What Did You Do This Weekend?

I was reading the other thread about social events and thought it would be fun to start a thread where everyone could post something they did this weekend that they enjoyed without pills. I'll start. Last year at this time I had only had about 5 months into recovery. I didn't want to do anything. The mental part of recovery was killing me. This weekend I went to work and enjoyed it. We bought my 16 year old daughter a car and I got outside and helped her clean it and actually noticed her smile. I went into my camper and was actually excited to clean it knowing our camping trip was coming up in a couple of weeks and not have to worry if I had enough pills to make it through the weekend. To top it off today we took the two grandbabies to the carnival and loved not wondering if I had enough pills to make it through the day. Life is good. Shantel
Excellent post...Love it!
I woke early (5am) yesterday and today to ride my 35 mile loop. I came home after the ride on Saturday and took care of my sick girlfriend. Made some dinner then we chilled and watched a movie. Today I rode and then cleaned the pool.... Lots of mustard algae after some big rains. did some work and prep'd for my road tour on Tuesday....Life is great without pills.

Thanks Bikeman I posted this thread because for months after I got off pills I sat around feeling sorry for myself. Now it is nice to be able to wake up everyday and actually look forward to it be it good or bad. It's funny how some of the smallest things can bring a smile to you face. Shantel
Oh, I now what you mean. I did the same thing...you know that you will feel sooo much better when you get up, get out and get moving, but you just don't feel like it. Its a twisted circle you have to fight to get out of.
Are you writng a book or a screenplay?

Jeff, Not sure where you are coming from with that reply? Shantel

How come I didn't see you at the carnival? I took my grdaughter on her first rollercoaster ride....The Dragon!!! Fried dough, Candy Apples, Sausage, peppers and onions? Man...One thing though...It was too freakn COLD!!!!

Have a good one,

Come on shantell its a JOKE--guess you did not get it.

Its a good question.

My weekend was excellent. I had my daughter and we hit spider man 3 -AWFUL IMO--Swimming --Nerf football hung out and ate lots of fattening food.

Took her back early this morning for Sunday school and had the day to myself. We had a party at our pool and I watched my Ranger get eliminated and saw your Yankees who are in a panic give 28 million $$ to a 45 yr old pitcher --Prorated.I believe. Boy they are desperate. I hope he does well. Big fan of Rodger.


I re-arranged my sock drawer.
By yourself or you had help?
Jan, LOL What time were you there? We got there about 2 and stayed until about 4:30. It was cold but the grandbabies had a great time. They loved petting and feeding the animals and the 2 year old rode the horses. It was a day for me and hubby with just the two grandbabies although I did have to bring fried dough home for my two. Shantel
Danny, You told me you were polishing the scooter today. LOL Hope you had a great day with your girls and you are feeling better. Shan
Jeff- I had help. I could not fix my round socks in my sqaure drawer nor could I fit my square socks in my round drawer. I was confused.

Shan- Ya, it was fun. One of the best. I love those curtain climbers
Jeff, Yanks in a panic and desperate? Now that was funny, see I do have a sense of humor. Remember it's not over until the fat lady sings. Shantel
hi shantell
lets see, i went to see the spring musical at the high school "miss saigon" went to a suprise sweet sixteen birthday party at a pizza place, went to an NA meeting and talked with my sponsor and set up for wed to get together to do step one.
went to see my brother and watched him pack up his house as he is moving to arizona on the 21st, we live near chicago.
missed church sadly as i stayed up way too late sat night and i hadnt had much sleep then i planted flowers in my garden and thats about it.
this sun we will go to chicago to see my son graduate with a bachelors degree in psychology from the university of ill at chicago! i am so proud. jewels
Glad to see that you are enjoying life. Wish I could say the same. I am clean--now three months. However, do to my past using I broke the law a number of times and am finding it difficult to find work. I am going out today again to look for work. Wish me luck.

Deirdre, I wish you nothing but luck. You will find something just give it time. 3 months is awesome. You are doing great. Shantel
Thanks, Shantel..
Do you still have my e-mail address? I don't think I have yours. I don't have your phone number anymore. Could you e-mail me it?

Deirdre, I was wondering if you still had my phone number. I am headed off to work but will e-mail it to you on my lunch break. Would love to talk to you again. Shantel
jewels - congratulations on the success of your son! ( I do believe one of my daughters is on the 10-year college plan, I'm thinking with all these years in college she's going to suprise me and come out a doctor ! j/k).

Diedre - Best of luck! Just keep moving forward. Embrace the fear, it means you are moving toward the unknown and that has the promise of something new and better.
