tea......

love ya.........you can work on this......
i cant wait to see why your late......lol

do tell us.........

I'm another one who tends to be early for everything. At least 10-15 minutes. I hate to be late and I also hate having to wait on others. I hate it when I hear someone say, "The kids made me late. I was always on time before I had them." That's a bunch of bs, if you ask me. Yea, there are times when unforseen events happen but, once kids come along you start planning with them in mind. "Ok, well I have to get 2 extra people ready so I'm going to start getting together an hour before I need to leave."

JMO- Meghan
I am always on time or early. I hate making people wait, it's almost a panicky thing for me. My husband and kids are the same way.

My dad was and is late for everything, as is my sister and it drives me nuts. I think it's rude they way they both just accept it as being who they are.

If I have a specific thing that I need my dad to show up for, I tell him to be there at 1 when it's not until 3. Sometimes I tell him to be there on Thursday when it's not until Friday. (kidding).
My husband's family is like that too. Late for everything. On Kendall's 1st b-day my brother-in-law and his family showed up 2 hours late and my sister-in-law showed up 2 hrs late and drunk!! My hubby's like me though, always on time. Unless it comes to his family. We feel that if they can be late for everything and it's ok, then we can too. Whenever there's a family gathering we always say that we'll show up an hour after we're supposed to be there and we do but, we're still always the first ones to arrive. This is one of the reasons why we stopped having "family birthday parties" for the girls. My family is all in the states and his is always late, so why bother.

I always arrive early. Typically 15-30 minutes. For family/party stuff, arrive when asked to be there. Shopping? When I feel like it.
I am very punctual. Hate to be late. Hate when others are late. I would love to know why some people are ALWAYS late. My sister in law is late for everything.. no matter what. She had no job for awhile and I asked her if she could babysit my daughter so I could go to a meeting and the gym. I needed the break too and I thought it would work out great. WRONG. She was always late so I ended up either missing my meeting or being late. I remember pacing in my house waiting for her and looking out the window every 5 minutes. I would call, and she would either still be asleep, walking the dog, etc. Very annoying.
Her father gets so irritated with her. She was late for a family dinner over the holidays. We just started without her. But Im telling you, since my husband and I were dating 14 years ago, she was always late. It irks me to death.
I am very punctual. For me, it goes with my word. It is almost the same thing.
However, there was a time when my girls were little that I was late for alot of things; I was overwhelmed. I didn't realize how much of an impact it had to allow for diaper changes, spills, extra clothes, etc.
Since they are a little bigger, I have gotten better. I know now when I tell someone what time I arrive, it has to be honest rather than wishful thinking. It can take alot to get out of the door with little ones.

I'm not a punctual person unless it involves the airport, a child's play/recital, or getting my kids to school on time. I'm never late for those things. My husband, however, is always punctual. He is always sitting in the car, with the kids, waiting for me to run out with my shoes and earrings in hand, so that I can finish dressing in the car. LOL, That's just the way it is. I am responsible for getting my three girls ready, plus myself, and all he has to do is shower and dress. If he wants us to leave any faster, he needs to learn how to curl hair and tie ribbons. We don't argue about it though. I put up with his dirty socks everywhere and he puts up with my lack of punctuality. I don't do it on purpose, I just get sidetracked or maybe I'm just a little scattered. I don't sweat it if people run late. I figure there's nothing I can do about it, so why get worked up over it? (Maybe because I'm a kindred spirit. LOL) As far as the doctor or the dentist goes, they are always running behind, so I don't care if i'm five minutes late. And after 34 years, my friends and family know that I'm never on time for family functions. It is guaranteed that I will show up anywhere between 5 and 15 minutes late. I wonder if they think I'm rude? LOL, to know me is to love me.

Are you a punctual person?

Yes I am a very punctual person and I HATE to be late. I have been having a problem with that lately though. I am like Thumper, a tornado. I race through my house and try to get everyone ready. I try to be atleast 15 minutes early when I have to go somewhere.

Is your significant other punctual?

Yes, he doesn't like to be late, but it drives me nuts because he is so slow at getting ready and he drives slowly and doesn't rush like I do. I hate it when he is already in the car with the kids and the car is already started because then I feel rushed and sometimes I just get ready in the car. But this is usually when we have to go to his moms or something.

Do you have different feelings about punctuality in relation to events where it is not necessary to be on time? Parties, visiting w/ family, scheduled time to go shopping, etc.?

I like to be punctual to parties and all that stuff. It is wierd though because my mom is late for everything and it irritates me, especiallly when I go somewhere with her. My sister is also not punctual. I feel like they don't see the importance of being punctual.

Spouse and I are both punctual. Im control freak punctual. If time didnt matter, noone would give one. If the invite says 7:00 thats when they expect you. If they wanted you at 8:00 theyd say that.
Punctuality is Politeness Personified....

In recovery I have become much more punctual and my spouse is VERY punctual (from a German family where 7 means 7, not 7:15)
I am punctual to all appointments...Dr. appointments, salon, clients, classes. I am always early for appointments with faculty and students. If there is an emergency reason why I am late...ie, traffic back up on Interstate, bridge closed, etc...I always call.

I arrive to parties a little later than the invitation...fashionably late, I suppose.

My husband is punctual. A bit of a workaholic, he arrives early and leaves late usually. In social settings, he is never uptight about us being a little late. I think a little late is expected in social things.

Now, Miss Atlas......why????