Starting Meth Soon,

well i saw my doct, yesterday, i had to tell him im going on the meth, i was so nervovs, he has been giving me my pills, he is also a meth doct, now. he thinks it will be great for me, i know a lot off you don,t think its a good idia, but i just can,t live like this, ive tried the going off but never works for me, we don,t have sub here our i would try it, i just want my life back, i have seen how mush it has helped pepole, and its nothing to lose, were with the pills im lossing everthing, thanks karen.
Karen, it doesn't matter what any of us think, what matters is what you think.

You asked for advice, you got it. People share what has and has not worked for them. Now it is up to you to do what's best for you with the knowledge of what you are getting into.

Regardless you should be supported in your decision. Those that don't support you hopefully they will stay away from your threads.

What Brooke said....
And I wish you all the best.
Take good care of you,
Tina need to do what you need to do for YOU.Though Meth can & is a strong drug,it doesnt ALWAYS have to bring trouble.Alot of people have used it correctly & have gotten thier lives back.
I hope this happens for you as you've been struggling for so so long.The only thing I do feel I need to say,is PLEASE be careful with it & PLEASE follow Drs orders.As I said it IS a powerful drug & alot of people(myself included(have abused it.Its NOT fun.

The only other thing I hope you do is get into some form of therapy & start learning more about this horriable diease we have
Love & my prayers will be with you
Love MJ

I so hope this will work for you - you do what you think is best.
I tried a Meth Clinic while I was still working - I would go on the way to work and get my little dosage and on my days off, I would go during lunch. They were only open a couple of hours in the morning and a couple of hours at lunch. We had to take little lock boxes to put them in which were just empty little bottles b/c you had to take in front of them - on Saturday's, you would have Sunday's dose to lock up. They started me on 35 - would it me mg? they said that's what they started e'one on - you paid $10 each day - On Sat, they would give you your Sundays dose b/c they weren't open on Sunday. I was there maybe 3 months.
If I may give one piece of advice - never go up on the dose. There were some there who had been on it for 2-3 years - long enough where they only had to come once a week - i drove from TN to Greenville, SC where I live - some were up to (I rememeber hearing) 75 mg - I asked s'one about it - a woman about my age and she said that I was just wasting money paying $10 for such a low dosage - I dropped 5 mg at a time 'til I got to 10 and then stopped going and had mild WD/s - There would be some there with Oxy's and Lortabs in their pocket and picking up their Meth. They did surprise urine checks so I don't know how they got away with it.

I didn't see it as wasting money to take less. I felt guilt for buying it in the 1st place but I would have to ask to go down a dose - they never offered - I would have to tell them to drop me 5 mg.

Good luck - this did work for me for about a year and then I was off to the Rheumotologist and he gave me 120 a month.

I really hope this works for you.
Much luck.

By now you know how I feel about methadone. At some point in your life you are going to have to go through w/d. I personally would rather have to w/d from pain pills then methadone. And I got down to 10mg when I got off it. Even though the doctor thinks it's a good idea I'm willing to bet he's never been on it. Please just be very careful about what you are doing. It's easy to start going to the clinic thinking you have a plan in mind and then before you know it a year or two has passed and you've made no progress. One thing about methadone is that it completely numbs you. I thought I was acting normal and fine and then one day my sister told me she just wanted to shake me and yell "WAKE UP"! She said I wasn't myself for the better part of three years. And I did everything by the book. I never had a dirty UA and I never missed a meeting with my counselor. Please be aggressive about your treatment. And don't let anyone tell you what you should or shouldn't do. You do what you know is best for you. My clinic was not very encouraging when I finally talked to them about weaning off it. Be aggressive. And I agree with Becky Jean, they will probably start you around 35mg a day. Try not to go up from that. They will let you go pretty high. At my clinic there were people on 150mg-200mg! That's just scarey. Just because they tell you you can go up doesn't mean you have to. Stay as low as possible so when you're ready to come off it, it won't take you as long. I really do wish you well and if you have any questions I'm here for you.

