Hi guys. I have been on poppy tea for the better part of 2 years. Last week I got into a mini car accident (Not my fault, I was parked at a red light and some teen rear ended me.)
I have not been to a doctor in years, in dialing to make an appointment I realized they are going to find a s*** load of opiates in me, thinking this was a blessing in disguise, I spent 2 hours throwing out my blender, pods, cups, and going cold turkey. I started quitting cold turkey on Monday, I gotta tell you, the first 3 days is hell. I'm feeling a lot better now but I'm incredibly weak. I've also been on a prescription for xanax which I am still taking. The problem is while I really fell no physical pain, the psychological part is still there and I feel weak, I probably slept 16 hours out of the day the past 2 days. I need to get my energy up, I've tried everything, vitamin b,c,e,multi vitamins, potassium, magnesum, red bull, mocha chinos and cold showers while they do wake me up for a few minutes im back on the couch browsing the web on my notebook, watching my cat staring at me like he's proud of me or something, but I gotta get my energy up. I always like to move around and keep active, I dont even feel like playing my video games anymore. If someone can guide me on what to take to get at least some energy going I'd be grateful. I took a walk outside yesterday in the cold, that helped a little but I need a natual, non-opiate way to get my energy back. I'm sure the xanax isnt helping but those are legit for my anxiety from my psychatrist. (2mg per day.)
With the exception of minor aches in my legs, I'm really feeling no pain right now, and feel so grateful that God gave me the strength to throw those demons away. But I need my energy, any asstance would be grateful, thank you.
By the way I know this is for pills, but being that poppy tea is an opiat, with the drugs listed above for this forum I thought this would be the best place to post, hope I didnt break any rules or anything, thanks. - Chris
Hello Chris, welcome,
Congratulations on your decision to save your life.
It can take days and weeks before you begin to feel better. We were taking drugs for a long time, it will take your body and mind a long time time to get better. You will feel better, it's going to take it's sweet time but it will go completely away.
What you are doing is what I would recomend. Walking, vitamins. People with more advise will show up and help guide you.
I enjoyed your coment about your cat. My cat's were of no support when I quit. Must be a cat thing.
Congratulations on your decision to save your life.
It can take days and weeks before you begin to feel better. We were taking drugs for a long time, it will take your body and mind a long time time to get better. You will feel better, it's going to take it's sweet time but it will go completely away.
What you are doing is what I would recomend. Walking, vitamins. People with more advise will show up and help guide you.
I enjoyed your coment about your cat. My cat's were of no support when I quit. Must be a cat thing.
Exactly Chris........what Catherine said.
Opiates are opiates whether it's raw opium from poppy's or synthetic Percocet.They still have the same biological effects on the body.
The reason you have no energy is also a biolgical event.When the human body is exposed to powerful chemicals that mimic endorphins your body stops producing them.Natural endorphins are the body's natural painkillers and euphoria producing chemicals.The runners high is a good example.
It can take awhile before the body starts making endorphins again.This makes you feel lethargic and depressed.The best way is not to add more chemicals but force yourself to exercise.Your heart won't be in it and you may only be able to walk the first few days.Do it anyway.I almost started crying that first day I went back to the gym and got on the life-cycle.Each day I added a little more and by the end of the week I felt 100% better.
It works.Believe me.
Don't get over amped on caffeine and a lot of chemicals.Let your body talk to you and listen.....and be patient.
Opiates are opiates whether it's raw opium from poppy's or synthetic Percocet.They still have the same biological effects on the body.
The reason you have no energy is also a biolgical event.When the human body is exposed to powerful chemicals that mimic endorphins your body stops producing them.Natural endorphins are the body's natural painkillers and euphoria producing chemicals.The runners high is a good example.
It can take awhile before the body starts making endorphins again.This makes you feel lethargic and depressed.The best way is not to add more chemicals but force yourself to exercise.Your heart won't be in it and you may only be able to walk the first few days.Do it anyway.I almost started crying that first day I went back to the gym and got on the life-cycle.Each day I added a little more and by the end of the week I felt 100% better.
It works.Believe me.
Don't get over amped on caffeine and a lot of chemicals.Let your body talk to you and listen.....and be patient.
I just got off my nordic track, did 2:55 on it, pathetic. tomorrow I'll shoot for 4 minutes.
Catherine, yeah..I have a black cat named noel, got his dad 2, they are both my pals. Most of the time I wake up he's on my chest laying down when I go to bed, he's my buddy. His dad is a fat tabby, they are in-seperable, I'm glad I've been feeding dried Iams (and fancy feast once a week) because they were both not on the recall list. I have a great business, a most of all a great girl who doenst know this demon I'm trying to kick. The funny part is is that I met her 9 years ago when she went to columbia, she was into chemical drugs as well, smoking, etc, but she quit all that for me. I'd rather her not know what I've been doing, or how I got into it, I dont know if I'll ever tell her, but first things first, just gotta get this outta me, its been 5 days so far, if anyone can offer advice on how to get my energy up I'd greatly appreciate it. I'm not looking for a quick fix, I know it does not exist, but I need to keep up my energy, I watched Rocky 4 the other night and it kinda got me hyped, but I know movies arent the answer.
