Whats The First Step???

Love ya too! T-Dawg
I am off to start my day. C-ya Bye!
love ya too, rae
keep on posting your mind. i love honest debates about anything just as long as people don't get all angry and everything
love ya too teresa
Hope you guys are having a nice day. Rae, I liked your post about sub. Now you better run for cover! lol Just kiddin'..........I think?
If Liz is reading this today I just wanna say hi, it was nice chatting with you last night, hang in there.....Love ya',
Take care.......................................God bless.....................................Bob
I also suggest that you check out the suboxone website. Suboxone has been a godsend for me, I'm sure I would be dead today if I didn't have it.

I wish you well

I am glad it worked for you. How long have you been clean? Are you still taking sub? If so for how long? I am not saying that I am totally against it. I see you are going sub crazy on the board here. Preaching on how great it is and how it saved your life. I am happy. If you knew me you would know that I truely want what is best for everyone here. People on sub and people not on sub, people using whatever. I am just saying it is NOT for everyone. To say run to the closest sub doctor is just ridiculous. That is like when I was addicted to methadone I would have never praised the drug to anyone. So just because you take it and it works for you does not mean everyone should run in that direction.
I believe someone taking 20-30 pills is risking their life more using than taking sub. I believe people using H and people on Methadone should maybe look into sub. Although I didn't and detoxed from methadone it is a very hard narcotic to quit.
I think sub may be great for crohnic pain. I think it has some great benefits but shouldn't be the FIRST OPTION in kicking an addiction. Especially to vicodin, percocet and many others. It is just switching addictions. Also someone like roger that you posted to earlier I feel sub may benefit him also. So see we don't totally disagree...I even gave Browndog some phone #'s of doctors in his area(that were sub doctors) SO please stop taking offense to what I said. I meant what I said even if it wasn't what you wanted to hear..but I don't think it is the MIRCLE DRUG everyone has been looking for either. Rae

i suppose it would really matter on the amount you were using and for how long if you would opt for the sub from what i have read....i used approx 30 pills a day and for 5 yrs and did a detox with non narcs meds. i made it through and i never have to rely on a dr appointment or a prescrition anymore. i feel healthy again. i really would look into the safest healthiest options for yourself.

Hi All,

I just wanted to throw my 2 cents in on the topic of sub. Like Rae, I can only go by my experience and I would not be so presumptuous as to judge other peoples methods in seeking recovery. That said, in my experience, there is no easy way to get off drugs. There is no magic bullet (or pill).

Many may disagree with me, but I think that feeling the discomfort of withdrawal is a necessary part of recovery. At least for me, the knowledge that if I used again, I would have to go through withdrawal again, is a big part of why I have not had any desire to start using again (45 days clean). I was lucky in that I have a fantastic wife who could care for my kids while I was not feeling well, but she did not know that I was ill, she does not know that I am an addict, and all throughout withdrawals (about 5 days) I helped with kids, and only took one afternoon off work (and slept). I was not myself, I did not fell 100%, but I was certainly able to function.

This would be a good time to thank the makers of Imodium, without who I would have been out of action for a week straight.

Still, one need to do whatever they can to free themselves of their addiction, and if medication helps, and the result is good, go for it. But dont be afraid of withdrawals, they are relatively brief and really no worse than the flu. And the best part is that feeling the pain of withdrawal serves as a powerful reminder of how bad the drugs we were taking really were for us.
I agree. Have a nice day! Rae

Hi Johnny,
Love ya too buddy. How are you today?
you know .
i guess i am just looking at this the wrong way... i just got it...
i guess i dont need to keep fighting every freaking day ( well not every day... now... just every now and then..) maybe when i get that feeling I can just go back out and well ... oh well run to the nearest pharmacy after running to the nearest sub doctor and get my next fix... my next magic pill.... no w/d ... i can have my cake and enjoy it for a while and then well get my sub and feel normal and then start again.. and be patten on the back ... good job... atta girl...

we all know that is bunk....

but i will keep that in mind the next time i am having a hard time... oh well why not there is always sub.... and it is acceptable.... thanks guys for showing me the light
I have ALWAYS recommended that people research all of their options and then make the recovery choice that is best for them....

Because I don't think that one way is better than another.... I do know that I hear so many people talk about cold turkey or about AA and then these are the same people who talked about how many times they've relapsed....

So if you've gone through this addiction and quitting this addiction three or four times, wouldn't that tell you that maybe going cold turkey DIDN'T work for you?

Does that make you a better, stronger person because you are able to quit drugs each and every time you fall off the wagon?

If there is something that not only will help the person get clean but help them STAY clean, that's a bad thing??

I've gone through this several times..... Every time I've come back to this site with my tail between my legs and talked about how I relapsed or how I'm struggling or how I started taking pills again, everyone here was 100% supportive and ready to be a cheerleader....

But someone gets on sub and then everyone is like "That isn't the right way to get clean!"