thankyou, allfor your support, i see the doct, today, for the meth, iam a little scaerd, i had a brother that od, on meth, but that was becuse he, never took it, and he was on a lot off benzoes, i was always a gendset, but after everthing ive been thro, with the oxys it seems like my only hope, to live a normal life, and not spend ever penny i have on them, i have talked to my councler and his all for it, i will do my mettings with it, thats the only way, for me, again i thankyou for your replys love karen.
Be Careful, Karen. Shelly is wise and has lots of good advice. I too had my stint on Methadone and unfortunately for me it led me to the dark side. I tumbled down fast and created more problems for myself than when I was on the vicodin. So, be careful and stay on as low a dose as you possibly can tolerate. Stay low.....keep low and get off as soon as you can. Get into AA/NA or some form of group discussions to keep on the has helped many and will help you too.
may God be with you and guide you, ask for His help to get you thru this, i know you have been in alot of turmoil and i hope and pray you will get to feeling better soon, i wish they had sub where you are, but i understand what its like to not be able to cold turkey or taper.
i am very slowly dropping my dosage of sub, it has helped this addict to become open minded and willing, meetings really do help with support and education. there is no one who understands addiction like your fellow peers. like what was stated at a meeting, it is true that the doctor or counselor who is trying to counsel us about addiction have no idea what it feels like to walk in our shoes. i have found in my personal experience for that to ring true. i layed in a emergency room and was ignored and not shown any compassion when i stated that i was an addict. i layed there for about an hour in a full blown panic attack waiting for a physchiatrist they forgot to call! I got true relief when i called my sponsor.
so here is a prayer for you:
Dear Lord, please be with karen and Lord please help her as she has chosen to try methadone, please let that drug not over power her, help her to be safe in health as she is detoxing, grant peace and help to her family who also suffer from addiction. reveal to her Your loving grace and I pray Lord she will choose You as her higher power, bless and keep all suffering addicts here on the forum, in our troubled world and especially the new babies born with the disease of addiction. in Your Sons Heavenly Name I pray amen.
God be with You Karen and grant You peace, love jewels
Karen............Just be careful and please keep us posted on how you are doing! You are in my thoughts and prayers.

I have been taking methadone for just over one year. I take 120 mg/day, and may go up a little bit more. I am not numb, my family does not have a negative view of my behavior or personality since starting methadone. I am funny, alive, awake and aware, spiritually connected, perceptive, chatty...anything I want to be, in other words, and that is far from unusual in a methadone patient. Do not stay on a low dose if you are experiencing withdrawals still, or do not feel well because of it. Most people need between 80 and 120 mg for their dose to be effective, and the truth is, those on higher doses (80 mg or more) are statistically more likely to succeed with MMT, and are completely able to function, physically, mentally, emotionally. It is unusual for an individual to have difficulty functioning as normal after the first few months of getting used to the medication, regardless of dosage, unless the methadone is being combined with a benzo or alcohol or some depressant-type med. I would advise against trying to stay on a low dose because of what anyone other than YOU thinks about it. Are their side effects? YES. Any drug taken daily for long periods of time, particularly a psychoactive drug, will produce side effects.

The reason you hear little to no positive feedback about methadone around here is simply that if methadone had worked for the people on this board who have tried it, they would not be here, because methadone is not treated as a valid treatment here. Methadone does save lives. Scientifically, research has shown it is the most effective treatment there is. On a personal level, what science says may not be relevant. Abstinence-based treatment does not work for everyone, suboxone does not work for everyone and methadone does not work for everyone. It may not work for you. The side effects may be overwhelming. You may turn to alcohol and other drugs to continue in your addiction.

