I don't beleive you are clean, all of the pills your taking are narcotic and are getting you high even if they are prescriped.
roger just by how your ramblin on about nonsense pretty much tells me your stoned,and pretty much tells me maybe you would like to get your act together and be sober but you don't want to do the leg work,in a nutshell your makin excuses,i for one am a full fledged recovering drug addict,not only that but i have real pain issues to deal with on top of that which makes it twice as hard,look man there's no one going to fix the problem but you but first you have to really want it so don't come on here acting like your the only on that has problems,it's time to grow up and get a grip on life,it's a do or die sitsuation.....................vinny.
No Roger, its you.. it always you and no one can tell you any different... same old same old
Hey Roger . I think I understand your question . I gotta say that I consider myself a real dope head . It may have taken me awhile to figure that out but the fact is I am . And yes , I am clean . The thing is I really know how you feel .Sometimes when we are in so deep it seems impossible to climb back out .All I can say is that it can be done .I have been clean now for just over seven months .The truth of the matter is I think of you often Roger . I relate to your despair and frustration .I wish I had all the answers for you but simply put , I don't . Just believe it can be done . If I can get clean anyone can . If you honestly want it to stop , than listen to all the advice you have been given .In time , it will happen .You seem like a guy who has had enough . I am pulling for you pal . Rob
the few that slamed me i must have hit home, i still love ya all
truth always pissis people off
Not meaning to slam you, I to would be feeling real good with everything your taking. Good luck and God Bless you
wrong misse sara
feel good not , i just do each day hoping the next will be better, you would not like to live my pain , and really no harm ment but you dont know me to judge me
Hey Roger, good to see you back. Man, addiction sucks and it is a beeoootttchh, you know we will be here for you when you need us. Take Care.
Your right and I'm very sorry, I don't know you. You want to fill me in?
Roger, I sure wasn't dabbling. I was using and got addicted to Oxy's and I w/d from them the first part of the year c/t. Let me just tell you friend, it was really bad for a long time but I lived to talk about it. Also, I do have legit pain issues and I am trying to live each day to the fullest without pain meds. It can be done.
Take Care.
Take Care.
I know you are probley stoned ,high or dt know what you are saying right now. Many of us have been down the long road of alot of pain,suffering and i dont know why someone thats useing would be here saying what you have said?If i was useing and here posting about people that have been through alot probley just as you probley have but,we chioce to get off the way we see fit.Or in other word i have tried tampering,cold trukey and other things to get off the DOC.I couldnt stay clean.I try it many many times and i always went back to useing ..Which im on suboxone so,guess you would say im useing.even though im not high ,numb and i feel all i should of have been feeling when i was on pers' ,hryo's, or whatever i could get my hands on to get my quick fix., but my DOC was Per's.I feel im clean and off thats how i feel .I dont thnik im all the way in the clear yet ////Im not in the same life frame i was in for over five years before sub.Im planing on comeing off , I could stay of it for life if i choose.but,im not planning on it. I dont live the life i lived useing everthing has changed for the better.If i use DOC on sub. it blocks that feeling i was trying to get before .I want to say how others choose thier detoxong getting off is a chioce.Dont like it then dont post to them if you cant handle our way of getting our life back on track...Most have suffered dearly for as many as 1 year to 20 years shouldnt they have the right to say ok.Ive tried that or this and im going to do it differently next time or doing it differently this time.I dont run from doctor to doctors ,hospital to hospital,i dont run out of my sub. early in fact a script that was for 45 pills days last from july until nov really still have 15 left on file at pharmacy.I live life normal from day to day now.I dont mind you saying your belives not at all .Then just talk with someone that did it cold trukey and not start bring the ones down that are doing it differently from the way you choose.There are many here thats done it cold trukey talk with them ...Looks like you dont have a plan yourself maybe when you run out your cold trukey but,what do will you do then ?Are you ready to get off the wagon or are you trying to see how much longer you can make ?I dont call everyone that sells.,go from doctor to doctors ,hospital a on regurley basic.,anymore.I choose my way and you choose yours .It dont matter if some did it cold trukey that dt mean they were just dabbling.And the ones that are useing something to help them get off dont mean they took more and couldnt do it cold trukey.I just know i couldnt saty clean cold trukey.So, what are you thinking ?Are you thinking im a heavy user and im not going to use something else to get me clean?And im not doing it cold trukey because i cant i wont stay clean?I think you are scared of the truth yourself.Just hope you get clean and you succeed in your recovery.Good luck ,crystal
