Well, as u can see this is not a new subject. But it is new to me. My son is 20 yrs old. Just over a year ago his cousin was using all the time. Mikes reaction was that it made him sick and he didnt want Tim around. A year later he is an addict. How does that happen. It happens because we introduced a drug that is meant for operating rooms not the streets. It is legalized haroin. The drug companys, pharmacys , doctors, hospitals and government all benifit. Who looses we do ive lost my son. he used to laugh, he used to talk politics, he used to work . now he stays up all night ,quit his job. lost his friends. he swears at me yells at us . Please help us god to get this monster off the streets . is our pain that much worse than it was 15 yrars ago. Are our injuries so much worse no that we need legal haroin to regulate it. that is my question to all of you doctoes out there.
nancyshurt, come on over to the family board and tell us more of your story. Sorry about your son, and his cousin, and all of those struggling with this beast.
Peace ~ MomNMore
Peace ~ MomNMore
Your pain is obvious, as is your anger....from there well as the mother of a crack addict who relapsed to oxy my son is not lost and wasn't when he was using. And I don't blame the drug companies or the doctors who wrote a script that was diverted, or the gf for where he put himself. Surely he was all there for his own reason, real or imagined....Something drove him and it could have been as simple as the high, and he didn't ask to become an addict, but that does happen and not just with oxy.
Yes oxy is 100 percent physically addicted, and yes many get hooked not asking....but it has it's place as do many other so called legal drugs that have a huge abuse potential. And while opiates like oxy are all the rage more people are addicted and die still from alcohol...but then that it is socially acceptable...oh and cigarettes are number one....
And of course someone is making money, that is how it works with business that wouldn't be in business if they weren't...although I tend to think addiction is too big a business, I am not sure where the line is between actually caring and seeing just another addict with insurance....
So I have to ask since your frustration is evident why do you allow yourself to be screamed at, and who else is he doing this to as you wrote all of us
The best thing I can advise is to let him go, because really you don't know his why's at all... let him run this out, learn from it. Do not help him, in the sense of don't give him money, don't make excuses for him, do not do for him anything he can and should be doing for himself at age 20, do not bail out, fix mistakes, pay off debts.... Do not buy the bullsh*t lines, addiction looks like addiction and never anything else. Do believe what you see, do not downplay, watch the blame it all on everyone but him as to where he sits today.
Watch also what you teach him as your every reaction is showing him just how he needs to act to get his way.....
There is hope, and I am huge with loving them, hugging them, believing in them and really after that they can deal with the rest. He is a big boy, and is capable of finding a way out of this hell if and when he wants it..
Pray a lot, and research living with an addict, enabling, codependency and help yourself it is most important....
I will keep your son in my prayers...
Yes oxy is 100 percent physically addicted, and yes many get hooked not asking....but it has it's place as do many other so called legal drugs that have a huge abuse potential. And while opiates like oxy are all the rage more people are addicted and die still from alcohol...but then that it is socially acceptable...oh and cigarettes are number one....
And of course someone is making money, that is how it works with business that wouldn't be in business if they weren't...although I tend to think addiction is too big a business, I am not sure where the line is between actually caring and seeing just another addict with insurance....
So I have to ask since your frustration is evident why do you allow yourself to be screamed at, and who else is he doing this to as you wrote all of us
The best thing I can advise is to let him go, because really you don't know his why's at all... let him run this out, learn from it. Do not help him, in the sense of don't give him money, don't make excuses for him, do not do for him anything he can and should be doing for himself at age 20, do not bail out, fix mistakes, pay off debts.... Do not buy the bullsh*t lines, addiction looks like addiction and never anything else. Do believe what you see, do not downplay, watch the blame it all on everyone but him as to where he sits today.
Watch also what you teach him as your every reaction is showing him just how he needs to act to get his way.....
There is hope, and I am huge with loving them, hugging them, believing in them and really after that they can deal with the rest. He is a big boy, and is capable of finding a way out of this hell if and when he wants it..