If you've not found this site please go have a look. It is for and by methadone patients and methadone advocates. You will find vast information and experience in a non-judgmental, MMT-friendly environment. There are interesting conversations about the nature of opiate addiction and why most people cannot succeed in remaining abstinent, what happens to the addict's brain, why some people like opiates so much from the get-go, etc., as well as excellent experience and advice about navigating the pitfalls of MMT, and pretty honest platitudes or pretending it's easy.

As for me, in the past year, I got my Bachelor's degree, and got a full-time, full-benefits job working for the State in my field. I went back to church, accepted Christ as my savior and continue to walk with him. My world has turned upside-down. My life is an opportunity to love and be loved, to grow in spiritual understanding, and my life's work allows me to offer love and compassion and a helping hand to those in need. I have been able to face the deep-rooted pain and anger that kept me trapped in my own poisonous beliefs and shed the self-hatred and self-destructive urge. My relationships are deeply meaningful, I am financially stable, and confident that I will get through whatever comes my way. Each new day is an opportunity for progress, not another struggle just to keep my head above water.

If I didn't have methadone, each day would be a struggle for survival, joyless, loveless, self-pitying, I would be completely unable to be grateful for a life that would mean constant struggle, EVEN IF I were able to stay off pills. Over and over my life would become a fight, a struggle against the overwhelming compulsion to fix my pain with chemicals, and I know that this is true for me because I lived it for so many years. Methadone has delivered me, not just from oxy addiction, but from the misery that led me to stay wasted for nearly my entire adult life. That is not to say that I am just too numb to care about anything, or that I am always on a happy high. I have bad days, unpleasant feelings, areas of my life/personality that can use some work, even some annoyance with the side effects of taking daily methadone. It's just that I'm able to deal with those things in a constructive manner, without being tempted to get high. And the best part about it, by far, is that I have no fear that I will ever have to go back. The relapse rate for those who continue in treatment is very, very low compared to abstinence-based treatments, and relapse is much easier to get a handle on when it does happen.

Methadone doesn't work for everyone the way it has for me, but it does for some of us, and even if your life isn't changed quite as dramatically as mine has been, it may benefit you enough to at least get you off the roller coaster and live a normal life for awhile. It is a valuable medication, and there is NO SHAME in giving it a chance. If it doesn't work out, the pills will still be there for you to go back to; you just plain have nothing to lose.

As you can tell, I feel very strongly about challenging the notion that methadone can't be a part of "real" recovery, and I won't pretend otherwise. I think the 12-step model can be destructive to addicts like me who couldn't make the 12 steps work. I hope anyone reading this questioning whether or not methadone could work for them will consider the words of those of us whose lives have been transformed by methadone, and take the time to learn about addiction from a medical perspective, free from the value judgments of those who don't understand why most of us are unable to just say no.
thankyou all for your prayers, and info, i start, tuesday on the meth, im alitlle,. nervos going on it, but im looking at this as a postive step in my life i have nothing to losse only to gain, my life has been in a mess for somtime now, so i have to do somthing, i did a lot off thinking about this, and i see no other way for me write now, your words mean a lot to me, thanks again love karen.
Hey Karen,

Good luck, I just wanted to tell you that I know how horrible it is not have access to the "newer" medications. I also know the desperation that you are feeling. I have walked in those shoes and I also went to a Methadone will be 2 years in Jan. I was you and didn't have anywhere to turn. I went in...did all that I had to....started at 15mgs....I knew after the first day...that it wasn't the answer...the 2nd day....I was really more terrified than the first....the 3rd day.....I went early in the morning and then stopped. I knew after 3 days I was entering a whole other level of hell.

I just wanted to share my story. I hope that things work out for you. Are they insisting on a 12 step program? I feel that is what you really need. You will need to w/d off the methadone as well......find a good program Karen and stick to it. No medication will cure your addiction. Only you will.