If anyone would like to see the cats, they are here. The fat orange furball is Dad, Noel is the one who lays on my chest most of the time.
Again my main focus is energy, not happiness, not a quick endorphin fix, just energy, i need it and i need it now. Naturally, of course. thank you all and god bless.
My personal site. If anyone needs any help with home theater just ask, least I can do. Thank you all and god bless. - Chris
Catherine, yeah..I have a black cat named noel, got his dad 2, they are both my pals. Most of the time I wake up he's on my chest laying down when I go to bed, he's my buddy. His dad is a fat tabby, they are in-seperable, I'm glad I've been feeding dried Iams (and fancy feast once a week) because they were both not on the recall list. I have a great business, a most of all a great girl who doenst know this demon I'm trying to kick. The funny part is is that I met her 9 years ago when she went to columbia, she was into chemical drugs as well, smoking, etc, but she quit all that for me. I'd rather her not know what I've been doing, or how I got into it, I dont know if I'll ever tell her, but first things first, just gotta get this outta me, its been 5 days so far, if anyone can offer advice on how to get my energy up I'd greatly appreciate it. I'm not looking for a quick fix, I know it does not exist, but I need to keep up my energy, I watched Rocky 4 the other night and it kinda got me hyped, but I know movies arent the answer.
If anyone would like to see the cats, they are here. The fat orange furball is Dad, Noel is the one who lays on my chest most of the time.
Again my main focus is energy, not happiness, not a quick endorphin fix, just energy, i need it and i need it now. Naturally, of course. thank you all and god bless.
My personal site. If anyone needs any help with home theater just ask, least I can do. Thank you all and god bless. - Chris
Oh Catherine, what makes you think your cat didnt care? Cat's are amazing creatures. If he/she isnt clawing at you when you pick him/her up, she loves you. People and cats are a great mix, we like them, and for some reason they like...no..love us. I've had my orange tabby going on thirteen years and his son his about10, they are amazing and very affectionate, not only to us but to eachother. Had to give mom away though, it was really sad, she would hiss and beat the s*** out of both mom and dad, but she loved people. Got her a nice home in vermont, saw her a few months ago, she even remembered me, but she was happy. Just wanted to share that. - Chris
I feed my cat's the same diet. Iams dry and they love their Fancy Feast. My friend was feeding her dog the poisoned food and didn't know it. Her dog survived thank god.
I had a crevical fusion surgery about 5 years ago. My cat's took care of me and made sure I didn't die. They slit my throat to attach a titanium plate in my cervical spine. (I can't describe it any other way) I coulden't breathe very well. My cat's would wake me up at night because I coulden't breathe. They would not leave my side. It was amazing.
I love cats. Don't get me wrong.
Tim gave you the best advice for feeling better. He gave you the medica/Biological reason why you are feeling the way you are. Tim has been there done that and has the T-Shirt. He knows what he is talking about. I followed his advice when I quit. Another pseron here followed his advice when she went CT and she is doing great almost 10 months later.
Give it time and keep posting, talking about it helps a lot.
I feed my cat's the same diet. Iams dry and they love their Fancy Feast. My friend was feeding her dog the poisoned food and didn't know it. Her dog survived thank god.
I had a crevical fusion surgery about 5 years ago. My cat's took care of me and made sure I didn't die. They slit my throat to attach a titanium plate in my cervical spine. (I can't describe it any other way) I coulden't breathe very well. My cat's would wake me up at night because I coulden't breathe. They would not leave my side. It was amazing.
I love cats. Don't get me wrong.
Tim gave you the best advice for feeling better. He gave you the medica/Biological reason why you are feeling the way you are. Tim has been there done that and has the T-Shirt. He knows what he is talking about. I followed his advice when I quit. Another pseron here followed his advice when she went CT and she is doing great almost 10 months later.
Give it time and keep posting, talking about it helps a lot.
I made a mistake getting hooked on vicodin, then poppy tea and am ready to pay the price for it. I'm not trying to cheat or anything, but my energy has to get up some how. If someone can guide me on how I can keep my energy up, along with excersing(which I am going to increase by one minute every day on my eliptical trainer) I was wondering if there were certain foods/fluids i can drink to help me with my energy. With my business I run around the city and just walking around the house I find myself hitting the sides of walls and stuff and if I do that in front of a client it will not look good.