Pray a lot, and research living with an addict, enabling, codependency and help yourself it is most important....
I will keep your son in my prayers...
Dear Nancyshurt,
I too am a mother of an opiate addict. I have been posting on this board for over a year and you will find the help that you need here. My son started with opiates for a broken back...then the madness and it is madness. Listen to Momnmore and Misty....they are my heroes. They have both been there and have helped me soooo much. Come over to the Families board...you will find the answers that you are looking for there. Trust that while it is not always what you want to hear...they will be the right answers for you. I have learned so much from them and the precious others....help is there.
I too am praying for you and your son. There are brighter days ahead.
God bless,
I too am a mother of an opiate addict. I have been posting on this board for over a year and you will find the help that you need here. My son started with opiates for a broken back...then the madness and it is madness. Listen to Momnmore and Misty....they are my heroes. They have both been there and have helped me soooo much. Come over to the Families board...you will find the answers that you are looking for there. Trust that while it is not always what you want to hear...they will be the right answers for you. I have learned so much from them and the precious others....help is there.
I too am praying for you and your son. There are brighter days ahead.
God bless,
I blamed my doc for the first little while for giving them to me. I was very manipulative and got what I wanted. It was ME who chose to take more of them and more and yet more. It was me who also chose to stop taking them. I was taking a very large amount and got off them myself.
Your son is not lost. As long as there is breath there is hope. You have to remember this. You have to take care of yourself as well. I honestly don't know what you are going through because neither of my kids are addicts (thank God) I know the pain though of seeing my child hurt and angry.
take care of yourself
Your son is not lost. As long as there is breath there is hope. You have to remember this. You have to take care of yourself as well. I honestly don't know what you are going through because neither of my kids are addicts (thank God) I know the pain though of seeing my child hurt and angry.
take care of yourself
Uhhh....well here is a post that nancyshurt is probably not going to like, assuming this isn't just another "drive-by posting" where one just signs up to a site to do a one time rant then leaves.....
Oxycontin has its uses, it's a time release oxycodone, a pill, so no it's not for the surgery room. It's for people with severe pain, burn victims for example. And yeah, they do need something that strong. You have no idea of the pain of burns.
I, actually, wouldn't mind legalized drugs, including heroin. People have their choices on whether to partake or not, including your son. Do people need to be protected from.....themselves?
Of course pharmaceuticals make money, uh....they're businesses? So does the alcohol industry, and I don't see you railing against that. Have that occasional drink? If this was alcohol, I doubt we would be seeing you make this rant. You wouldn't blame the companies, you would be looking at your son.
mistyeyes again, bats 1,000. Alcohol kills more people than oxy, (including drunk driving accidents). Also, she asks why you put up with him yelling at you. Would you put up with that from a stranger? Why then from someone who is simply genetically related to you. Different rules for them? Why?
So, sad to say, are you going to look at the person who is putting the oxy into their bodies? Or are you going to look at everyone else but your son?
Oxycontin has its uses, it's a time release oxycodone, a pill, so no it's not for the surgery room. It's for people with severe pain, burn victims for example. And yeah, they do need something that strong. You have no idea of the pain of burns.
I, actually, wouldn't mind legalized drugs, including heroin. People have their choices on whether to partake or not, including your son. Do people need to be protected from.....themselves?
Of course pharmaceuticals make money, uh....they're businesses? So does the alcohol industry, and I don't see you railing against that. Have that occasional drink? If this was alcohol, I doubt we would be seeing you make this rant. You wouldn't blame the companies, you would be looking at your son.
mistyeyes again, bats 1,000. Alcohol kills more people than oxy, (including drunk driving accidents). Also, she asks why you put up with him yelling at you. Would you put up with that from a stranger? Why then from someone who is simply genetically related to you. Different rules for them? Why?
So, sad to say, are you going to look at the person who is putting the oxy into their bodies? Or are you going to look at everyone else but your son?