Wishing you all the compassion in the world. My fingers are crossed....and my toes. No addict should suffer. Please be good to yourself!!
Wishing you the best of luck. For me, Methadone was just substituting one for another. Instead of giving the dope man my money, I was giving it to the dope doctor. Remember this is also a business. They want your money. And it usually isn't just for a few months, it usually is for many years. Withdrawal from heroin was pretty easy compared to Methadone. The only thing that has worked for me to get me off all drugs has been a 12 step program as mentioned earlier. If I get thinking that using drugs wasn't that bad, I think about the Methadone WD's and the thought quickly disappear. That was my HELL. I HAVE been where you are at and I am truely wishing you well.
I'm sorry but this makes me mad. Cecily, if methadone works for you then I have no problem with that. But this board is for people who are trying to get off pills and other substances. It is not for pro-methadone people to come here and recruit people who are vulnerable. That's why it is called Drug and Alcohol Addiction Recovery. Please respect that as the people on your site are always asking us who don't agree with methadone to respect you.

So Shelly I guess that means WE arent allowed to discuss Sub either?
I feel that however a addict gets thier life back should be allowed to post that way on here.
Ive been on Sub for 2 years,are you going to say..."Oh you shouldnt post here because its a recovery board"
Look if Meth helps someone get off PP & get back thier lives who are you to say...Oh you cant get support here?
Whos to say that Karen or ANYONE discussing meth will be on it for life.
Judgemental is how I see you.Your heart may of been in the right place but I truley feel you have no right to "put down"anyones method of trying to recover.
Nowhere in these post did I see that the people were taking Meth to get "high"
I saw people talking about it as a TOOL (just like Sub)to try & get back thier lives.
Sorry but I really think you were wrong to say that.
I wanted to put a post right to Karen & whoever else is usen Meth as a TOOL to regain thier life.

Karen,I know you cannot get Sub where you are & that Meth is your last hope.
Please know that as long as you are trying to break the cycle than I feel you deserve ALL the support & love this board has to offer.
As I said...its NOT like your trying to "get High"off this
You are going to be usen it as a tool along with therapy & whatever else you need to do to regain your life.
As far as Im concerned....Karen I will give you as much support as I can,just like Ive seen you give to others.

I'm so happy that you are taking a baby step forward. For as long as I've been on this board, you have struggled a great deal. You and your family. I hope that you can use this tool that is given to you and follow the dosage.
Please get yourself into some meetings, or a counselor. You need a support group in your life and that is what NA is for. People helping people that truly want to be helped. I know you do. You go get it woman!!!

As far as the big 'methadone' debate, I see no reason that methadone cannot be helpful, ESPECIALLY in the circumstance that everything has failed and it is virtually impossible to live life... that you need something to help before you don't have one more 'go round' left. ... if that makes sense to anyone.

I am a bit discouraged at what you said shelly. Although being on sub is hailed a better alternative to methadone, and in my opinion...yea it is. People would rather be on sub than that I would think anyways... But, they are both used for the exact same purpose. except i would believe that it is much easier to abuse methadone. I used it when I was a teen, but never got a kick out of it or anything. You are basically saying that using a drug to get out of the hell of a life you were in, regardless of if it is helpful, should not be brought up on this board.

Lots of people will say they aren't against suboxone, but I don't think they all are.
I'll stop talking about it. If that is something you feel strongly about, and if others feel strongly about it, F' it. I'll stop sharing about it, and since it is such a big part of why i am making it, then i'll stop sharing. I'll take it off the board.

Yet again, Karen, I am proud of you. Never stop trying to get where you want to be.

Lots o' love
I'm a little confused. If methadone is as bad as some people say why does this site have it listed under addiction medications along with Sub? It also states meth continues to save thousands of lives. Shantel
Because Shantell Like a lot of other drugs not everybody abuses the drug.

Methadone has helped many people regain there lives. Karen Will you be under a doctors supervision? AA?

I hope you find the right dose to keep you straight and functional. Its helped many people. Why not you,.

Good Luck