I know you are probley stoned ,high or dt know what you are saying right now. Many of us have been down the long road of alot of pain,suffering and i dont know why someone thats useing would be here saying what you have said?If i was useing and here posting about people that have been through alot probley just as you probley have but,we chioce to get off the way we see fit.Or in other word i have tried tampering,cold trukey and other things to get off the DOC.I couldnt stay clean.I try it many many times and i always went back to useing ..Which im on suboxone so,guess you would say im useing.even though im not high ,numb and i feel all i should of have been feeling when i was on pers' ,hryo's, or whatever i could get my hands on to get my quick fix., but my DOC was Per's.I feel im clean and off thats how i feel .I dont thnik im all the way in the clear yet ////Im not in the same life frame i was in for over five years before sub.Im planing on comeing off , I could stay of it for life if i choose.but,im not planning on it. I dont live the life i lived useing everthing has changed for the better.If i use DOC on sub. it blocks that feeling i was trying to get before .I want to say how others choose thier detoxong getting off is a chioce.Dont like it then dont post to them if you cant handle our way of getting our life back on track...Most have suffered dearly for as many as 1 year to 20 years shouldnt they have the right to say ok.Ive tried that or this and im going to do it differently next time or doing it differently this time.I dont run from doctor to doctors ,hospital to hospital,i dont run out of my sub. early in fact a script that was for 45 pills days last from july until nov really still have 15 left on file at pharmacy.I live life normal from day to day now.I dont mind you saying your belives not at all .Then just talk with someone that did it cold trukey and not start bring the ones down that are doing it differently from the way you choose.There are many here thats done it cold trukey talk with them ...Looks like you dont have a plan yourself maybe when you run out your cold trukey but,what do will you do then ?Are you ready to get off the wagon or are you trying to see how much longer you can make ?I dont call everyone that sells.,go from doctor to doctors ,hospital a on regurley basic.,anymore.I choose my way and you choose yours .It dont matter if some did it cold trukey that dt mean they were just dabbling.And the ones that are useing something to help them get off dont mean they took more and couldnt do it cold trukey.I just know i couldnt saty clean cold trukey.So, what are you thinking ?Are you thinking im a heavy user and im not going to use something else to get me clean?And im not doing it cold trukey because i cant i wont stay clean?I think you are scared of the truth yourself.Just hope you get clean and you succeed in your recovery.Good luck ,crystal
Hey Roger... good to see you here... i have been where you are... yes, i am clean for over a year now. I can also assure you that i was a big big dope head... got a felony to prove it. It sucks, this addiction sucks... but i can tell you one thing... i would much rather go thru life without the hell of those pills. I am so glad i don't wake up everyday looking for a fix. The lengths i went to are shameful but i am okay with it now... still taking it a day at a time... don't know if the cravings ever really go away. I do know i am a better person today than i was back then. Anyway Roger, you just keep on talking because in the beginning that's all we can do... i have faith in you, friend. Hang in there.... and keep coming back... good night. Love and God Bless, Bri :)
Roger, I was a total dope head and I'm clean. My addiction lasted for aproximatly eight and a half years and it would be difficult to think of an opiate that I did not or would not take. I also did my share of benzos. I was in using hell, just like you.
So yes, some of us true dope heads are clean here.
Love, Kat
So yes, some of us true dope heads are clean here.
Love, Kat
Glad you chose your way - the Sub - I really hope it works for you.
It may help you to go back and read Crystal's thread - it asked - CT, Sub, Tapering, what worked for most, s'thing like that - sure she would help you find it. She got a lot of info and you make your own decisions.
Glad you chose your way - the Sub - I really hope it works for you.
It may help you to go back and read Crystal's thread - it asked - CT, Sub, Tapering, what worked for most, s'thing like that - sure she would help you find it. She got a lot of info and you make your own decisions.
crystal, your avatars cracked me up : )
i am clean and was a heavy user not what you are on in no comparison, but as i read what you are on it made me think of my 17 year old neice facing cancer square in the face and she is already on vicodine and morphine and hasnt even started her chemo and radiation yet, not untill next week. it made my heart sink to think damn i took all that crap for the hell of it and here she has to take it to cope with day to day, and then pray to god in 6 weeks after her treatment she is cancer free. now after all that i talked to her dad about the hell she will have to come off of the drugs, his response to me was thats a very small price to pay. i was humbled even more. i dont now why i felt compelled to share that with you but, if you have legitimate pain, then maybe you should fess up to your pain management dr and work out some type up program and do this up right. i think it will be a load off your mind just to start working toward some goal, no matter what the goal is right now, just something is better then just talking about it. anything at this point would be helping you. even if you just drop your dose a bit at the meth clinic every couple weeks. do something. i know you have it in you. we all do.