I understand your anger, but it's not the Dr. or Purdue Pharma fault we become addicted or dependent to OxyContin. Yes the Dr. writes the script and Purdue Pharma makes that junk (it is legal Heroin), but we as people decide to use or not use it. We as people decide to abuse it. I took it for 5 years exactly as prescribed and my Dr. did increase my dosage about every 2-2 1/2 years, but I never stopped him. I quit OxyContin on my own, but I saw my PCP and he told he was amazed I did it on my own. It's been a very difficult road to recovery and I would say most need help to stop. Anger will not fix this problem. First he has to admit he has a problem and want to quit and may need help in doing so especially if he has been abusing them, i.e. taking more than prescribed or not as in tended which is swallowing the pill whole. No snorting, smoking, chewing etc. It's a extremely difficult drug to taper off of much less go Cold Turkey. FYI I was up to 280 mg and I am just coming up on 47 days clean. Good luck with getting him away from this Demon, it will rob you of our life and ambition, take away your dreams and you need help and or support to stop. I did it on my own but from what my PCP said that is rare so get him the help he needs. It's a disease you must realize that. We'll be hoping and praying for you. You can find support here and NA/AA meeting and there are Dr's that can help him get off opiates not just keep him on them !
Nancy...as a recoverying addict mother of a recoverying addict son...I feel your pain. But know this...just like a few other posters are telling you...no one put a gun to our heads and made us take those meds. It is our fault, and ours alone.
It's called free will and a disease.
I get very angry at the drug companies sometimes so I see where you're coming from but it's misplaced anger and not productive.
You and your son need help and don't need to go this road alone. I hope you come back or at least go to the family board.
It's called free will and a disease.
I get very angry at the drug companies sometimes so I see where you're coming from but it's misplaced anger and not productive.
You and your son need help and don't need to go this road alone. I hope you come back or at least go to the family board.
i also have been the loved one of an addict and somehow I was tangled in the web she had created(bc i love her,she's my sister)First off, there is absolutely nothing you can do for your son.( i know you want to fix him but until he wants to fix himself.YOU ARE POWERLESS!!!!! You need to learn to detach with love(sounds harsh but it reallly really help)I didnt start going to n/a meetings til after my sister went to Detox for the 3rd time. I truly wish I started much sooner. See if there is any family meetings in your community. They were my saviour.
I'm pleased to say she is 212 days oxy free today. And for that I'm grateful
Good luck
i also have been the loved one of an addict and somehow I was tangled in the web she had created(bc i love her,she's my sister)First off, there is absolutely nothing you can do for your son.( i know you want to fix him but until he wants to fix himself.YOU ARE POWERLESS!!!!! You need to learn to detach with love(sounds harsh but it reallly really help)I didnt start going to n/a meetings til after my sister went to Detox for the 3rd time. I truly wish I started much sooner. See if there is any family meetings in your community. They were my saviour.
I'm pleased to say she is 212 days oxy free today. And for that I'm grateful
Good luck
Dear Nancy,
Please disregard the insensitive posts of a couple of people on here. It's obvious you are hurting and asking for help. They may have meant well but didn't have to come across as jerks.
I feel your pain. I, too, got horribly addicted after being prescribed oxycontin. I had never done drugs in my life and within a matter of a few months, I was hooked. Do I totally blame the doctor or pharmaceutical company? No, but they definitely played a roll. Yes, I chose to take a medication that my doctor prescribed to me (he being the professional). And no, he didn't hold a gun to my head. You see, I've learned to accept my roll in my addiction, but damn it, the doctors need to quit prescribing pain medicine for every hangnail someone gets. It's way too easy for someone to go to a doctor, complain of pain, and come out with a script. And it's because the doctors don't want to take the time to get to know you and try alternate treatments. And don't even get me started on the pharmaceutical companies. They could be using all this money they are making to find a way to control pain effectively without causing such a "high". But, oh yea, they would probably loose money that way.
One thing you need to do is educate yourself. Addiction is a disease, who knows why some people have it and others don't (just like diabetes). For whatever reason, your son got addicted and now needs help. You could either waste your time playing the blame game or put your energy into getting help for the both of you. You see, when one member of a family goes through recovery, the whole family needs to go through recovery. Go to some family support meetings. One thing about this disease is that it's chronic but it can be effectively managed (just like diabetes).