I dont care if it's castor oil, if it boosts my energy, I'll do it. If anyone can guide me on this I would be most appreciative.
Where is everyone from btw? I am in Nassau County, NY. Look forward to making some friends here. - Chris
I dont care if it's castor oil, if it boosts my energy, I'll do it. If anyone can guide me on this I would be most appreciative.
Where is everyone from btw? I am in Nassau County, NY. Look forward to making some friends here. - Chris
There is no quick fix. You have to ride it out. Eat and drink lots of water this weekend. Water pees the bad stuff out. Walk get some sunshine. You may have to call in sick next week. I wish there was a miracle cure but there isn't.
I'm in Southern California.
There is no quick fix. You have to ride it out. Eat and drink lots of water this weekend. Water pees the bad stuff out. Walk get some sunshine. You may have to call in sick next week. I wish there was a miracle cure but there isn't.
I'm in Southern California.
Hey Chris, my name is Dawn, nice to meet you. Your cats are beautiful!!! (ps so is your lady). Drink lots and lots of gatorade, water, you have to stay well-hydrated. You just gotta take it day by day, exercise, take time for yourself, like reading, movies, whatever you do to undwind and relax.
Too much work to do, I own my own business and have appts to keep so calling sick is defintely not an option. I'll tough it out I guess. I'm already drinking lots of water, and I'll try the gatorade..thx! - Chris
Try NA. When you start to wrap your brain around the mental part of addiction, it can go a long way in how you feel. Getting clean was the easy part, staying clean is really hard but doable. It's got to come from you though. I would re-think telling your g/f. Secrets and lies are not a great way to have a relationship and if you can't get honest with her, you can't get honest with yourself. This disease needs honesty. That means telling anyone that is close to you and all health professionals as well. It's not some big, deep, dark secret, it's a disease. It's not your fault and you are so worth recovery.
I hate cats but yours are so cute...
I hate cats but yours are so cute...
Feeling a little better, had a guys night out. If your coming off, go see grindhouse..I think the addrenaline that film pumped into me took out some of the poison. Went to I Hop, had steak and eggs, seemed to boost up my energy as well. And A-Rod hitting the walk off grandslam pumped me up (I'm a die hard yankee fan)
Anyway thanks guys, I know I've only been posting here for a couple of days but you guys have been great. Thanks for kudos to frick and frack (my 2 cats, Gabriel and Noel actually)
Night guys, got a yankee game to go to in 7 hours. :) Peace. - Chris
Feeling a little better, had a guys night out. If your coming off, go see grindhouse..I think the addrenaline that film pumped into me took out some of the poison. Went to I Hop, had steak and eggs, seemed to boost up my energy as well. And A-Rod hitting the walk off grandslam pumped me up (I'm a die hard yankee fan)
Anyway thanks guys, I know I've only been posting here for a couple of days but you guys have been great. Thanks for kudos to frick and frack (my 2 cats, Gabriel and Noel actually)
Night guys, got a yankee game to go to in 7 hours. :) Peace. - Chris
Well Chris, it seems like you and I are the only ones up. I guess we are going through the same thing, but you are farther along then me. Today ( really yesterday) was my first day.
I have no advice to give you, maybe someday I will. I just saw your recent post and wanted to connect.
I have no advice to give you, maybe someday I will. I just saw your recent post and wanted to connect.
I just keep thinking about something I read today.
" There is no easier softer way. If nothing changes, nothing changes."
" There is no easier softer way. If nothing changes, nothing changes."
Welcome Grace=It might be a good ideal to start your own thread and tell us your story.
Chris-Lisa gave you some good advise.What are your plans to stay sober?This just doesn't go away once you detox.If you truly are an addict it's just a matter of time before your thinking starts getting twisted.
Your problems are not the drugs,they are a simply symptoms.
NA,AA are both 12 step programs designed to address the spiritual and psychological reasons why you self medicated.
Insanity is doing the same things over and expecting different results.
Good Luck
Chris-Lisa gave you some good advise.What are your plans to stay sober?This just doesn't go away once you detox.If you truly are an addict it's just a matter of time before your thinking starts getting twisted.
Your problems are not the drugs,they are a simply symptoms.
NA,AA are both 12 step programs designed to address the spiritual and psychological reasons why you self medicated.
Insanity is doing the same things over and expecting different results.
Good Luck
Well I am not a church going person, but I am going to see a Yankeee Stadium today, which on depending how they play can be a religious experience on it's own. Yesterday was the first time I actually had a great, great time out with the guys, I was never a heavy drinker so alcohol was never a problem, we hit IHOP for an hour, had steak and eggs, went to see GrindHouse(Highly recommended, amazing film) and shot darts until around 3am. All this without a single opitate, yesterday was the first time in over 2 years that I realized I can have a great time without drugs.