Yes, I am on sub for the long haul.... First of all, I do have chronic pain, which is why I started taking pain pills in the first place. Instead of taking ibuprofen every day (which no one seems to be against), I am on a medicine that helps eleviate my discomfort (and which has an opiate blocker in it so that I don't develop a tolerance and get addicted to pain killers again)

Also, addictions do not happen over night.... Just as it's taken years to get myself to this point, it's going to take a while to get me back to normal. So many of you were addicted to pills for 2 or 3 or 4 years..... Why is it strange to take just as long to get on the road to recovery? You think you can screw your brain chemistry up and then just "wish" it back to normal? Not going to happen.

And saying that "over the counter" medications are better than prescription medications is hogwash... There are plenty of over the counter medicines that people can, and do, abuse.

No one can make these decisions for you.... It is up to you to do research, work with a doctor, and find mental support to help get you through this..


That was my question: does Sub also serve as a pain medication?

But someone gets on sub and then everyone is like "That isn't the right way to get clean!"

No, Danni, not everyone. Some of us support you 100% in your decision and are happy to see you off the vics. You know you just have to do what you feel is best for you and do not worry about what anyone else thinks. There is no doubt you are a very smart woman and you shouldn't feel the need to defend your decision. It may not be for everyone, true, but if you feel it's best for you, no need to explain.
Yes, it has been used to manage chronic pain in Europe for over a decade and IS prescribed for pain management.

The headaches/migraines haven't lessened, but it HAS helped with the back pain
Teresa, if you are reffering to me, as you just wrote my last few months, would you please let me know directly? I would have alot more respect for you if you said things directly to me.
Now, with that said, my dr wants me to get on sub for 2 months. i only wanted to use it to comfort the withdrawls, as I have two kids, and when I am withdrawl, I can barely function.
Did I mess up? Oh God Yes. Big time. Did I fail again..yep. Am I ashamed?
You damn well bet I am.
Why did i chose to do sub? Because I couldn't afford to fly back and be locked up again in a treatment center. I guess I am weak. When it comes to withdrawls and pills, i have obviously proven that.
hopefully I learned my lesson this time.
I do not want to be on sub longterm at all. It isn't a magic cure for me.

I only offered it as an option. She has a child to take care of. Without some help, I seriously doubt that would be fair to the child. I don't know about you all, but the withdrawls I expereinced the first time weren't just flu symptoms.
If this was regarding me, I would really apprieciate it if you say it directly to me. You could hurt people that way.
Working a program? Well, I am doing that to the best of my ability. One of my downfalls is the way other people treat people in rooms.
You for one seem to profess a "strong " program. You have long term sobriety.
But do I want want you have? The way I see you argue here, and profess your strenght and hope, I don't want what you have.
Doctors pass out methadone to detox too and it serves as a pain medication. They sometimes fail to tell you when it time to get off it it is extremly painful. I know I have been there done that. Suboxone may be the answer to everyones problems and if it works than great. Sorry to hear you are having medical problems Danielle and you need to be on sub long term. I hope it all works ot for ya,I really do! Rae
Thanks, Carol..... I know that a lot of people are just scared of any drugs and scared of someone getting hooked on something else.... That's understandable...

But all I know is that I have gone 2 1/2 weeks without pain pills..... I haven't been sick, I haven't felt depressed, I haven't wanted to jump off a bridge.... I haven't wanted to abuse alcohol or other drugs in place of it......

I'm living my life and, for the first time in a long time, I'm truly HAPPY. I won't apologize for that

Well, don't apologize for not wanting to jump off a bridge or anything else. I know what you have been through, and to hear you say you are happy and funtioning normal is just great! It's true, many diseases require daily medication of some sort, and not many of them can be maintained by natural products. To have a hope to someday have this demon behind you is more than you had a few months ago.
I don't know how in the hell you got that out of her posts Kerry. I can't answer for Teresa but I doubt she was talking about you. There was someone else that posted about ruuning to the pharmacy to get sub. I think everyone knows sub was your only alternative.I am the one that started all this stupid sub crap today and for that I say sorry I even brought it up cause now I have a headche.I just don't think you should be so quick to tell someone to get sub cause it's not the only way you can successfully detox yourself. A suggestion if it works for you then great only you have to be comfortable in your own skin, no matter what anyone says. So best of luck to you and your recovery! Gotta go,c-ya bye! Rae
Kerry, no one can accuse you of not trying EVERYTHING before getting on the sub.... When I first recommended that you get on suboxone, you fought the suggestion tooth and nail, worried about side effects and addiction...

You've tried cold turkey, tapering, AA, NA.... you've even gone to rehab...... and yet you keep finding yourself back in pain pill hell.

You are doing the absolute best thing for you and I support you 100%.
"Yes, it has been used to manage chronic pain in Europe for over a decade and IS prescribed for pain management."

OK. Now long term use makes a lot more sense. Pain relief without the addictive qualities of the opiates. From what I read here, it seemed that Sub was only to treat withdrawals, so long term use did not make sense.

Thanks for the information Danni. Keep up the good work.

All of us are here to support each other. If hopping on one foot while quacking like a duck helps you get clean, do it! There is no right or wrong way to get clean, only getting clean or not.