Like Lisa said, the family site on here is a wonderful place for you. You will receive a lot of support. I wish you the best. Please keep us posted.
And for anyone I may have pissed off, too bad. This is a sore subject with me.
Please disregard the insensitive posts of a couple of people on here. It's obvious you are hurting and asking for help. They may have meant well but didn't have to come across as jerks.
I feel your pain. I, too, got horribly addicted after being prescribed oxycontin. I had never done drugs in my life and within a matter of a few months, I was hooked. Do I totally blame the doctor or pharmaceutical company? No, but they definitely played a roll. Yes, I chose to take a medication that my doctor prescribed to me (he being the professional). And no, he didn't hold a gun to my head. You see, I've learned to accept my roll in my addiction, but damn it, the doctors need to quit prescribing pain medicine for every hangnail someone gets. It's way too easy for someone to go to a doctor, complain of pain, and come out with a script. And it's because the doctors don't want to take the time to get to know you and try alternate treatments. And don't even get me started on the pharmaceutical companies. They could be using all this money they are making to find a way to control pain effectively without causing such a "high". But, oh yea, they would probably loose money that way.
One thing you need to do is educate yourself. Addiction is a disease, who knows why some people have it and others don't (just like diabetes). For whatever reason, your son got addicted and now needs help. You could either waste your time playing the blame game or put your energy into getting help for the both of you. You see, when one member of a family goes through recovery, the whole family needs to go through recovery. Go to some family support meetings. One thing about this disease is that it's chronic but it can be effectively managed (just like diabetes).
Like Lisa said, the family site on here is a wonderful place for you. You will receive a lot of support. I wish you the best. Please keep us posted.
And for anyone I may have pissed off, too bad. This is a sore subject with me.
I was an OxyContin addict and it was something that I really had to work on to get the sources.I found a shady dr.at first but even she cut me off.I then found a friend who had AIDS who would sell me his medication plus I spent thousands of dollars getting it off the internet.I had no pain,I was looking to get high,just as your son is.
The reality is that it is not an easy drug to get unless you can verify that you have legitimate pain issues and the laws are getting tougher.Most Doctors will not prescribe OxyContin anymore unless you have cancer or really need it.In fact if you walk into a Dr's office and mention OxyContin,most would throw you out.You would have to go to a pain clinic with documented x-rays,MRI's and have proof you were suffering from some degenerative pain.
They are closing down all these pill mills that have been so rampant.I keep seeing it on the news all the time.Now that some major stars have died from it,they are tightening the noose.
It's still out there but kids are buying it off the streets,not from legit sources.
It's just the new heroin and in another 20 years we will have another "new and more deadly substance" come out.
There is an underground market either through theft or some other dubious practices[legitimate pain patients selling it] and then just dealing with the pain.
Your son is not getting it from a doctor.Is he a cancer patient? I remember the Quallude years and that drug became as obiquious as Oxy's,it just wasn't quite that addictive.You didn't shoot it up or snort it.
I agree with Elim.All drugs have their place.It is up to us to decide if we want to f*** around with them to get high.
The reality is that it is not an easy drug to get unless you can verify that you have legitimate pain issues and the laws are getting tougher.Most Doctors will not prescribe OxyContin anymore unless you have cancer or really need it.In fact if you walk into a Dr's office and mention OxyContin,most would throw you out.You would have to go to a pain clinic with documented x-rays,MRI's and have proof you were suffering from some degenerative pain.
They are closing down all these pill mills that have been so rampant.I keep seeing it on the news all the time.Now that some major stars have died from it,they are tightening the noose.
It's still out there but kids are buying it off the streets,not from legit sources.
It's just the new heroin and in another 20 years we will have another "new and more deadly substance" come out.
There is an underground market either through theft or some other dubious practices[legitimate pain patients selling it] and then just dealing with the pain.