i am clean and was a heavy user not what you are on in no comparison, but as i read what you are on it made me think of my 17 year old neice facing cancer square in the face and she is already on vicodine and morphine and hasnt even started her chemo and radiation yet, not untill next week. it made my heart sink to think damn i took all that crap for the hell of it and here she has to take it to cope with day to day, and then pray to god in 6 weeks after her treatment she is cancer free. now after all that i talked to her dad about the hell she will have to come off of the drugs, his response to me was thats a very small price to pay. i was humbled even more. i dont now why i felt compelled to share that with you but, if you have legitimate pain, then maybe you should fess up to your pain management dr and work out some type up program and do this up right. i think it will be a load off your mind just to start working toward some goal, no matter what the goal is right now, just something is better then just talking about it. anything at this point would be helping you. even if you just drop your dose a bit at the meth clinic every couple weeks. do something. i know you have it in you. we all do.
Gab I almost used that same Avatar, the Cat.. love it..
I also found one like wiversens, the one I saw is animated, with it's leg moving.
I picked the one that shows the kind of jeans I wear, old jeans with holes are more comfortable.
I also toyed with one with the little boy that says ' I see dead people' with Bush in the background.. NOT that I wish him dead by any means, and it is a sick Avatar, Just thought it was humorous, in a sick sort of way, I also knew it may have offended some.
And the dancing pill, didn't want to offend or trigger. It looks like a prozac capsule. Probably not appropriate for this board, the bush one or the pill one.
I also found one like wiversens, the one I saw is animated, with it's leg moving.
I picked the one that shows the kind of jeans I wear, old jeans with holes are more comfortable.
I also toyed with one with the little boy that says ' I see dead people' with Bush in the background.. NOT that I wish him dead by any means, and it is a sick Avatar, Just thought it was humorous, in a sick sort of way, I also knew it may have offended some.
And the dancing pill, didn't want to offend or trigger. It looks like a prozac capsule. Probably not appropriate for this board, the bush one or the pill one.
Hey Roger,
My name is Laura. We've never spoken but i wanted to respond to you. I am an addict and was addicted mostly to hydrocodone but i have tried almost everything that is out there. You sound just like my sister...she has had back surgery and has 4or 5 slipped discs in her back. She takes 50 mcg fentnyl patches (4 at a time on her back), MS contin (300 a month) and methadone. That is just what is prescribed by 2 of her dr's. My other sister usually gets her about 90 oxy 80's a month. Even with all this she still runs out sometimes and goes through some terrible withdrawels. So i see what you're saying about a catch 22. Damned if you do damned if you don't. I guess my question is do you want to stop this method that you are on right now? I don't know your story and i don't know what kind of pain you are in. I was on suboxone and it worked really well for me. I know that they do use it to control pain as it is an opiate (or works just like one) I know that i didn't feel completely clean while using it so i got off (not an easy task) I was never in physical pain (except for pulling out my back occasionally), just severe emotional pain. IMHO it is better to take a couple of suboxone than be popping 20 or more pills a day like i was doing. By the way...i have dabbled in using since i got of the sub in August and every time i have just ended up feeling sick and guilty. So i need to keep myself in check every day and remember that i don't want to ever feel like i felt when i was in the hell of active addicition. Is suboxone an option at all? I really relate to how you feel because i am an addict (even without physical pain) and my sister is an addict with severe physical pain so i can see both sides of the issue. Anyways...take care my brother! Laura
My name is Laura. We've never spoken but i wanted to respond to you. I am an addict and was addicted mostly to hydrocodone but i have tried almost everything that is out there. You sound just like my sister...she has had back surgery and has 4or 5 slipped discs in her back. She takes 50 mcg fentnyl patches (4 at a time on her back), MS contin (300 a month) and methadone. That is just what is prescribed by 2 of her dr's. My other sister usually gets her about 90 oxy 80's a month. Even with all this she still runs out sometimes and goes through some terrible withdrawels. So i see what you're saying about a catch 22. Damned if you do damned if you don't. I guess my question is do you want to stop this method that you are on right now? I don't know your story and i don't know what kind of pain you are in. I was on suboxone and it worked really well for me. I know that they do use it to control pain as it is an opiate (or works just like one) I know that i didn't feel completely clean while using it so i got off (not an easy task) I was never in physical pain (except for pulling out my back occasionally), just severe emotional pain. IMHO it is better to take a couple of suboxone than be popping 20 or more pills a day like i was doing. By the way...i have dabbled in using since i got of the sub in August and every time i have just ended up feeling sick and guilty. So i need to keep myself in check every day and remember that i don't want to ever feel like i felt when i was in the hell of active addicition. Is suboxone an option at all? I really relate to how you feel because i am an addict (even without physical pain) and my sister is an addict with severe physical pain so i can see both sides of the issue. Anyways...take care my brother! Laura