And I am in no way trying to be perverted here, but my sex drive is up. I wont go into details but I learned also opiates slow down your sex drive.
As for relapsing, I have thought about that, I'm only human and I know it could start over again. I have been thinking about a couple of support groups. I also see a very good psychatrist who lets me call her anytime I need to. However does anyone here know any support groups in NYC? Uptown/downtown/midtown whatever. I wouldnt mind meeting some folks from here either, thanks guys. Its only been a couple of days but you have all been great.
Peace. - Chris
And I am in no way trying to be perverted here, but my sex drive is up. I wont go into details but I learned also opiates slow down your sex drive.
As for relapsing, I have thought about that, I'm only human and I know it could start over again. I have been thinking about a couple of support groups. I also see a very good psychatrist who lets me call her anytime I need to. However does anyone here know any support groups in NYC? Uptown/downtown/midtown whatever. I wouldnt mind meeting some folks from here either, thanks guys. Its only been a couple of days but you have all been great.
Peace. - Chris
However does anyone here know any support groups in NYC? |
There are some members here from NY that might help you but here is a number you can call that will help you find a meeting nearest you.
And I am in no way trying to be perverted here, but my sex drive is up. I wont go into details but I learned also opiates slow down your sex drive |
No sh*t.How about stop your sex drive.
Not only is blood circulation slowed to the brain but everywhere else.
Take my word for it.It will feel better than you had ever imagined.LOL
Good Luck
Hey folks, thought I'd tell ya about my day. Went to the Yankee Game, they lost but hada blast still. Went to a BBQ afterwards. Legs still a little crampy, but defintely finding myself in better spirits as day goes by. Tomorrow will be exactly one week off this poison, I dont get it. I heard people going through hell for weeks but it was really just the first 3 days, day 4 i woke up and just had cramping in my leg, which seems to be be subsiding day by day. I feel like my energy is coming back. After the bbq we went to the super market and I saw something that caught my eye, soy milk. Ingredients, 6.25 grams soy protien, Vitamin A, B12, D, Riboflavin and Folate, Potassium, Iron, Zinc Selenium, 230 mg omega 3, 30% recommended calcium, I picked up the vanilla brand by silk, and its absolutely delicious. I dont know man, call it a plecibo effect or whatever but I feel this entering me a half hour later and I'm feeling like a million bucks, I'm gonna buy like 5 half gallons of this stuff tomorrow. I'm not saying by any stretch of the means this is a cure but this is defintely helping, i feel my energy coming back and at the same time if I wanted to i could go to bed right now and sleep like a baby. I hope this helps to anyone going through this, again you guys have been great, as I find inspirational(but natural) uppers, I'lll pass them along. I had an awesome weekend with out opiates, better than any weekend with them, I feel it....
Again I realize I'm human and may come into company of it, (a relapse) but I have to concentrate on the positive, this was the day, the best weekend in the last 2 + years of m life.
Just curious, is anyone here from New York? Peaces guys... - Chris
Again I realize I'm human and may come into company of it, (a relapse) but I have to concentrate on the positive, this was the day, the best weekend in the last 2 + years of m life.
Just curious, is anyone here from New York? Peaces guys... - Chris
Chris! Wow fantastic!!
I am really so happy for you. There is life without opiates and a very good one. Please make sure that you take the necessary steps to stay clean.
Your w/d was a smoother one....that is a blessing. This disease is insidious and sneaks up on us. It happened to me several time. I thought I was home free from addiction. I was 39 years old before that sh*t got ahold of me.
Go to meetings or therapy...it will keep you focused on recovery. I am so happy that you had a good time this weekend!!
I love to read threads like this.
Just be ever so aware...quitting is the easy part! Trust me!
Thank you so much for your sharing here....keep posting!
I am really so happy for you. There is life without opiates and a very good one. Please make sure that you take the necessary steps to stay clean.
Your w/d was a smoother one....that is a blessing. This disease is insidious and sneaks up on us. It happened to me several time. I thought I was home free from addiction. I was 39 years old before that sh*t got ahold of me.
Go to meetings or therapy...it will keep you focused on recovery. I am so happy that you had a good time this weekend!!
I love to read threads like this.
Just be ever so aware...quitting is the easy part! Trust me!
Thank you so much for your sharing here....keep posting!
Poppy Tea?? Wow, glad i didn't know about that while I was still using. Might have been the end of me. Congrats on your recovery. Stay strong and focused. Meetings are a blessing to some, but Exercise, nutrition and supplements will speed your physical and mental wellbeing. As cowgirl stated, staying clean is the real fight. You either have the mental toughness to carry on or perhaps meetings and NA would be the thing for you. I don't go to meetings and am not a 12 stepper, but have MANY friends who are...they swear by the program and owe their lives to it. So, worth checking out.