Your son is not getting it from a doctor.Is he a cancer patient? I remember the Quallude years and that drug became as obiquious as Oxy's,it just wasn't quite that addictive.You didn't shoot it up or snort it.
I agree with Elim.All drugs have their place.It is up to us to decide if we want to f*** around with them to get high.
A jerk? Good. If this was alcohol, the discussion would not be occurring. Period. We don't blame bartenders or liquor store owners. Poor alcoholics, there is nobody to protect them from themselves.
Which is a good thing. There is no doctor to "partially" blame (It's a lot more than just "partial"). It's kind of nice to deflect the blame onto someone else.
Oh and yeah, for your information, her son was probably not getting it from a doctor.
Whose to "partially" blame then?
I suppose then you are going to blame the heroin dealers as well. Well, you should if you want to be consistent.
Using any opioid long enough will cause physical habituation. But not all those physically habituated are actual addicts.
Did you abuse your medication? Did you take more than was prescribed? Did you use it to get high more so then for pain? If the answer is yes for those questions, just how is the doctor responsible?
EDITED TO ADD: Oh, I just noticed in your post you would go to a doctor and complain of imaginary pain to get more pills. That wouldn't have happened if the doctor hadn't prescribed them in the first place, right? Evil doctors, they should have just known you are an addict. Kind of sad, actually. Doctors have to assume that people are lying about their pain to score drugs? The honest have to pay the price because of the liars? That is indeed sad. You lie and it's the doctor's fault. That is a great slight of hand.....
It looks like sobriety by default to me. Not addicted to anything because it isn't available to you. You need to be protected from yourself.
If that makes you feel less guilty pointing a finger at your doctor, do it. I am glad I don't. To be completely responsible for my addiction also means being responsible for participating in my recovery as well.
As said before, he didn't get them from a doctor. Where from I don't know. There's a black market in OxyContin, like many other drugs.
Of course nancyshurt is hurt. But pointing fingers at others is a wonderful form of enabling. "Oh you poor thing, it's not your fault. It's those nasty doctors"
Funny, the alcoholics and heroin addicts would like the same fall guys.........
And those nasty, nasty pharmaceutical companies. They want to make everyone addicts to pad their bottom line. It is true, like any business (as if oil companies or insurance companies are more ethical or noble) the bottom line is really all that matters. If they could put out a better painkiller that doesn't produce a high, believe me, they would. The demand for it would be tremendous. Since the bottom line is all that matters, it would be quite a boon. Yup, they are trying to do just that. But the sad fact of life is that to alleviate severe pain, the opiate receptors are the best targets, at least for now.....
Yup, this might get locked due to Elim's sunny personality. but hey, it's fun being a jerk.......A responsible jerk...... All hail jerks!
A jerk? Good. If this was alcohol, the discussion would not be occurring. Period. We don't blame bartenders or liquor store owners. Poor alcoholics, there is nobody to protect them from themselves.
Which is a good thing. There is no doctor to "partially" blame (It's a lot more than just "partial"). It's kind of nice to deflect the blame onto someone else.
Oh and yeah, for your information, her son was probably not getting it from a doctor.
Whose to "partially" blame then?
I suppose then you are going to blame the heroin dealers as well. Well, you should if you want to be consistent.
Using any opioid long enough will cause physical habituation. But not all those physically habituated are actual addicts.
Did you abuse your medication? Did you take more than was prescribed? Did you use it to get high more so then for pain? If the answer is yes for those questions, just how is the doctor responsible?
EDITED TO ADD: Oh, I just noticed in your post you would go to a doctor and complain of imaginary pain to get more pills. That wouldn't have happened if the doctor hadn't prescribed them in the first place, right? Evil doctors, they should have just known you are an addict. Kind of sad, actually. Doctors have to assume that people are lying about their pain to score drugs? The honest have to pay the price because of the liars? That is indeed sad. You lie and it's the doctor's fault. That is a great slight of hand.....
It looks like sobriety by default to me. Not addicted to anything because it isn't available to you. You need to be protected from yourself.
If that makes you feel less guilty pointing a finger at your doctor, do it. I am glad I don't. To be completely responsible for my addiction also means being responsible for participating in my recovery as well.
As said before, he didn't get them from a doctor. Where from I don't know. There's a black market in OxyContin, like many other drugs.
Of course nancyshurt is hurt. But pointing fingers at others is a wonderful form of enabling. "Oh you poor thing, it's not your fault. It's those nasty doctors"
Funny, the alcoholics and heroin addicts would like the same fall guys.........
And those nasty, nasty pharmaceutical companies. They want to make everyone addicts to pad their bottom line. It is true, like any business (as if oil companies or insurance companies are more ethical or noble) the bottom line is really all that matters. If they could put out a better painkiller that doesn't produce a high, believe me, they would. The demand for it would be tremendous. Since the bottom line is all that matters, it would be quite a boon. Yup, they are trying to do just that. But the sad fact of life is that to alleviate severe pain, the opiate receptors are the best targets, at least for now.....
Yup, this might get locked due to Elim's sunny personality. but hey, it's fun being a jerk.......A responsible jerk...... All hail jerks!
Please disregard the insensitive posts of a couple of people on here. It's obvious you are hurting and asking for help. They may have meant well but didn't have to come across as jerks. |
I doubt anyone here needs YOU to apologize on their behalf...you are no one's mother on this forum so it really is inappropriate.
So it's a sore subject with YOU, do not presume to know which posts are going to be the most helpful for someone else. Yeah, I was a bit miffed the first time someone had the audacity to suggest I needed to look (A) at myself and my own behavior and (B) at my daughter who had done this to herself...not her BF, nor her other 'bad influences'.
Yes, she's hurting, and I hope she comes back to hear what everyone has to offer...that this doesn't turn out to be one of those drive-by posts that serve only to express anger.
Oh, she will definitely have to apologize for me. I obviously have nasty intentions....My factoid is I am totally responsible for my addiction period. No "partial" blaming, no "buts". That's the fact, Jack.
As reigning Jerk of the Board, I have a rep to maintain......
Oh, she will definitely have to apologize for me. I obviously have nasty intentions....My factoid is I am totally responsible for my addiction period. No "partial" blaming, no "buts". That's the fact, Jack.
As reigning Jerk of the Board, I have a rep to maintain......
folks this is a life and death matter please all she want is help to uderstand what her son his going through and how to relief her pain . lets work together here, and help this family not to be destroyed by drugs...we are not here to judge or point fingures or even cretasize ones posting so lets help one another thats why i keep coming back here and why i keep posting litature to help one another.
please (GODBLESS YOU ALL.) Peace out
your friend GANZ.
please (GODBLESS YOU ALL.) Peace out
your friend GANZ.
nancyshurt post indeed showed pain. But the way she showed her pain is to rant at doctors and pharmaceutical companies. They are the reason her son is an addict. It ain't "nice" to point out that her son has to stand on the docket for his addiction. The same for his "bad behavior". He has to own that. And as stated by mistyeyes, she can create boundaries to protect herself from that.
Not to mention she has not appeared on the Friends and Family Board for support. There is a strong possibility that this was a drive by rant.
I honestly don't think she actually at the moment wanted to "understand". Rant maybe.....
But the bottom line is addicts have to own their behavior to have a fighting chance at recovery.....
nancyshurt post indeed showed pain. But the way she showed her pain is to rant at doctors and pharmaceutical companies. They are the reason her son is an addict. It ain't "nice" to point out that her son has to stand on the docket for his addiction. The same for his "bad behavior". He has to own that. And as stated by mistyeyes, she can create boundaries to protect herself from that.
Not to mention she has not appeared on the Friends and Family Board for support. There is a strong possibility that this was a drive by rant.
I honestly don't think she actually at the moment wanted to "understand". Rant maybe.....
But the bottom line is addicts have to own their behavior to have a fighting chance at recovery.....
I think what I find the saddest of all is that Nancyshurt did not come back...that makes me wonder. In time she will find someone to hold her hand in this and let her stay sick, mostly because the hand holder will in some way be trying to justify their own behavior. And it will fit right into the disease, that is counting on the enabling, blame, shame, secrecy to stay alive.
In terms of doctors and what they prescribe. Dont we owe it to ourselves to be responsible patients, to ask questions, to ask for other options. And this isnt about trust, I trust my doctors but I ask tons of questions and for every option available.
And you know I dont want to be protected from myself. I have so had it with nanny laws.
In terms of doctors and what they prescribe. Dont we owe it to ourselves to be responsible patients, to ask questions, to ask for other options. And this isnt about trust, I trust my doctors but I ask tons of questions and for every option available.
And you know I dont want to be protected from myself. I have so had it with nanny laws.
Whoa whoa whoa whoa...what's going on here?
First of all..I didn't see anyone being a "jerk", what's that all about chelle? It's a very common thing to do, blame the drug companies, the doctors etc..anything to take the focus off of ourselves...people were just pointing that out and trying to help Nancyshurt understand the true depth of the problem...
I'm confused.
First of all..I didn't see anyone being a "jerk", what's that all about chelle? It's a very common thing to do, blame the drug companies, the doctors etc..anything to take the focus off of ourselves...people were just pointing that out and trying to help Nancyshurt understand the true depth of the problem...
I'm confused.
Gads mistyeyes
I wish I could put it like you. That is it! Completely expresses my feelings to a T....
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you (in case you didn't see the Thank you.)
After all, if we have a law about what one is/isn't allowed to use, then why not laws about how one will use it if it is allowed? Or laws on exactly how one would do recovery from drugs? Or constant surveillance of people to make sure they are on the straight and narrow? Doctors suspecting all patients as addict scammers? Doctors having the right not only to report suspected (without concrete proof) addict behavior to a network to keep track of drug usage (which is good--prevents doctor shopping), but also to report to one's place of work? Have to protect the workplace as well.
Oh...and random drug testing...for everybody in every profession. I am sure people wanting it "off the streets" might just loooove that.
EDITED TO ADD cowgirl, what do you mean I am not being a jerk? Sniff.....I'm hurt. I was trying so hard to be one.....
We will start the random drug testing with...cowgirl. Aren't you honored to be first? Would chellebeans want to be next? Want to protect you, after all.
I wish I could put it like you. That is it! Completely expresses my feelings to a T....
And you know I dont want to be protected from myself. I have so had it with nanny laws. |
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you (in case you didn't see the Thank you.)
After all, if we have a law about what one is/isn't allowed to use, then why not laws about how one will use it if it is allowed? Or laws on exactly how one would do recovery from drugs? Or constant surveillance of people to make sure they are on the straight and narrow? Doctors suspecting all patients as addict scammers? Doctors having the right not only to report suspected (without concrete proof) addict behavior to a network to keep track of drug usage (which is good--prevents doctor shopping), but also to report to one's place of work? Have to protect the workplace as well.
Oh...and random drug testing...for everybody in every profession. I am sure people wanting it "off the streets" might just loooove that.
EDITED TO ADD cowgirl, what do you mean I am not being a jerk? Sniff.....I'm hurt. I was trying so hard to be one.....
We will start the random drug testing with...cowgirl. Aren't you honored to be first? Would chellebeans want to be next? Want to protect you, after all.
i understand to well well ... i use to blame the world but myself... im the one that went to the my doctor that i truly trust for my oxys ect...but i became not only addicted but a very good actor, thats just one of my mask that i use out of many i wear...and yes she maybe enabled but someone but to me word of wisdom sometimes is all i need to hear , i do agree with most of the posting above mine they are all facts but we as addicts have the responsibility to carry the message to another addict and thats exactly that, that we are all doing and with out this site i may not have a chance, when im feeling the blues... when i need the word of wisdom, when i cant go to a meetings or talk to my sponsor and others this the place i want to come....you are truly truly heroes one day at a time...GODBLESS YOU All...peace out ...your friend ganz...